
Transcript for "From the Plains," The Mormon, 4 Oct. 1856, 2

From the Plains.

THE Council Bluffs Bugle of Sept. 16 says: "By recent advices from Col. [Almon W.] Babbitt himself, from Ft. Kearney, the report of last week's issue, in regard to the massacre is confirmed. Up to the 1st inst., no news of Mrs. Wilson. The troops had found and captured 3 yoke of Mr. B.'s cattle. Mr. B. had made the distance from Florence to the Fort in 4 1-2 days, and will pass on to Laramie where he hopes to learn more in regard to the massacre by the piratical Cheyennes.

"The Col. speaks in the kindest terms of the conduct of Maj. Wharton, commandant of the post. No care, expense or attention was spared by him or his good lady to make amends to the sufferers in this sad calamity."