
Transcript for Emigrating journal, 1855 June-September in Edward Stevenson collection, 1849-1922, 1-39

The following are the names of the Company of Saints who left Milam County Texas about the 15th of March 1855 under the Presidency of S[eth] M. Blair to gather with the Saints of God in the Vallies of the Mountains

N. H. Greer

Nancy Greer

G D Greer

Merium Greer

T L. Greer

W. R. Greer

T. D. Greer

J. V. Greer

D. H. Greer

Jno. J. Greer

Jn. S. Greer

S. M. Johnson

Sally Johnson

Jas. A. York

Mary York

Adeline York

W. H. Crauford [Crawford]

J. E. Langford

M. J. Langford

Elizabeth Langford

Jeremiah Langford

W. E. Langford

F. M. Langford

J. A. Langford

M. R. Jones

Rachel Jones

Margaret Jones

M. A. Jones

M. J. Jones

J. B. Jones

H. E. Jones

E. W. East

Wilmirth East

Sarah M. East

Wm. H. East

Nancy East

Mary East

Julia East

Mira C. East

Wm Shaw

Casander Greer

Susan Greer

Alonzo Blair

Nancy Johnson Sr.

Nancy Johnson Jr.

Victoria Johnson

Alfrid Johnson

James Johnson

Lycurgus Johnson

Leonidas Johnson

Thedorn Worber

Peter Brandt

Oscar Tyler

John Tyler

Edward Harmonson

William Tyler Sr.

John Tyford

On the 27th of April Eld. S. M. Blair in Company With Tho. Greer left the Company for St. Louis on the business of the Co. to pay in the Tything of the Compy procure supplies for the plains and leaving the company under the Presidency of Eld. Oscar Tyler.

On Saturday evening 2nd June the compy. arrived at Mormon Grove and encamped 2½ miles from Atchison where it remained until Monday evening 11th Inst.

On the Evening of the 7th Inst. the company was reorganized under the direction and Supervision of Pres. Erastus Snow & Elder Seth M. Blair being appointed Pres. to lead the compy. Known and designated 3rd Co. of Emigrating Saints—

Left the camp near Mormon Grove about the 15th Inst.

on the 18th the Colera broke out in camp the Co. having travelled about 18 miles). Bro. M. R. Jones daughter was attacked first in the night and [sentence unfinished]

[19th] Bro. Jones in the morning. Bro. Jones died about 2 O[clo]ck P.M. and Mary East about Sundown and Bro. [Jeremiah Euchlet Langfort] and Sister [Mary Jane Jackson] Langford died the same evening. The four men buried during the Night Without Coffin or Box about 18 ms. from Mormon Grove on the West side of Deer Creek about ½ Mile from the Creek and immediately South of the road.

20. On the following day 20th the Co. Moved on as early as possible and during this day Eliza Josh [Jost], Mary York & Susan Greer died—

Next day 22nd Martha Allison, Sarah Jones, James Jones and Elizabeth Langford all were buried at the same place.

On the Next day 23rd Sister Middlemas, Eliza Greer, and A. Priestly died. On the same day S. Bagley, M. A. Jones, Julia A. Bagley, Fanny Philips, Emma S. Middlemass, Hugh Philips, and John Greer. On the evening of the 23rd camped on the East side of the Big Nimcha [Nemaha] and on that evening N[athaniel]. H[unt]. Greer was taken and died Sunday morning 24th.

[24th]Traveled until in the Night and Was joined at Night by Bro. A. Stevenson & several others who accompanied him[.] Bro. Stevenson Was sent on by the Presidency at Mormon Grove at the request of Bro. Blair whose health was such that he did not feel able to conduct the company[,] Bro. Stevenson being sent on to take the Presidency of the Company

[25th] Entered upon the duties of his office on the Morning of the 25th. The Camp Moved on this day. James Rollins died Same day.

On the next day Margaret C. Jones[,] Wm. M. Middlemas died.

On the next day, W[illiam]. H. East died & was buried on the West Side of Big Blue ¾ of a Mile from Maryville

July 1st Eliza Wright died on Sunday July 1st.

July 4 th Nancy East died on the Morn of 4th of July at the 2nd Camp on the Little Blue.

June 30 th On Saturday evening the last day of June arrived at the Camping ground late and in a few Minutes after forming the Coral it Was found that George Woods Who has the cholera Was Missing from the carriage in Which he had been drawn under the care of John Holt. A number from camp turned out immediately and made diligent search for him but could find no trace of him.

