Transcript for Frederick A. H. F. Mitchell journals, 1856-1858 and 1899
The company left Sacramento City on this the 8th day of September 1858{.} it consisted of eight men and one woman. their names and history are as follows.
Elders F{rederick}. A. H. F. Mitchell and Thomas A. Dowell are returning from their Mission to the Sandwich Islands and on arriving at San Francisco they were appointed a Mission by President Dwight Eveleth. who Presides in California to travel and gather up the scattered Saints in that State and see who were going to Zion, having filled their Missions{.} Bro Mitchell was then appointed to lead this Company through
Bro Peter Wimmer and his wife Elizabeth{,} they came to California in the Summer of 1851 and having spent this length of time in the country have come to the conclusion to go back therefore through the assistance of the Brethren who are willing to help them they are on their way home{.} they have renewed their covenants and are desirous of doing better and stay there when they get back.
Bro E. L. Brown and his son E. L. Brown Jun came to this country in the year 1847 having served in the Mormon Battallion. Bro Mitchell went to visit the family on Putah Creek{,} Yolo County California where he organized a Branch then bro Brown and family came forward and renewed their covenants and now he is on his way to Utah having left his property behind in the hands of his Son William because he could not dispose of the same in time{.} also left his wife because she was not willing or ready to go with him. His son Edward has been Baptized for the first time and is desirous of gathering with the Saints in the Vallies of the Mountains. he manifests a willing disposition and is anxious to learn and to do that which is right.
Elder Lorenzo F. Harmon left Council Bluffs in the summer of 1846 in the Mormon Battallion{.} arrived in California the commencement of the year 1847{.} was engaged in various pursuits from that time up to April of 1857 and at the General Conference of the Saints held in San Francisco April 6th of the same year under the Presidency of Elder George Q. Cannon he was called to fill a mission to Oregon and Washington Territories {and} under {the} Presidency of David M. Stuart {he labored} having filled his mission he is now on his way to the bosom of the Church in Zion.
Brother Samuel Shortridge joined the church in Oregon was Baptized by bro Silas G. Higgins and when the Elders were called home he got ready and left and is willing to do the will of Gods servants and manifests a humble, meek, and quiet disposition striving to keep the Commandments of God as they are made known unto him from time to time.
Bro Luther M. Palmer joined the Church in February of 1837 in the State of New York then migrated into Missouri and in the Year of 1851 gathered with the Saints in Utah spent the winter there and on the 10th day of May 1852 left for California and has been here ever since and is now on his way to see his friends and relatives in the vallies of the Mountains.
We made a drive of 26 miles to day the 8th of Sept 1858 on a very good road stopped at the house of Bro Miller's at White Rock Springs{.} there we met Bro David M. Stuart and wife, Bros. Silas G. Higgins and John H. Winslow who were quite unwell but are making preparations to leave on the morrow with us on our journey.
Thursday White Rock Springs Sept 9th 1858
Spent the forenoon in fixing wagons and Harnesses waiting for the Brethren to get ready. at 2 oclock we left the house of bro Millers drove 8 miles and camped about sundown on Deer Creek{.} the Indians are making quite a noise on the hill as they are excited from the use of Liquorr.
A short history of the following persons{:}
Elder David M. Stuart gathered with the saints in Utah in the year of 1847{.} from there went to the states in 1848 returned and went through to San Bernardino in the year of 1849 where he spent his time untill 1855 when he was then called upon by Bros. Charles C. Rich and Amasa Lyman to travel and preach through the States of California{.} he continued his mission under the Presidency of Elder George Q. Cannon untill the Conference of April 6th 1857 when he was appointed President over the {mission of} Oregon and Washington Territories{.} having filled his mission he is now on his way to Zion to the bosom of the Church
Sister Sarah Stuart his wife, and daughter of Harrison Keyes{.} she with her Father and Mother gathered with the Saints to the vallies of the Mountains in the year 1852 and in the year of 1855 started out for Oregon and when Bro D. M. Stuart went there on his Mission they came forward renewed their Covenants then made preparations to leave for Utah with the Brethren who were returning from their Missions and came two hundred miles on their journey{.} her Father and Mother then backed out and returned as it was too tedious to travel therefore Sister Sarah got the consent of her Parents and Kept on as she was very desirous of gathering with the Saints to Zion and was willing to forsake Father and Mother for the Gospel sake{.} she is willing to do right and be led by her husband in all things.
