
Transcript for Evans, John, Autobiographical sketch [ca. 1890], [2]

5. W[h]at interesting incidents took place on the way[?] I was liveing on Wood Rivar near Fort Karney [Kearny] and about the first of July 1, 1861. and was geting rady to joine some company to come away to utah and the first one came was an indepandant company forme[d] mostly of people that had bin in the valy before and new [knew] the way and some of my ould former naibors had Joine them and was veary angshouse [anxious] for me to Joine them so at last I did and the names of some of them were one Mr. Hry <e>[.] he was the prasedent James and Reuben Miller.

6. When did you arrive in utah[?] on the 8 day of September In 1861