On the Next Morning search was made by different parties but in vain. About noon the whole camp assisted by the Danish Company which had come up and encamped near by turned out en masse and searched up and down the creek for a mile each way and the prairie and ravines around but without sucess as No trace of him could be found.

Many things that Might & Would have been recorded touching the events that transpired, Which were ommited in consequence of the sickness of the recorder and his family. His own health being bad & having two of his children down at a time With Cholera from 18th of June to the 27 & on to the 4th of July—two of them lying about Nine days each and having to be Watched and attended both day and Night.

July 5 th Turned over our wagon and broke two tongues. At night had a meeting at the close of which it was resolved by the meeting at the suggestion of Pres. Stevenson That each person who had from 6 to 10 head of cattle should find a hand or horse to drive them whenever called upon [

July 6th] Nothing of moment occured this day more than Bro. G[eorge]. C. Riser’s turning over his wagon. Traveled some 20 or 22 Miles and encamped on the Platte

A difficulty having occured between Bro Thos H. Wright & Edward Middlemass The following charge was preferred by Tho. H. Wright vs. Edwd Middlemass Viz For refusing to comply With agreement relative to provisions for said Wrights family[.] Pres E. Stevenson & Council H. S. [Sylvester Henry] Earl & J[ames]. M. Barlow Met at the tent of Bro. Middlemass for the purpose of Setling s[ai]d difficulty

July 7 Witness in the following testimony Was decided

Bro. Green stated that Bro. Middlemass promised & agreed to furnish Bro. Benj. Green with a yoke of Oxen to Work to the valley if he would take Tho H. Wrights family to the valley—and further that Bro Middlemass agreed to furnish Bro Wrights family with provisions for the trip for which s[ai]d Wright should pay said Middlemass $120.00 One Hundred & Twenty dollars when he arrives at the Valley.

Bro Green further stated that Bro Middlemass had furnished Bro Wright with 250 lbs Flour, which is all he has furnished.

Bro Middlemass agreed that Bro Greens statement Was correct Onle he insisted he used the term provision.

After hearing the Statements by the parties it Was decided by the Council that Bro Middlemass furnish bro. Wrights family With 10 lbs Bacon in rent for the trip, and 2. oz Tea half pound sugar pr Wicks pr head Wich Bro Middlemass agreed to.

[July] 8 Elder J[ames]. M. Barlow[,] Jno Meyer & E[dward]. W[allace]. East waited on Bro Edward Middlemass, by order of the President for the purpose of taking an inventory of the property & effects of Sister Abagail [Abigail] Priestly, Who died of Cholera Some days previous. Bro. Middlemass refused to give the committee access to the property Saying it Was not a proper time but that at some proper time he would let the committee see What there Was but no Men[.] as the dec[eas]ed Was a relative of his he was the proper person to take care of the property &c.

July 8 After breakfast hitched up and drove down within sight of Fort Kearney some 4 miles off. Encamped for the first time on the bank of the Platte.

July 9 Passed Kearney and traveled up some 12 miles above and encamped in sight of Capt. Hindley’s Co. Which had been waiting at that place for us and the 2nd Company.

July 10 Traveled about 15 miles finding the grass very short having been eat off by the Buffalo[.] On a previous evening a vote was taken in relation to the property of those who had died in camp and it was resolved that a committee be appointed to take an inventory of such property as belonged to deceased persons.

The following persons were appointed as a committee to take an inventory of the property of dec. persons. James W. Barlow[,] John Meyers [and] Tho L. Greer.

The following property belonging to Estate of James Rollins was found in charge of Edward Middlemass,

1 Eng. Watch & seal val’d at $15.00
1 Book of Mormon and Hymn Book, $1.75
4 Files & Hammer val’d at $.75
Lot of Hammers, Gimlets &c, $2.50
Lot of Nails Screws etc Sold Lock Smith, $1.00
1 Hat & Vail, $1.50
1 Blank Book Sold, $1.00
1 8 day clock, $15.00
2 Cloth Caps for $.75 ea, $1.50
1 pr. Mens shoes new, $2.00
1 pr. Mens shoes old, $.25
2 Pr. Cotton socks 3/, $.75
1 Packet pr dom’s & pr Ticking, $2.50
1 Coat & pr Pants, $3.50
1 Shirt & Boy’s Coat, $1.50
1 Mans coat Pilot’s Cloth, $5.00
1 Lot Baby Clothes & [.e.s] [Bo.t.], $3.50
1 Vest $.50 8 Books $2.50, $3.00
1 lott of womens small [-] $.75
2 Cards Small Buttons, $.50
1 Saw (sold Middlemass), $1.00
1 File (sold Middlemass), $.75
1 Hatchet sold (9 Paid for), $.50
1 violin sold T[homas]. H. Wright, $8.00
(The violin to be paid for in Valley)

The committee Waited in and applied to Bro. Edwd. Middlemass for the purpose of taking an inventory of the effects of Sister Abagail Priestly. Bro. Middlemass refused again to show or give access to said property.