Elder Silas G. Higgins was Baptized into the Church in the year of 1851 by Elder Blackwell (on his return from his mission to the Sandwich Islands) and at the Conference in the Spring of 1855 was ordained an Elder by bro Merrick and appointed a mission to preach in California under the Presidency of Parley P. Pratt and in the spring of 1856 was continued on his mission under Elder George Q. Cannon, and in the spring of 1857 was appointed to fill a mission at the general conference held in San Francisco bro George Q. Cannon Presiding to the Territories of Oregon and Washington under David M. Stuart President of said mission.
Elder John Henry Winslow was Baptized January 7th 1857 by Elder Henry G. Boyle and ordained and Elder by the same person and at the Conference of April 6th 1857 was appointed a Mission to Oregon and Washington Territories by Elder George Q. Cannon
Friday Deer Creek Sept 10th 1858
started at 8 oclock drove over a very rugged road nooned one mile this side of Mud spring making a forenoon drive of 12 miles, we then rolled on 8 miles further and camped on Doolittles Ranch having travelled 20 miles to day
A meeting was then called{.} bro D. M. Stuart Presided{.} after singing and prayer the appointment of Officers was taken into consideration, on motion of bro Stuart the appointment of Elder Mitchell by President Dwight Eveleth was sustained and carried then bro Mitchell arose and spoke on the necessity of having an organization and of our being united as a camp while journeying to Zion, he then appointed bros David M. Stuart and H. W. Bigler as his counsellors{.} the last named he said was on his way and would catch up with us in a few days. Bro Silas G. Higgins was appointed chaplain of the Company, and Thomas A. Dowell, Historian. also Brother Lorenzo F. Harmon Seargeant of the Guard{.} after the appointments Bros Mitchell and Stuart spoke to us upon the order of the Kingdom of God and showed us how we could have a heaven in our little Camp{.} their instructions were beneficial to us and we felt well in our meeting
Saturday Doolittles Ranch Sept 11th 1858.
Mr. Henry Jacobs joined us last night. This morning Bro Palmer was called on to go back and wait for Bro E. L. Brown who stopped back to attend to some business{.} The train then rolled on and made a forenoon drive of 8 miles then nooned for an hour. in the afternoon we made a drive of 8 miles further and camped at the junction of the old and new carson roads making a drive of 16 miles to day{.} we hold prayers night and morning{.} bros Brown and Palmer arrived
Sunday Road Junction Sept 12th 1858
This morning {Bro Dowell} {and} I was called on to go back five miles and assist bros {Alfred Alexander} Nethercott and Danze to catch up with the Camp after which the wagons rolled on and nooned at the stage station making three miles and a half drive{.} they then drove on 8 miles further and camped at a spring on the right hand side of the road within two miles of the Ice house making 11½ miles drive to day. in the meantime {{− −}} I was with bro Nethercott trying to get him along{.} he was fretful, ill humored, and everything contrary to the spirit of God{.} after working all day with him and tiring myself out I got him as far as the Bridge of the American River then rode on to camp made my report before a meeting which was called for the purpose which is as follows{:}
I went back and Bro Nethercott seemed surprized at my not bringing a team to get his wagon up with the train{.} I told him that a person who would not obey counsel could not expect to be helped. also that Bro Mitchell told him not to load heavy as the Roads were bad and that he ought to have started in the afternoon of that day. he then said he would do as he pleased that it was his team and things also that he would just as soon go back as to go on{.} I told him he better make up his mind quick and then I would know what to do as I did not want to get behind the camp but was anxious to roll with them but he would not give me a decisive answer
we had a very good meeting{.} a spirit of union manifest much good instruction given by bros. Mitchell and Higgins. It was moved and seconded that bro David M. Stuart go back and get bro Nethercott up if he is willing to come even if he has to dispose of some of his things and make his load lighter as it is too heavy now.
