
Transcript for "Found on a Grave," Frontier Guardian, 19 September 1849, 3


Found on a Grave.


The following papers were found on the grave of a gold digger by some Indians, who handed them to Mr. Reed to Interpret, while he was out on a hunt with them. And he politely furnished us with the orinal papers. We have published all that was deemed of any interest:

June 26th, 1849.

BRS. GEO. A. SMITH, AND E. T. BENSON:-My Dear Sirs: We arrived here on the 22d and 23d, all in tolerable health. Soon after the arrival of Br. Wm. Millers fifty, Br. Nelson McCarty was attacked with cholera, and died in about eight hours, and is buried at this point. The day after Br. Hydes fifty arrived I was taken quite sick by former exposure, and cold taken and settled over my system, in consequence of a hurt that I received at the Horn. I am pleased brethren to say that notwithstanding our slow move every thing seems to be right; yet we have had some feeble spirits inclined to lead off, but the prompt move made by Brs. Miller, Hyde and myself, has made all right. Br. McCarty was a good hearted man but rather too much go ahead, and I fear this the cause of this sad accident. We have waited here three days with but little prospects of crossing until to-day, about 12 o'clock, when the disposer of all good, seems to have ordered a place for us to cross at. From this point we hope to move steadily on, with due regard to our future welfare. We have found the road very heavy, yet our cattle have improved, and now appear to be in good spirits. The camp rules are generally respected, and attend too; we have lost only two cattle.

I like to have forgotten to mention that Br. [Ambrose] Kellogg was taken with the cholera last night most severely, still we hope he will recover. Br. John Berry was thrown from a mule yesterday, and put his arm out of place but is up to-day. As yet I have not been able to send back the report of our numbers but have them ready for the first opportunity. I leave them here hoping you may receive this. I do it in short, as I am too feeble to write.
Wagons, 120 Pigs, 31
Souls, 352 Chickens, 62
Oxen, 480 Cats, 25
Cows, 315 Dogs, 25
Loose Cattle, 17 Geese, 2
Horses, 29 Ducks, 2
Mules, 12 Doves, 7
Sheep, 102 Bees, (hives,) 1

June 27th.-Since writing the within, Mr. Kellogg is better, and Br. [Wilford] Hudson is quite sick with cholera. Mrs. Gully had quite a severe attack last night but I took it in time, and she is well again. We are now all safe on the South side of the Loup, no accident occurred as we crossed all in about six hours, (quick time.)
When you reach the main Platte you will find another note from me.


Most respectfully,
Your friend and serv't.


Died of Cholera in the First "Camp of Israel," on the morning of the 22d of June, 1849, Elder Nelson McCarty, aged 37 years.

The deceased was a worthy member of the "Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints," and a faithful one of the quorum of Seventies. He was among the number of Saints that were expelled from the "City of Joseph" in the winter of 1846, to seek a home in the far west, and while on his way, upon a demand of the Government of the United States for volunteers, to embark in the war with Mexico, (though an exile in an Indian country,) he, upon the counsel of the First Presidency of the Church, unhesitatingly gave his name as one of the "Mormon battalion" and with them endured privations more revolting and insupportable than pen can describe. He returned to his family at "Winter Quarters," late in the fall of 1847, and by his own economy prepared an out-fit for the Valley of the Salt Lake and was organised as captain of the 2nd ten in the first fifty of the camp of Israel. He has left a wife and four children to mourn their loss, and in the absence of sympathizing relative to assuage their affliction, we feel to say to them that we will mingle a tear with theirs over the grave that entombs a husband, a brother and a friend.


J[esse]. W. FOY [FOX], Clerk.


ROWES BLUFFS, May 23d, 1849.

The friend whom we have left was a member of the Mutual Protection California Company, No. 1, starting from St. Francis, Iowa. We were in camp and in search of a Ford when a number of Indians, about 100 made their appearance on the opposite side of the river, and riding in the river soon crossed over. Presuming their intention to be hostile we retreated to the camp and had our cattle brought into the carrel. The supposed enemy approached-the chief came to us, and shook hands very friendly, calling themselves Siouxs, saying they were following some other tribe and passed up the Creek. Three of our men were up the creek when they came up, they shook hands with the first and made signs for presents--receiving a handkerchief they passed on in the direction of the others.--one hid--overtaking the other, they killed him took his rifle, pistols and money. The secreted man brought the unwelcome intelligence. We sent after and brought the mangled corpse which lies here far from the abode of civilization, or relative to bedew with tears his uncouth grave. This sad and lamentable transaction is sufficient warning to prevent individuals from leaving the train when necessary without a sufficient number to present a strong front.

