Transcript for "Elders' Correspondence," Deseret News, 16 May 1855, 77
...By politeness of Br. Isaac Bowman we are enabled to make the following extracts of a letter from Elder Milo Andrus, dated at Weston, Missouri, March 27:
'I have just counted 200 well-armed men passing the city Hotel on their way to the ferry; they are going to cross over to Kansas Territory to be at the election, which comes off on the 30th inst.
The weather is very changeable, and colds are very prevalent.
About 80 Danish brethren have arrived here; they have had some sickness, and 5 have died.—A company of 100 Danish Saints are at Fort Leavenworth; 3 of them have died. The 40 who came up with me are all well; and as the three companies are now off the river I trust that all will soon regain their health.
Great excitement prevails in regard to the Indians, they seem hostile, and on their account many families are moving from the northwestern part of Iowa.
The past winter has been very cold in most of the States, and this month has been unusually cold for this latitude.'
On the 28th, Elder Andrus intended to go aboard a steamer for St. Louis; his health was good.