Monday Cold Spring Sept 13th 1858
Bro Stuart took two horses and went back to assist the Brethren if they want to do right and be subject to the power that is, if not they better go their own way.
three horses have taken the back track and the Brethren are out after them. We got the horses and started about ½ past 9 oclock{.} drove 2 miles and camped at the Ice house waiting the return of Bro Stuart{.} turned the horses out then the Brethren spent the day in repacking and fixing their wagons and mending harness. Bro Stuart returned with bros Nethercott and Danze having to dispose of some of their things so as to lighten their loads and enable them to get over the mountains and be easy on their horses
Tuesday Ice house Sept 14th 1858. Started at 8 oclock drove over a very rugged and steep road{.} met with an accident{.} the king bolt broke of bro Palmers wagon but they managed to get it along{.} we camped at Pea vine ranch{,} sun two hours high making 10 miles drive to day{.} good feed and water.
Wednesday Pea Vine Ranch Sept 15th 1858. made a start about 8 oclock this morning{.} drove 10 miles over a very good road and nooned in Strawberry valley{.} stopped an hour{,} good feed and water. then went on 2½ miles above slippery ford and camped making a drive of 12½ miles{.} good grass and water for the animals.
Thursday Branch American River Sept 16th 1858. Started at 8 oclock made a drive of 9 miles over a very rugged road and nooned in Lake Bigler Valley{.} much sickness in our camp kind of congestive chill and Billious remittent fever{.} then drove on 8½ miles and camped in Little Lake Valley on the summit{.} plenty of grass and water for the animals{.} they are filling themselves finely{.} the evening was spent quite pleasant in chatting and conversing upon principle
Friday Little Lake Valley Sept 17th 1858{.} started about 7½ oclock and drove over a much better road than we have for sometime{.} nooned in the caĈon {canyon} having drove 11 miles stopped there one hour then drove on 14 miles and camped in Carson Valley on a Creek four miles from the Mormon station. Henry Jacobs left us and backed out.
Saturday Carson Valley Sept 18th 1858
We drove 6 miles and then camped on Carson River awaiting the arrival of the Brethren that are back{.} plenty of good grass and water
Sunday Carson Valley Sept 19th 1858
Bro Mitchell seen a comet this morning for the first time about an hour and three quarters before sunrise{.} spent the day in fixing and making preparations for further progress on our journey{.} some of the Brethren went to Genoa on business. Bros H. W. Bigler, John S. Woodbury, Castle Hotchkiss, Andrew J. Stewart, George S. Clark.
Bros Henry W. Bigler and John S. Woodbury are returning from their missions to the Sandwich Islands where they were appointed at the April Conference of 1857 and are now on their way home
Bros George S. Clark and Andrew J. Stewart are returning from their mission to Australia where they were appointed in the spring of 1856 at the General Conference at Salt Lake City and are now on their way to the bosom of the Church in the vallies of the mountains{.} Bro Hotchkiss came to California in search of gold{.} heard Mormonism embraced it and is now gathering to zion.
Monday Carson Valley Sept 20th 1858
started at 8 oclock drove 15 miles then camped at the head of Eagle valley at the hot spring on the left hand side of the road, we had a level road today, good feed and water for our animals, some of the Brethren, Bros Woodbury, and Stewart took their wagons back to get them fixed{.} three more men joined our camp{.} they asked the privledge of traveling in our company through to Salt Lake City{.} their names are as follows{:} Harvey Murdock, Henry Lufkin, and Joseph Allen.
Tuesday Eagle Valley Sept 21st 1858
made an early start this morning, our camp now numbers 21 men & 2 women, 26 head of animals 6 wagons and 3 carts{.} we drove 14 miles and nooned on Carson river feed quite good{.} after stopping one hour drove on 4 miles further and camped{.} plenty of feed and water for our animals{.} This evening we were called together for meeting, bro Andrew J. Stewart being sick requested the brethren to remember him in their prayers, after singing and prayer Bro. Mitchell made a few remarks which were very good showing us how we may gain the blessings of God which was by being obedient to those who were placed over us and to remember our secret prayers so that when we came together the spirit of God would burn in our hearts and each one being influenced thereby we would rejoice together and would receive any blessing we could desire from our heavenly father{.} he was followed by bro D. M. Stuart and H. W. Bigler his councillors who spoke as they were led by the spirit of God testifying to what had been said and showing the necessity of these things{,} after which many of the brethren spoke and said they were determined to obey counsel and do as they were told{.} there was a good spirit manifest{.} all felt well and the spirit of God was in our midst{.} bro Mitchell then dismissed the meeting commending us all to our Father in heaven and asking him for a blessing upon the sick and all that pertaineth to the Camp.
