
Transcript for Ence, Gottlieb, A Short Sketch of My Life [ca. 1911], 19-20. (MS 8658

The guard then had to heerd their Stok on foot all the way to Florence over_____ (87) miles. At Florence we all donated them some to buy themselves 2 more Ponies[.] the Boys belong to Captain White Train of Touili. We arived in Florence alright, but the loading was not ready for us, the Saints had not arived yet and hear we had to waite 5 full weeks, on the Hills of little Tapio . We few Men that had to heard the Stock at Night, had a verey hard time, because wo [so] mainey cornfields where scattered all over the Country not fenced so we had all we could do to keep them from getting a tast of it. At Day times they would lay down in the shade of the Trees, at Night they would feed an at last they were getting verey perticular about what kind of feed they was getting, they would rambel an try to go for the fields so we never had aney rest all Night. I was verey much vexed and agrivated an I am ashamed an sorey to say that I used at time rather naughty hard Words, for which I have felt mainy times sorrey for and asked God to forgive me my wrong.

At last we got loaded and we started for home, for which I was verey thankfull. Nothing of importand happened[.] we fot [got] along verey well on our return trip. People & Cattel don well, but strange to say, as we had in the year previous so much high Water this year we had hardly anough to water our Stock, but the feed was pretty good all the way through.

We arived at Salt L. City in the beginning of October all well an glad we all were.