The above was signed by the officers of several companies as sufficient warning to emigrants.

Lines on the death of A. D. Graham who was drowned June 12th, 1849.




Hark! A voice of grief and mourning,
Issues from the eastern sky,
To be received as timely warning,
That every one is born to die.

Beside this murdered man, another
Finds a tomb in Indian land,
Whom all regard as a brother,
A member of our little band.

And can it be that he is sleeping,
And his spirit soars above,
While friends at home are wildly weeping
On the fate of one they love.

Ye friends and kindred far away,
Remember 'tis the will of God,
Who turns darkness into day,
That he should rest beneath the sod.

Oh! Then resign the gift to Heaven,
That once the Lord on you bestowed,
And think that, now to him is given,
Eternal joy-a blest abode.

The above was copied from the original, (which was written by a pencil in order that it may be better preserved, for those who came after us, that they might read these lines written by the Poetess Miss E. T. Beach upon the death of Dr. A. A. Graham. And we can add, Sleep on, sleep on, ye who are resting here,
Without a mourning badge to shroud thy bier;
Without a friend to shed a farewell tear,
Ore thy lonely and silent graves.
S. B. P. P., Perry, New York.

Lines supposed to have been suggested upon reading the above.
We the Enterprise Company, came up on this rise,
Here saw a record, of which we were surprised,
Saw names registered here, of men we once knew,
And regretted to learn, their history was true.

Poor Graham, his fate, it was awful to know,
The news to his parents, will be a hard blow,
He was beloved by all who knew him, when he was alive,
The journey with his comrades, he did not survive.
And poor Parry's fate, happened some five days after,
His comrades are to be pittied, for such shocking disaster,
They all crossed the river, and looked back on the mound,
And all had to mourn the loss of those in the ground.

We were all in good spirits, when we first arrived,
But soon were cast down, when we found who had died,
And to reflect for a moment, to see where we stand,
Many miles from our friends, and death in this land.
Our minds have been wandering, for comfort and pleasure,
To shorten our journey, and thinking of treasure,
This lesson we'll heed, and lay it up in store,
As nothing transpired, to caution us before.

All who may read, will see death makes its ravages,
You are now in a wilderness, and among savages,
The merciless Indian, although no cause for revenge,
He's your worst enemy, when you think him your friend.

If our fate should prove ill, from what we expect,
We will ask for forgiveness, for what we neglect,
Our aim is to do right and justice to all,
If ill fate should attend us, be ready for the call.

July 8th, 1849. T. K.

We find in our exchanges, proclamations purporting to be manufactured by "Mormons" and that they are prime ministers of Jesus Christ, envoy extraordinaries, plenipotentiaries, and king of kings, of satan or somebody else. In the New York Herald the following proclamation by one of these worthies, Samuel S. Snow, said to be a Mormon, though we do not believe that he was ever a member of our church, if he has belonged, we are sure that the spirit of the proclamation is not in accordance with the creed and doctrine of the Latter Day Saints or Mormons. We never heard of him before, and never wish to hear from him or any man of the like stamp. As we have said before, we say again, that the proclamation of Gen. Taylor, was a document which was right and proper, and was highly necessary at the time. We hope that we shall not see any more of these proclamations against good and virtuous principles, and attributed to the Mormons, until they find them published in our own papers, and by the sanction of the authorities in the Mormon church:


From the New York Herald.



Misfortunes never come singly. They pour upon the victim by the bucket-full. General Taylor has not been able to evade the inevitable law. To the awful howlings, and fierce assaults, and perpetual accusations of the Union; and the yells, and threats, and menaces of thousands of disappointed office-beggars, who all charge upon the President every error, and every sin of omission or commission with which the administration is chargeable, we must now add the relentless opposition to the Mormons. The desperate band of martyrs and heroes have just entered the field. They are not all engaged in digging gold in the great valley of the Salt Lake. A remnant is amongst us, and they are not disposed to give sleep to their eyes, or slumber to their eyelids, till they consign General Taylor to utter perdition.