
Transcript for "Emigration to Utah," The Mormon, 13 Sept. 1856, 2

Emigration to Utah.

AWARE of the anxiety of friends and relatives at home, to learn of the progress of the emigration of those dear to them en route for Utah, we invited the brethren in charge to keep us posted, and did anticipate being able to publish their correspondence, particularly from Iowa City and Florence, but in this we have been disappointed, and only been able to give a very meager account of the emigration movements.

In another column will be found an interesting communication to the Bluff City Bugle on our emigration to Utah. It is pleasing to learn from the pen of a stranger, that our brethren and sisters are wending their way to Zion with cheerful and noble hearts beating in their bosom, while every physical energy is tasked to work out their salvation.

President F. D. Richards in a letter to President George A. Smith, dated L. D. S. Camp Ground, Florence, N. T., August 23, speaking of his arrival there says:

"I found Company E. of the P. E. F. Emigrants under Elder Haven's charge, and a number of emigrants going by ox-teams. Yesterday I had the unspeakable pleasure of seeing the last, of F. Company of P. E. F. Emigrants, under Elder [Edward] Martin's charge, come into camp, all cheerful, and mostly in good health. The hand-carts are at a premium in the estimation of nearly all who use them, and it made one's heart rejoice yesterday, to see the vivacity of the brethren and sisters as they pulled the carts along through clouds of dust, and under a comparatively hot sun, and also to hear the shouts of welcome with which they were received by the Saints already on the ground. The two companies, E. and F., are now organized into one, and expect to move off west to-morrow, under charge of Elder Martin. There are, perhaps, 60 wagons yet behind, which are expected at the Ferry to-morrow night.

"The last company of hand cart emigrants leave to-morrow morning, which leave only the rear of the ox-team companies to follow."