
Transcript for "Emigration," The Mormon, 4 July 1857, 3


"THE MORMON reserve has presented a lively appearance during the past week, dotted all over with the tents and covered wagons of the emigrants, large numbers of whom have lately arrived having come across Iowa. They are principally English and Germans, and appear to be well provided for their journey-many of their ox teams are remarkable fine. There was preaching on Sunday. Some of our citizens attended through curiosity—they represent the vocal music to have been excellent.

A wagon train has also come in from Salt Lake, which started a few days before the hand-cart train to which we have referred in another column. Some of the party are seceders from Mormonism, who obtained permits to leave Utah on the plea of business. Mrs. Babbitt, widow of The Mormon Elder who was reported to have been killed by the Indians, accompanied the party. We understand that she is not a seceder."—Florence Courier, June 18.

[We beg respectfully to inform our cotemporary, the Courier, that "seceders from Mormonism" require no "permits to leave Utah," but those which are justly required of The Mormons in leaving Florenc—paying honorable debts.—ED.]