Transcript for Edward Hunter and Robert Campbell letter to Brigham Young, 22 August 1850
35 Miles East of Laramie
August 22nd 1850
Prest Brigham Young
I take this opportunity thus hastily to give you information respecting the state of our Camp. We have made this 500 miles with as much speed as I could anticipate. Though we have had to mourn the loss of two of our Camp viz Jonathan C. Wrights child [Lyman Van Wright] and Mrs [Amelia] Campbell – still we rejoice in the good health and prosperity of the company – We are travelling with our cattle generally in better condition than when we started. We are in two divisions – Haywood [Joseph Heywood] & Wooley's Division lies 5 miles behind us – some 7 of his cattle have suffered from the use of saleratus water. We camped on the 18th near Col Reese's Company[.] Livingston and Kincaid's Cos are within 3 days travel of us – We hear favorably of companies ahead of us – and I think that there is a uniformity in our speed – The most I have to lament is the indisposition on the part of some to take care of their cattle and a recklessness regarding camp duties. This I find a great evil as it makes it doubly laborious on the part of the willing and active and retards the progress of the camp in hunting after strayed catttle – This evil I am happy to say has [illegible] from the neglect of but few individuals who have not the interest they ought to have in the prosperity of this camp and the church – but I am still more happy to sayI am bringing out some of the best of men in whose hands I could trust my life and my all – In these matters, I am doing the best I can. Br Haywood & Wooley's Company expect a little assistance from the Valley to strengthen their teams – Remember us to our families and enquiring friends – tell them when they come to meet us to bring a few Potatoes &c along
Yours in the everlasting Covenant
Edward Hunter
Robert Campbell, Clerk