Wednesday Carson River Sept 22d 1858.
Started this morning at 7 oclock drove over a very rough sandy and barren country{.} nooned after driving 13 miles{.} no feed nor water{.} after taking a bite we went on 13 miles further and camped on the river near the station{.} plenty of feed and water{.} got to camp the sun an hour high{.} a train passed us last night 13 wagons and about 1200 head of cattle
Thursday Carson river Sept 23d 1858.
Started early this morning met a train belonging to Tom Wheeler. he was bringing some soldiers through from Salt Lake City{.} not much news from him. We drove 9 miles then nooned{.} went on and made a drive of 6 miles then camped on good feed and water{.} the road this day was rough and heavy and laid through a very barren country. made a drive of 15 miles to day.
Friday Carson River Sept 24th 1858.
This day was spent fixing and preparing for our trip across the Desert{.} left camp at 20 minutes past three oclock drove (two) {2} miles watered our animals then started out on the Desert{.} drove through 12 miles of heavy sand then 5 miles of very good road{.} we then stopped went {illegible} a half miles off to the left of the road and watered our horses{.} in the meantime the mail from Salt Lake came along{.} {illegible sentence} we eat our supper and after stopping one hour and a half we drove on{.} spent the night on the Desert and the Sun arose and caught us still travelling over that barren waste{.} we arrived at the slough of the Humboldt at ½ past 8 oclock on the morning of Saturday Sept 25th 1858 having travelled 47 miles{.} staid there untill half past 11 oclock then drove on the right hand side of the lake which is 10 miles long and 10 miles wide{.} our drive to day was 15 miles then camped on the sink of the Humboldt{.} good feed but water a little brackish{.} several Indians came into camp and showed a willingness to work{.} we met the wagon belonging to Matthew Harbin
Sunday Humboldt Sink Sept 26th 1858.
made a start this morning at 8 oclock drove 50 yards and bro Browns wagon tongue broke{,} caused from changing horses putting in one that had not been worked for sometime as the other ones shoulder is very sore{.} we went to work and mended it the best we could with ropes as there is no timber handy where we are, A train of wagons 7 in number passed by as we were hitching up with quite a large herd of cattle from the states bound for California{.} we made another started at half past 12 oclock{,} drove 10 miles and camped on the river{,} plenty of good grass and water for our animals{.} after turning out a company of soldiers{,} 30 in number{,} under command of Lieut{enant} Sartel came along and camped within two hundred yards of us{.} they are in advance of the regiment going to California to buy forage for their animals{.} Bro Orson Miles is their guide{.} he is getting five dollars a day while in their service{.} he spent the evening with us in social chat concerning the signs of the times.
Monday Humboldt river Sept 27th 1858
Started at 10 minutes to 10 oclock drove 18 miles over a very heavy and broken road{,} camped on the river just above the mail station{,} plenty of good grass and water for our animals{,} met a company of 8 men
Tuesday Humboldt river Sept 28th 1858.
we laid by this day preparing our guns &c for our tramp through the country inhabited by our red brethren{.} the sickness in our camp is abating as several of the Brethren are sick
Wednesday Humboldt river Sept 29th 1858.
Started at 8 oclock drove over a very broken and rough road{,} made 18 miles to day and in the evening came together for to sing and pray{.} we all felt well, after dismissing{;} the evil one crept in to our camp and used one of the members to get up a contention concerning the travelling of our teams{.} therefore the Captain{,} seeing the spirit manifest{,} called the camp together to stop it in the bud{.} the meeting was opened with prayer by Captain Mitchell then bro D.M. Stuart his first councillor stated the object of the meeting which was to take a vote to see how the teams would travel but that the Captains mind was still the same which was to travel as they had done{.} then several of the brethren said they wanted to do as the Captain said but thought that it would be best to change about{.} bro Mitchell then said that it was the second or third time that this thing was brought up and that they voted to travel as they had done from Carson and he wanted them whatever conclusions they should come to{,} if to travel by turns on the lead or as they are now traveling{,} to stick to it or forever after hold their peace and he also said that he was not responsible to the Camp but to higher Authority for his actions. It was then moved by bro D.M. Stuart that all those that were willing to follow bro Mitchell to the vallies of the mountains manifest it by the uplifted hand{.} the motion was seconded by bro S. G. Higgins and carried unainmous. the meeting was then dismissed and the brethren retired to rest feeling better than they had.
