Transcript for "For the Dispatch," Deseret News, 22 June 1854, 268
KANSAS, April 20th, 1854.
DEAR SIR:—I have taken some pains to ascertain the number of Mormons encamped in our neighborhood and I have it to be—viz:
Danes, Swedes, and Norwegeans 650, the great majority of whom are Danes. English and Welch 250, many more are expected. Mr. Curtis, the Agent, expects to start as soon as grass permits, with a train of 200 wagons, about eight persons to each wagon,—about 1600 persons in all. The Danes are decidedly a fine healthy set of people, and entirely ahead of the English in personal appearance, they have a large number of flaxen haired children among them.
There is little or no sickness in their camp, upon the whole, the Mormon emigration which has already reached Kansas, seems to be composed of hardy, healthy, sober and industrious persons.