Transcript for "From the Plains," Frontier Guardian, 13 Nov. 1850, 2
The company that started to meet Elder Hyde returned on Wednesday last, after being absent 22 days. They returned without meeting Prest. Hyde; a portion of the company proceeded forty miles beyond Fort Kearney, where they camped for two days, in the buffalo country, killing several of them; they report the buffalo very plenty. Then at Fort Kearney, the Salt Lake mail passed them on its way out. They saw Capt. Stansbury, Topographical Engineer, who left Salt Lake about the 20th of August, and he reported that Prest. Hyde was to leave in about three weeks after that time. Prest. H. was in good health and spirits. Maj. Stansbury, reports every thing prospering in the Valley, and that the wheat in that country was the best that he ever saw--he brought specimens. The company had considerable difficulty in crossing the Loup Fork of the Platte, which was high, (they choose to term it the Luke Fork, on account of the intrepidity of Dr. Luke Johnson, in first crossing the stream and looking out a ford) A portion of the company remained at the Loup Fork, while the others went forward. The Indians were very peaceable. They all returned in good spirits, well and hearty, and enjoyed the trip remarkably well. Capt. Browning is highly spoken of as a commander.