Thursday Humboldt river Sept 30th 1858
We started at 20 minutes to 8 oclock drove 10 miles over a very broken and rough road then nooned{,} good grass and water{,} stopped one hour then drove on 18 miles over a very good road with the exception of three miles of sand at the end of our drive, passed the mail for California this afternoon. Made 28 miles to day.
Friday Humboldt river Oct 1st 1858.
Started this morning at 10 minutes past 8 oclock drove 12 miles and nooned on good grass and water{,} the road somewhat sandy{.} after eating dinner drove on 18 miles further over a very good road{,} got into camp the sun an hour high{,} good camping place plenty of grass and water, quite cloudy and wind high
Saturday Humboldt river Oct 2d 1858
Left camp 10 minutes after 7 oclock very good road drove 9 miles and turned out our horses{.} we got into camp 5 minutes to 9 oclock waiting for the Regiment of U.S. troops to pass{,} met bro Henry Boazee. he came into our camp and spent three fourths of an hour with us answering the questions of the brethren concerning their friends and relatives in the vallies of Utah. The train and Soldiers are now passing ½ past 10 oclock drove on 5 miles came to a camp of emigrants then drove on 10 miles further went down a steep bank and forded the river{,} plenty of grass and water{,} camped{,} the sun two hours high{.} we made 24 miles to day{.} the brethren and sisters are getting better{.} good health prevails in our camp{.} quite a number of Paiutes came to see us and are quite friendly
Sunday Humboldt river Oct 3d 1858
We doubled teams this morning and crossed back over the river{,} drove on over a very good road with the exceptions of some rocky places and one stretch of sand four miles long{.} after driving 15 miles we nooned on the river at the mouth of Gold Cañon stopped there one hour and drove one{,} found a few bad places in the Cañon but on the whole a pretty good road{.} after leaving the Cañon we drove down hill{,} the road somewhat rocky{.} we then watered our animals{.} made 18 miles since noon{,} camped on a slough to the left of the road{,} not very good feed, and water quite brackish, we made 33 miles to day and got into camp at Sundown
Monday Brackish Slough Oct 4th 1858.
We got ready and started at 5 minutes to 4 oclock on account of no feed nor good water{.} we drove 6 miles over a very good road{.} got into camp at 8½ oclock where we stopped to get breakfast{.} while there Major Fomey the Indian agent, his train came along. he was accompanied by Capt. Hunt who gave us much information concerning times in general in the vallies of the Mountains{.} we got our breakfast and then hitched up{.} started at 25 minutes to 10 oclock went 8 miles and nooned{.} stopped one hour then drove on 12 miles and camped at half past three oclock on a slough two miles from the river{.} part of our train wanted to go on and camp at another place but came to the conclusion to camp together{.} the Indians appear very friendly to us while travelling through their country.
Tuesday Near Carson river Oct 5th 1858.
Started this morning 10 minutes past 8 oclock drove 9 miles and nooned on the river{, } good feed and water{,} quite a rough road this forenoon{.} stopped one hour and a half then drove on 15 miles{.} tolerable good road{,} had a very heavy rain for about 20 minutes as we were driving into camp{.} Seen a train of emigrants with a large herd of cattle near the river{.} we camped about two miles from them making 24 miles to day{,} good feed and water{,} clear night but very cold{.} the Indians come into {our} camp every night{.} they feel well as the agent has been along making them presents of Shirts and pants{.} held a meeting to night{.} the brethren all feel well and thankful to our heavenly father for past favors
Wednesday Humboldt river Oct 6th 1858
started at 8 oclock drove over a very rocky road made 10 miles this forenoon{,} stopped one and a half hour and nooned{.} after we got over the hill we then drove on{,} our road was down hill all the way{,} made 12 miles{.} Snow can be seen on the mountains ahead{.} it is quite cold{.} we passed two large herds of cattle also two trains of Emigrants{.} we camped within two miles of Gravelly ford{.} Elder Mitchell gave out that we hold a testimony meeting to morrow evening
Thursday Humboldt river Oct 7th 1858.