11 Council Met to settle a difficulty between Bro Tho. H. Wright & Edward Middlemass[.] Bro. Wright having prefered the following Written Things against Bro. Middlemass

I Tho. H. Wright of the Church of Jesus Christ of L.D. Saints do charge Bro. Edward Middlemass With Falsly & Wantonly accusing Me of Killing his Wife & Makeing Me out to be a Murderer When it is Well known she died from the effects of a severe attack of Cholera


Tho. H. Wright


To the Presd. & Council of
the Camp of Israel

Bro Wm. Green being Called on as Witness Stated That he heard bro Edw. Middlemass say at two different times that Bro Tho H Wright caused the death of his (Bro M.’s) Wife and by giving her Salt & Water.

Bro H. S. [Sylvester Henry] Earle testified that he heard Bro Middlemass say that Bro. Wright killed his Wife[.] The following question was put to Bro. Middlemass by President E. Stevenson[.] Do you Bro Middlemass believe that Bro Wright killed your Wife[?]

To Which Bro. Middlemass answered, I believe he was the cause of her death. Question again by Pres[iden]t Stevenson[.] Answered By meeting and giving her a portion of Salt and Water.

Question[.] Do you Think bro Wright intended to injure your wife or Do her good[?] Answer[.] I don’t believe he done it designestly [sic]

Bro Earle then testified that Sister Middlemass died of Cholera

Bro Middlemass acknowledged also that she died by Cholera.

The following Was the decision in the foregoing case

That Bro. Middlemass had Wronged Bro. Wright by unjustly charging him with Killing his wfe or causing her death in that he make confession of the illness. Decided also that bro Middlemass carry (or see that it is carried) the provisions for the Wright family

Decreed furthermore Then That Bro Middlemass Make Confession and acknowledgement to the Council for the Contemptious Manner in which he treated them by refusing to answer questions asked him—by Insinuations With regard to his treatment & by abruptly breaking off (which he did) & leaving the Council before a decision Was given[.] Decreed furthur That Bro. Middlemass comply With the vote & decisions of The camp in relation to the property of Decd. persons or else be cut of[f] from the Church

The following persons were Baptised on 24th of June and Confirmed Subsequently[.] Charles Austin Wheat, Alice Jose [Jost] & Sarah Hamson

The following were rebaptized[.] Nancy Johnson, Abigail Middlemass, Anna Middlemass, Hager Dugdale, John Tyler, Margaret Teasdale, Victoria Johnson, Elizabeth Roberts, James Rollins, Alfred Johnson, S[nellen]. M[arion]. Johnson, Wm. Tyler, Jos. [James] A. York, Wm Sharon, Wm. H. Crawford, Wm. Green, John Lyford, A[mericus]. V[espuccius]. Greer, Tho. L. Greer, Sarah M. East

July 17th In consequence of the additional burden of the other labors Bro. S. H. Earle Was excused from the duties of Chaplain to the Camp and a unanimous vote of thanks given by the camp for the faithful manner in which he had discharged the duties of the office & John Meyer was elected to fill the office of Chaplain.

July 18th The following is an inventory of the property of Bro. J. E. Langford dec’d.

1 Wagon valued at $60.00
3 Yoke oxen $80 ea, $240.00
Property sold, $31.05
Cash on hand, $52.20
Silver watch, $2.50
Tools on hand, $34.50

The following is an inventory of the property of George Wood who was lost on the Plains

1 Saddle (sold), $10.00
1 Hunters Watch val’d, $32.00
1 Horse, $80.00
1 Six shooter, $30.00
1 Silver Watch, $8.00

21st Saturday 21st July Camped at the Mouth of Ash Hollow in sight of William’s Merchant train. The 2nd Co. Emigration & the California Train. Fasted until 11 O clock Sunday then hitched up & hauled 10 or 12 Miles. All the Saints seemed to feel Well.

