Transcript for "From Elder Orson Hyde," Frontier Guardian, 21 August 1850, 2
We have received a letter from Elder Orson Hyde, editor of this paper, written 15 miles on this side of Fort Kearney, date July 11th. He states that himself and his company are well and getting on finely; but that the emigrants have suffered much from cholera; about 60 of our people have died between the Missouri river and the Fort. (names not given.) He also states that sickness was abating pretty much. Grass and water plenty, and musketoes by the wholesale.
Just as we were writing the above, another letter was laid on our table from Joseph Kelly, one of Elder Hyde's company written on the banks of the Platte, beyond Fort Laramie, date, July 23d. It also contains the cheering news that they are all well and in sight of the mountains, and that they expect to complete the journey in 35 days from the time of starting.
We are glad to hear from our friends, and it increases our joy to learn that our much esteemed friend and fellow citizen, Elder Orson Hyde, and his company are well, and in good spirits: and we hope that they will continue to enjoy the same blessing until they return, and we have the pleasure of receiving them again into our midst to share of the hospitality and kindness of our citizens.