Started 10 minutes to 8 got to Gravelly ford{.} there we watered then drove on over the mountain{,} the road was quite rocky and steep, nooned at a spring in the Cañon{,} good feed and water for the horses{,} passed some troops{.} we drove 10 miles this forenoon{.} after stopping one hour drove on making 12 miles and camped on the river two miles from the foot of the hill making 22 miles drive to day
Agreable to appointment the brethren came together and spent a pleasant time in expressing our feelings one to another and in testifying of the goodness of God towards us as a company.
Friday Humboldt river Oct 8th 1858
Started ½ past 7 oclock drove over a very good road through a Cañon{,} plenty of grass and water{,} crossed the river three times then nooned making a drive of 10 miles. stopped one hour then drove on a very good road this afternoon{,} made 13 miles and camped{,} plenty of good feed & water making 23 miles to day
The brethren met together this evening to take into consideration the propriety of rolling on or stopping two days{.} they agreed to go on and make short drives, also whether bro Palmer should stand his day guard or not as he said he could not and cook too. the day guard then agreed to arrange it among themselves, and as bro Nethercotts team was near giving out bro Murdock agreed to put in his mare and drive thereby assist bro N. on his way to Utah.
Saturday Humboldt river Oct 9th 1858.
This forenoon was spent in preparing to travel over the Goose Creek mountains by fixing harness & wagons.
At 1 oclock we got ready drove 8 miles over a good road and camped{,} very good feed and water{,} the sun two hours high{.} we met two trains of dismissed U.S. Teamsters 80 in number this afternoon{.} they were out of flour
Sunday Humboldt river Oct 10th 1858
Murdock, Allen, and Lufkin came to the Captain this morning and told him they either had to go on or have some flour{.} therefore the Captain found out that flour could be obtained but after that they came back and said they would have to go on{.} they then got their horses and bro George Clark and Andrew Stewart went with them and never said a word to the Captain{.} we then got ready and started at half past 8 oclock drove two miles and met the mail stage from Salt Lake City bound to California six days out{.} Parley Evans was along also Jerome Davis{.} we drove 8 miles{,} nooned for half an hour{,} then drove 12 miles further{,} met a train of Missourians{,} got to camp at sundown{.} we made 20 miles to day
Monday Humbolt river Oct 11th 1858.
The Captain started bro Nethercott with his wagon ahead as his team is very poorly and the rest of our teams are nearly give out and thinks by his going ahead he can be with us at camp at night{.} the rest of the train got ready and started at half past 7 oclock{,} drove 15 miles over a good road and nooned at the last crossing of the river{,} stopped one hour then drove on 15 miles further{,} the road still good and camped near a spring at the head of the river{,} good water and good feed{.} bro Nethercott did not camp with us as his team was too jaded{.} we made 30 miles to day and camped at sundown
Tuesday Humboldt spring Oct 12th 1858.
Started this morning at a quarter to 9 oclock{.} bro Nethercott did not start with us as he thought he would stop at the station ahead and recruit his animals{.} he came up to our camp early this morning{.} we drove 8 miles and nooned on the creek running through the Cañon{,} stopped one hour and a half then drove on{.} some of the brethren stopped to talk with the men at the station{,} went over some bad road and got into camp at a spring on the flat at 5 oclock{.} we made 7 miles this afternoon{,} met several emigrants{.} our drive today was 15 miles.
Wednesday Spring flat Oct 13th 1858.
Started at 8 oclock drove 8 miles went over the ridge between the Cañon and thousand Spring valley and nooned at one of the springs{,} feed and water scarce{,} then drove on 12 miles and camped on warm creek{.} very good feed and water{.} making 20 miles today{.} met three trains one of wagons, one of packers and the other consisted of 8 men and a hand cart
Thursday Warm Creek Oct 14th 1858.
Started this morning 20 minutes to 9 oclock{,} drove 20 miles over a very good and most of the time level road{,} nooned at half past two oclock at a spring in thousand spring valley{.} not much feed for our animals, met bro Sherman going with supplies for the brethren at the mail station{.} left again at 20 minutes past three oclock drove 5 miles and camped at Rock spring{.} feed good but scarce{.} the sun half an hour high{.} we made 25 miles to day.