On Monday 23rd had an early start but was somewhat detained by heavy sand. Broke several yokes but made the point aimed at in good time Where we found good Grass. Passed today a company of traders. The 2nd Danish Company lost some horses by stampede this morning. Met With 10 Souix [Sioux] Indians and gave them some food.

24th Got along very Well

25th Traveled some 16 Miles each day. No accident. Dust & heat Very oppressive.

26 Passed Chimney Rock[.] Dust Very oppressive

27 Passed a trading Post & Camped in the great Basin opposite Scotts Bluffs

28 Traveled about 14 Miles and camped on Horse Creek. During this day the Waggon drawing the B. Smiths Tools broke down and had to divide the loading.

July 29 The following is the inventory as taken of the effects of Sister Abigail Priestly Dec’d. which was found in the hands of E. Middlemass:

1 [.....] Shawl, $12.00
4 [- - - -], $12.00
1 Underdrop, $1.00
6 [B..] Domestic, $.60
4 [...] Drilling, $1.80
1 Calico Dress, $3.00
1 Peticoat, $2.50
1 Black Nunini Dress, $12.00
1 Brillania Tea Pot, $3.00
1 Unfinished Dress, $12.00
1 Bible & 2 Hymn Books, $3.00
1 Bunch Hay Lace, $5.50
1 [Ga...] Sack, $5.00
1 Pr. [- -] Shoes, $2.00
18 Knit Coller, $.90
5 [..les], $7.00
1 [- - - -], $1.25
1 Pr [ -] slipper, $1.00
1 [- - -], $1.00
1 [- - -], $1.00
8 Lacy Neck Ribbons, $1.60
2 Small Nailers, $.30
6 Silver Table spoons, $26.00
7 Silver Tea spoons, $7.00
1 Pr sugar Tongs, $2.60
1 White Counterpane, $6.00
1 Silver Spoon Handle, $.30
1 String Beads, $.50
1 Fancy Box, $3.00
1 Under dress, $2.50
Hffs [Handkerchiefs] Caps & Gloves, $3.00
5 Pr Hose & Misc, $3.00
30 Cotton Bales, $1.50
1 Pr Shoes, $1.75
1 Dress Hff & Ribbon, $2.60
5 Yd Calico, $1.00
4 White Hanchef [Handkerchief] $1.60
1 Cork Screw & Tin, $1.20
1 Silver Watch, $18.00
1 Drop [-] & sack, $2.50
1 Red Peticoat, $.75
Cash, $16.95

Jul 31. Arrived at Fort Laramie. A slight accident happened today. A Waggon ran over the leg of Bro. [Thomas H.] Wright’s little girl, but I don’t think it is broken.

Aug 1 Nothing of Note happened with the Camp this day.

Aug 2 Bought and swapped some cattle at Ward and Guerries and traveled 2 miles. (N.B. Two Men of [Hooper and] Williams Co Merchant Train Were baptized on the 29th July and confirmed on 1st August.) Their names were [illegible]

Aug 4 Encamped on Horse shoe

Aug 5 Being Sunday Camp rested & repaired some Wagons. Had a Meeting in the Evening & partook of the Lords Supper or Sacrament after Which had a business Meeting[.] Elder John Meyer was excused from the duties of assistant Serg[ean]t of the Guard, and Bro. L[eonard]. Bancroft was unanimously elected in his stead—At the suggestion of Capt. Stevenson voted that every man in camp Stand Guard unless prevented by sickness.

6th Nothing of Note transpiring this day. Traveled 16⅔ Miles

7, 8, 9 Nothing Worth recording Transpired on These days

10 Had a birth in camp today. G[ilbert]. D[unlap]. Greer’s wife [Marian Bonita Lane Greer] gave birth which detained the camp a short time. S. M. Johnson, Alonzo Blair, S. D. Greer, and Wm. B. Wright went bear hunting contrary to council.

11 Came to the Bridge. Passed this evening the S. L. Mail. In passing it Bro. [Leonard] Bancrofts Mule & horse stampeded with his buggy and so damaged it that it was left.

12 Started at Noon—Came to the Last Camping on Platte.

13 Remained at camp until 11 O c[loc]k on account of some bad feelings which existed among a portion of the camp, which seemed to have originated mostly from Bro. Earls ten having gone ahead the previous day and leaving the rest of the comp[an]y behind, which had been the case before Which caused complaints that he had privileges that were not allowed to others. Whereupon a Meeting of the officers of Camp Was called. After each one expressed himself & all seemed reconciled & satisfied With the acts of Capt. Stevenson, better feelings prevailed. We then started and traveled until after night, reaching Willow Spring about 9 Oclock. Corralled the cattle as this place was bare of feed.

