Transcript for Elmeda S. Harmon in Appleton Milo Harmon Goes West, edited by Maybelle Harmon Anderson (1946), 173-174
At one time in our journey along the Platte River, a band of Indians came to our camp. They were always begging for food and watching a chance to steal a horse or ox. They were given as much food as we cold spare, for it was wisdom to keep on friendly terms with them.
I noticed a fine looking Indian, evidently the chief, talking to my husband, counting on his fingers as though offering something in a swap or trade. My husband kept shaking his head—no, no. Afterward he told me the chief wanted to buy me, offering him twenty ponies for me. After that incident we women were cautioned to stay close by the wagons when we were walking ahead of the train.
The Indians were dressed, what little clothing they wore, in buckskin. Some were entirely naked excepting a breech cloth or loin cloth. I noticed a little black-eyed Indian boy about three years old entirely naked excepting a bright red ribbon tied around his peepee. During our long, tiresome journey, I was with child again, and could hardly eat anything. Often our food cooked over fires made of buffalo chips would be seasoned with the manure. I would vomit it up and try and try again to enjoy the rough fare.
We arrived in Salt Lake City September 24, 1848, and camped on Pioneer Square.