Friday Rock Spring Oct 15th 1858.
Mail for Salt L. City passed by our camp at day light{.} David Broderick{,} Senator from California was along{.} we got our breakfast then started drove 12 miles and nooned on Goose Creek{.} the mail for California passed us{.} we stopped one hour and a half{.} the feed is much better than it was at our last camping place{.} then drove on 4 miles further and camped at a quarter past three oclock on Goose Creek{.} good feed and water{.} it is quite cloudy and cold{,} the wind is blowing very hard and it is snowing quite brisk, made 16 miles to day
Saturday Goose Creek Oct 16th 1858
The mountains this morning are covered with snow and it still continues to snow{.} the animals are quite chilled through{,} caused from being bred in a warm climate{.} we started at a quarter past 8 oclock drove 12 miles and nooned on Goose Creek{,} good feed and water{,} it still snows {illegible} stopped two hours{,} met some emigrants then drove on 3 miles and made an early camp{.} Bros Barney Ward and Thompson Parks came to our camp and we held quite a chat with them concerning things in general{.} it is still snowing{.} we made 15 miles to day
Sunday Goose Creek Oct 17th 1858
We started at 8 oclock over the Goose creek mountains{.} it is covered with snow therefore it is heavy on our animals and thereby causing some of them to give out{.} it was quite cold and chilly{.} The mail for Salt Lake City passed us on the mountain{.} after we got over the mountain we took a bite of something to eat and traveled on{.} got to Steeple Rocks and camped having drove 13 miles to day over a very hard road{.} the snow on the ridge was from 4 to 6 inches deep{.} we got into camp the sun one hour high.
Mr Kincaid was in the stage that passed us this morning
Monday Steeple Rocks Oct 18th 1858
started this morning at 15 minutes to 9 drove drove on the trot for 15 miles as it was down hill all the way{.} nooned near the third crossing of Raft River{.} good feed and water{.} stopped one hour then drove on 12 miles{.} part of the road very rocky and camped on Rock Creek near the mail station making 27 miles to day{.} feed not very good
Tuesday Rock Creek Oct 19th 1858.
Started this morning at 9 oclock drove along and made fires every few miles as it is a very bleak and cold day. made 16 miles to day and camped at Pilot Springs{.} feed scarce the road lay over a very hilly country{.} we overtook Murdock{,} Lufkin, and others who left us on the morning of the 10th of October except Stewart, Clark, and Allen who have gone on and expect to get to the city by the time we get to Bear River all right
Wednesday Pilot Springs Oct 20th 1858.
Started this morning at twenty minutes past 8 oclock drove on to feed and turned out the animals{.} we let them feed two hours then rolled on over a very good road and nooned at the sink of deep Creek a distance of 12 miles{.} then went on 2 miles further and camped at 4 oclock on Deep Creek making 14 miles to day{.} The mail from S. L. City bound to California passed us at 9 oclock this evening{.} Lott Huntington was along with the stage{.} he reports that a heavy snow fell in the valley a short time ago
Thursday Deep Creek Oct 21st 1858
Started at twenty minutes past 9 oclock drove on 6 miles and nooned one mile from the creek{.} good feed stopped one hour then drove on 6 miles further and camped on Hamsel Creek near the station kept by bro Faust{.} he gave the missionaries an invitation to take supper with him{.} we accepted and spent quite a jovial time together{.} he made us a present of some flour and bacon and it was then divided among the brethren who were near out{.} we made 12 miles to day
Friday Hamsel Creek Oct 22d 1858
Started at 10 oclock drove over some very steep hills which in connection with the rain and wind that continued all day made it very unpleasant{.} we made 10 miles and camped at the blue Springs{.} the water here is quite salty therefore we did not use much of it to drink{.} Bro Woodbury's wagon broke down three miles within Camp{.} we left his wagon came on to camp and two of the brethren emptied one of the wagons and went back and hauled in the broken wagon and the things belonging to bros Woodbury and Bigler.
Saturday Blue Springs Oct 23d 1858.
we started this morning at a quarter to 10 oclock{.} just at that time the mail stage for Utah came along{.} among the passengers was Mr. Elder Expostmaster of Sacramento City also Isaac Seely formerly of Utah{.} we then drove on up a Cañon and over the ridge down through another Cañon then we came in sight of Salt Lake Valley and then our hearts were made glad and we all felt to rejoice to think we had entered the vallies of Ephraim once more{.} got to camp at the point of the mountain at a Sulphur spring{.} the sun an hour high{.} our drive this day was 14 miles. it was clear and beautiful the sunshine bright
Sunday Craw fish spring Oct 24th 1858.
