
Transcript for "Ferrying," Frontier Guardian, 3 Apr. 1850, 2


From present appearances, there will be three or four Ferries across the Missouri river in the vicinity of this place. One at the Old Mormon crossing, about twelve miles above this place, one at Traders Point, and one, and possibly two at the mouth of the Great Platte river, some sixteen miles below this place.

The columns of the Guardian are open and free to any proprietor or proprietors of Ferries across the Missouri, who have advertised their business; They shall have the privilege of speaking through the Guardian without charge, provided their communications are not too lengthy.

Now set forth your claims, your conveniences, your advantages, and put your best foot forward. Free trade and sailors-- rights on this frontier; "and the longest pool sweeps the percimmons."

We do not wish to have any company say that we have used partiality; but we give all a chance to tell their story in their own way, and let the Emigrants judge for themselves.