
Transcript for "Emigration," Frontier Guardian,, 16 May 1851, 2


Just as despair began to hover about our farmers and merchants on account of the dull prospects of emigration to California and Oregon, and consequently, little or no sale for their commodities, the tide broke in upon us; and although the rush is not so great and overwhelming as it was last year,--yet a fair business is being done in produce, groceries, provisions, and in goods generally.

A great number is going to Oregon. They appear to be well fitted out, and generally respectable to all appearance. Some are bound for California, and many to the valley of the Salt Lake. Thus are the western portions of the United States rapidly filling up with a hardy and enterprizing race of people. The emigration this year is of a different character from what it was last. They are not mere adventurers--to try their luck for a season and then return; but have their families along generally, showing that they go to the west to find permanent homes.

If "UNCLE SAM" should gain some Territory in the Moon, we believe that the Yankees would contrive some plan to emigrate to it, and hold it by actual possession. Success to enlargement and enterprize! The more territory that comes under the control of a generous and liberal government the less there is to groan and welter under despotism and aristocratic rule.