We started at 8 oclock drove across the bottom crossed the Malad river about 4½ miles from camp went 2½ miles further and came to Bear river{.} got here at 12 oclock and at ½ past 12 the wagons were all across and we were taking our dinner, it rained and hailed from the time we started untill we were about leaving the river which was two oclock{.} drove on 5 miles further and camped at Empys Station{.} it snowed quite hard at night and it was very cold and dreary looking as the mountains were covered also the bottom land{.} Bro Mitchell gave out that a Testimony meeting would be held to morrow night
Monday Empy's Station Oct 25th 1858
Bros. Palmer and Dowell got permission to go on this morning{.} we left at 8 oclock. shortly after the Company started traveled on 20 miles at camped at the point of the mountain at the hot spring{.} the road was slippery today as considerable snow had fallen and thawed
This evening according to appointment the meeting was called and the brethren expressed their determination to do better and felt to rejoice that they had been permitted to arrive in safety to the vallies of the mountains where they could enjoy the society of their friends and meet the approving smile of the Authorities
Tuesday Hot Springs Oct 26th 1858
The company made an early start drove 8 miles and arrived in Ogden City at 11 oclock where the Captain then dismissed the company and each one made his own way{.} several of the brethren stopped there and the rest went on in the morning they all felt well{.} we were all invited to take supper with Bishop Chauncey W. West{.} we accepted the invitation and rejoiced together{.} all felt well
Thomas A. Dowell
Clerk and Historian of this Company
E.L. Brown, 1 Revolver, 10 Pounds of Powder, 10 Pounds of Balls, 10 Caps
E. L. Brown, Jun, 1 Shotgun, 50 Pounds of Powder, 50 Pounds of Balls, 200 Caps, 5 Lbs of shot
Peter Wimmer, 1 Rifle, 1 Pistol single
Matthew Palmer, 1 Revolver, 50 Pounds of Powder, 50 Pounds of Balls
D. M Stuart, 1 Rifle, 20 Pounds of Balls, 100 Caps
S. B. Shortridge, 1 Rifle, 100 Pounds of Powder, 20 Pounds of Balls, 500 Caps
L. F. Harmon, 1 Yauger, 25 Pounds of Balls, 75 Caps
J. H. Winslow, 1 Yauger, 75 Pounds of Powder, 35 Pounds of Balls, 1000 Caps
S. G. Higgins, 1 Yauger, 1 Revolver, 200 Pounds of Powder, 18 Pounds of Balls, 200 Caps
G. S. Clark, 1 Musket, 2 Pistol single, 50 Pounds of Powder, 50 Pounds of Balls
A. J. Stewart, 2 Pistol single, 70 Pounds of Powder, 20 Pounds of Balls, 200 Caps, 1 Minnie Rifle
J. S. Woodbury, 1000 Caps, ¾ Lbs of shot
H. W. Bigler, 1 Yauger, 50 Pounds of Powder, 60 Pounds of Balls, 1000 Caps
F. A. H. F. Mitchell, 2 Rifle, 10 Pounds of Powder, 34 Pounds of Balls, 1 Caps
T. A. Dowell, 1 Rifle, 20 Pounds of Powder, 8 Pounds of Balls, 100 Caps
Castle Hotchkiss, ¾ Lbs of shot
James Nethercott, 1 Pistol single
Wm Danze
H. Murdock, 1 Revolving Rifle six shooter, 1 Rifle, 1 Revolver, 250 Pounds of Powder, 250 Pounds of Balls, 700 Caps
H. Lufkin, 1 Pistol single, 100 Caps
J. Allen, 8 Pounds of Powder, 100 Caps
Total, 1 Revolving Rifle six shooter, 7 Rifle, 4 Yauger, 1 Musket, 1 Shot Gun, 4 Revolver, 7 Pistol single, 943 Pounds of Powder, 650 Pounds of Balls, 5286 Caps, 6½ Lbs of shot, 1 Minnie Rifle