14th Left camp about sun up & came to Water & a little grass Some 4 miles distant. Here we stopped for Breakfast and to Water and Graze the cattle. Then came to a Good spring about 12 miles from “Devils Gate[.]” An alarm was given about 10 Oclock this night by one of the Guard (Jo Fisher) firing his Gun & running into Camp reporting that he fired at some Indians who came in among the cattle.

15 Passed Independence Rock & Devils Gate[.] Travd. 15 or 20 Miles this day to a good Camp ground on the Sweet Water. Grass Good[.] Rec’d a letter from Bro. S. [M....ain] at the Post at Ind[ependence] Rock.

Aug 16, 17 Got along very Well considering so many of the cattle Were tender footed. Stopped at noon & stayed to shoe some cattle and regulate some loading. This night some animal attacked & tore one of B. & Gs finest oxen & so injured him (and he necked to another) that he died from the injury.

18 Made a fair days travel, but Bro. Middlemass lost a yoke of Oxen. Two of the boys followed them a number of miles back but did not find them.

19 Being Sunday we lay by and had two meetings and fasted. Under the necessity of shoeing some cattle today as the road was rocky and many cattle were limping.

20 Traveled 18 or 20 Miles & find feed short.

Aug 21 Traveled until dark but tolerable Grass & plenty Water

22 Came by a trading Post 2 miles and Camped Within 8 miles of Pacific Spring

23 Crossed the South Pass & on arriving at Pacific Springs Some of the Compy has come ahead and turned out their oxen, but their yokes up & We came on 2 Miles further and Camped.

A Meeting & Council of Elders being Called at 8. PM. The Council Met & after Prayer & some appropriate remarks by Pres. Stevenson The business of the Meeting being Stated by the Pres. Bro. Bancrofts case Was first called. Bro. G. Bancroft being called upon & requested to State his feelings With regard to the Priesthood

He replied that as he Was not a good speaker he had better keep silent

On being asked if he Was an Elder[.] He replied he did not Know exactly what constituted An Elder.

On being asked if he had not had Licence as an Elder, He replied. He had had a paper but Seemed not to understand all of the purpose of it.

Bro. Bancroft Manifested Much obstinancy in evading & refusing to answer the questions asked him.

Bro. S. H. Earl was called upon to state what he had heard Bro. Bancroft Say. Whereupon bro Earl rose & stated that bro Bancroft had spoken very lightly of the Elders who Baptized him &c—

Bro. Bancroft Manifested a bad feeling on being asked if he wished to remain a Member of the Church. he replied he did expect or has expected to remain a Member until bro. Stevenson put his threat in execution

Bro. Stevenson asked him if he did not doubt the power to cut him off. He replied he has told Bro. Stevenson & now repeated. cut him off as soon as he pleased.

After Most of the Elders present had spoken & mostly in a spirit of kindness & admonition towards bro. Bancroft, Bro Stevenson proposed to give bro. Bancroft until another Meeting to consider his course. Bro. Bancroft replied he was indifferent with regard to the proceedings of the Meeting.

Whereupon bro Stevenson expressed himself unwilling to bear longer with bro. Bancroft & Moved to cut him off from the Church, which was carried unanimously by the vote of the council. It was then decided by the vote of the Council that Levant Bancroft be dismissed from the office of Sarjeant of the guard and bro. Alonzo Blair was Elected to fill the vacancy.

Aug 26 Sunday remained in camp until noon. part of the camp fasted & had a meeting in forenoon. Left Camp quarter before one & then traveled across Big Sandy & down 8 Miles[.] in all some 17 Miles & got camped about 10 O[clo]ck. Feed very short. Lost one Ox

Aug 27 Started about 10 O[clo]ck & came to Green River 18 ms. when we found Good feed

Aug 28 A meeting being called this evening for the purpose of enquiring into & setling a Matter between Bro. Jas. A. York & Sarah Harrison. Sarah being called up on to state the charge she had to make against bro York. She stated as follows. That on going to a Waggon one night on business, bro. York said he wanted her to be a Wife to him during this journey but not to be Married to him. She said she refused[.] She further stated she went to his Waggon a few nights after & told bro York she wanted him to come out. She wanted to speak to him & tell her mind to him & He refused to come out while she stood on the tongue of the waggon.

