Transcript for "Emigrants for the Valley," Frontier Guardian, 20 Feb. 1850, 2
Such emigrants as come from abroad and may be desirous of removing to the Valley this Spring would do well, as a general thing, to purchase their oxen, cows, horses and mules before they get here. The running geers of wagons only need be purchased abroad if sent here by boat. We have any quantity of the best kind of linn or basswood lumber for making wagons beds, and we have just the men and boys ready to trim them off, in the latest, most approved and most convenient style. The lumber is now on hand, and will be properly seasoned by the time you will need it. Sawyers, remember what we say, and have your lumber on hand; and wagons bed makers, have every thing in order and be ready to do up jobs on short notice. Many entire wagons can be furnished here, but not enough to supply the emigration. Wagon bows should be made and ready, so that when a customer comes, he may be completely rigged in twenty-four hours. Our friends in Texas would do well to drive good young oxen, good cows, horses and mules to this point; as many of them can sell their farms for this kind of stock when they could not sell them, perhaps, for ready cash.