Bro Stevenson asked if that was all she had to Say. She said Yes. He then told her that was not all. & asked her if She wished him to tell her what she had done? She hesitated. He then told her She had done wrong & had counciled Bro York & had on her mind to get for a husband & had acted improperly herself[.] She confessed & said Bro Stevenson knew what was in her much better than she did herself. On being asked if she did not blame herself she replied that she did. On being asked if she had not Some things belonging to Sister York She denied. She confessed having acted improperly & professed to repent.

Bro York being called before the Council stated that Sarah Came to his Waggon frequently & that he at divers times had threatened to inform bro Stevenson &c &c!

After hearing the Statements of both parties Pres[iden]t Stevenson decided that both had done somewhat wrong but that Sarah had committed the greatest wrong in Suffering herself to be seduced or led away by an evil spirit to have it in her heart to Court & hang around bro York with a desire & expectation to get him as a husband. (She professing to have had a dream before Sister Yorks death that she would die & that She (Sarah) would get bro. York for a husband.)

It was further decreed that as Sarah has been the instigation of the difficulty she should acknowledge her error before bro York & ask his forgiveness & on being sent for She complied with the decree, both parties agreeing to forgive each other & to act More prudently & circumspectly in future[.] the Meeting then adjourned[.] Dismissed by prayer

Lay by all day to rest the cattle & mount &c

Aug 29 Just before daybreak Bro. Erastus Snow and Charles Bassett, arrived in camp. The Saints were heartily glad to see them. After breakfast the hour of Prayer being announced by ringing the bell. After the meeting was addressed by Bro. Bassestt and Bro. Snow who gave an account of their trip across the Plains and the progress and condition of the Five Companies of Saints who they passed, the last of whom they passed at the Platte Bridge on Friday 24th Inst.

Aug 30 The boys purchased some cattle and horses. Left camp about 2 p.m. and came down to the last crossing on Green River. Here we met two young men from Salt Lake Valley with flour to supply destitute emigrants. This evening Bro. Meyer, Phelps and Bancroft left the company for the Valley. Camped near a trading post where the road leaves Green River.Aug 31 Started late but came about 18 Miles on Blacks Fork where We had fine feed Water & Fuel.

Sept 1 Started late, traveled some 18 miles to Ham’s Fork. This evening met several Waggons laden with flour going to meet the Emigration

Sept 2 About 2 miles from camp met Bro. Blair who returned to meet the company having some vegetables which was much pleasing and very acceptable to the company. Bro. Stevenson was just about to start on to the city, with the intention to return to see the camp over the worst of the road, but now concluded to stay and see the camp into the city. Reached Bridger this evening early.

Sept 3 Remained in camp to day to Shoe Oxen & repair Waggons

Sept 4 Started about 7 AM. Making a good drive 23 M!

Sept 5 Started about 9 AM. Reached Bear River in good time[.] have good Camping & feed fuel & Water. Having passed on some rough road[.] steep hills &c

Sept 6 Came to Cache Cau [Cave] som 15 miles—Good Grass & Water but no wood convenient.

Sept 7 Made an early start but on coming down a steep hill broke an Axeltree Which detained Some 2 hours.

Sept 8 Crossed the Weber & Came over to where the road leaves the bottom, Some 15 Miles

Sept 9 Came some 12 miles over rough road. Broke our wagon tongue.

Sept 10 Broke down one wagon and left it three miles from camp. Lay near Hatche’s between the mountain. Bro. Jno. Ostler and other missionaries camped near us on their way to Texas and other places.

Sept 11 All arrived in G. S. L. City except one of the Merchant wagons drove by Jno. Todd which broke down coming down the mountain.

This closes one of the Most toilsome and arduous journeys ever experienced by the writer. But few of the incidents of the journey are recorded on account of the cares which were upon me and which were greatly increased by sickness—cholera, measles, &c.

The number that joined the Co. at Atchison is forgotten, but the company from Texas took in a number of men, women and children who were brought through. I think there was about 30 who joined the company at Atchison

There were 30 Deaths in the Camp from the time the Co. left Mormon Grove—29 died of Cholera & one (a little boy of br. Middlemass) of Cancer

Of the 29, Sixteen were of the Texas Co. & 13 were of Those that joined the co. at Atchison.


E. W. East
Clerk of Company


[Text also in Treasures of Pioneer History, 6 vols. (1952-57), 5:37-45]