Transcript for George Benjamin Wallace Emigrating Company journal, 1847 June-September
Friday June 18th 1847 Capt Geo B. Wallace called his company to move a mile from [Elk] Horn River and camp for the night and be Ready the next morning to move in order to Platte River (15 miles from Horn River)
June Saturday the
<Sunday> June 20th Remained in camp and news came that Jacob We[a]therbee and Alfred Lanpson [Lambson] on their return <the 19th of June> from Horn River to Winter Quarters they on buisness they <were> attacked by three Indians and in the fracus Jacob was <shot> the Indians then fled Jacob trav<e>ld half a mile by the assistance of Lampson and met Bishop Whitney who took him in his wagon and Brought him <back> to Horn River in camp of J[edidiah] Grants Hundred and after suffering severe pain died the next morning it being the first death in Capt. Wallaces camp <fifty> and great loss to the company.
Tuesday June 22nd Left Platte River with all the companies of the camp of Isre[a]l to journey into the wildirness
and on 25th June Margret <Ann> Turnbow Daugter of Sameul [Samuel] and Sylvia Turnbow was born at the mouth Loup Fork River on the Platte, the first birth in the company and on the 5th July Sarah Ellen Smithies <a daughter of> James and Nancy Smithen [Smithies] was born in the wilderness in the camp of Isre[a]l about 200 miles from Winter Quarters and about one mile from Platte River as we journed in the wilderness over hills and valley. Nothing occured no more then common such as our cattle some falling and etc <etc> and on the 26 Aug. Capt G. B. Wallace Called the company together to get their minds whether they move willing to sustain the Capt. in Regulating teames to strengthen the weak in order that all <gave> may move on together[.] all voted sustain the captain <in this movement> in regulating teames <etc> and ect and before reaching the valley the roads being so very dusty and allso some weak teames Occosioned the company to be some seperated and therefore some reached the valley before others a day or two and 26 or 27 of Sept. Mr [Levi] Savage and Mrs [Sabra Wixon] Eldredge was married by David Savage in the valley of Salt Lake and here the company disbanded for further organitiation in the valley however the last of the company arrived in the valley on the 29 Sept. 1847
Clerk J C. Kingsbury
On Friday the 18th of June we were organized into companys of Hundreds and of Fifties and of tens[.] The calculation an <is> for two fifties to form a ring when they encamp and keep the Cattle inside in the night time and keep up a guard and herd them well in the day time when we are not a travling[.] A white flag is hoisted here.
Saturday the 19
Started stopped at noon and travled on again and arrived at the Platte river at about 5 oclock same place as the pioneers first did encamp. We already see the good of this river <way> of encamping which is very <good> if <only> every <man> will only do his duty. Signs of a killed man was found here and two letters in the pocket of his pantloons <pantaloons—one> fore Pawnee and one for the point Point.
Sunday the 20
Fine weather. Report came this morning that Jacob Weatherbee Who went back yesterday on an expedition with an ox team was attacked by 3 Omahaws and that he was deadly wounded. This afternoon we learn that he is dead. Public meetings were held this day.
Monday the 21
Very warm[.] We learn that the dead body of Jacob Weatherbee was buried under the flag pole of the Elkhorn ferry.
June 1847
Tuesday the 22
Pleasent. We started this morning and it was a warm day and Stoped again after sundown. Watered our cattle in the river by the light of the moon and then took them out to feed awhile. Three <Indians> have been seen to day.
Wednesday the 23.
Very warm. Stoped at noon on the river bank and arrived at Shellcreek [Shell Creek] toward night, this is a beautiful night Place Wednesday the 24
Thursday 24
This <morning> crossed the creek and went on in the pioneers track. We who travled on the off side suffered much from the dust from the others. We were glad to camp near the river so that we could get a good washing of "All is well"
Friday the 25
Windy. Last night court was held Elder set. Elder John Taylor charged Capt. [Jedediah M.] Grant and President John Young for being disobedient and insulting the priesthood; they acknowledged and the good spiret prevailed again[.] We understand that we are now 30 miles from the place where we expected to cross the river, but the water is too high and we will have to go up higher where is called Loup Fork[.] Our cattle got mixed with others this morning. Because <of> the slothfullness of some individuls. Stoped to noon on the river where there is some large cottontrees[.] The gras is but thin on the prarie. This evening on camp<ed> on the river not far from and old camp <an unoccupied> trading house. This after noon met some traders coming from Pawnee.<
Saturday the 26
Cloudy. While waiting for the other companies to start Capt [Abraham O.] Smoot called the peopl <men> to-gether and instructed them to be prayerfull, to be faithfull in their duties etc. Afternoon <we> crossed Loockinglass [Looking Glass] Creek on a bridge[.] traviled about 15 miles to day Which is more than we have done before[.] Suffered much from the dust and got to <the> camping place after sun down when it was raining a little. Here is a large creek called Beaver creek with much wild fruit on it.
Sunday the 27
Very pleasent. Rainy towards night 5 of the Pawnee farmers arrived <here> they did not of our being here[.] Public general meetings held today the conclusion is to follow up on this side the Platte and thereby save a hundred (100) miles <travel> and the danger of the river.
Monday the 28
Very warm. Crossed the Beaver Creek and another one <and en> camped at <the> Pawnee <settlement> to night
Tuesday the 29
This morning two Pawnee Indians came to our camp[.] Some of our cattle is sick with foul feet[.] Started over the creek and passed a Pawnee village Burned down by the Sioux and built up again[.] At 3 oc'lock crossed willow creek and encamped for to night on the <and north of the> Platte river
Wednesday 30
Fine weather. The banks are <here> very high here so we have to let out [our] cattle go with out water. Past another Pawnee villeage and the burned ruins of one. As the region above <ahead> seemes to be rather broken, we wait <stop> here expecting to cross the river
Thursday the 1st of July
Fine weather Cool and windy. At middle of day crossed the river and had no accidents happen to us. From here to the main river is 25 miles, we are now to wards 251 <150 150 miles> from winter quarters
Friday the 2nd
Cool and windy. Travled about 20 miles over rooling [rolling] land calculating to <go to> the Platte, but had to stop on account of rain storm with in sight of the timber on the river[.] No wood and water[.] Four antelopes seen today
Saturday, the 3rd
Pleasent. Before noon we came to a muddy creek[.] We cut grass and throwed in and went over by doubling teams[.] Near night night we got into the Pioneers track and camped on a creek not a great way from the river[.] came 18 miles today
Sunday the 4
Rain this morning. Public meeting Elder Parley P Pratt[,] Taylor[,] and Father Smith Spoke against growing cold and careless <careless> and neglect to pray and give thanks to God who is blessing us all the time, also swearing and taking the name of God in vain. They gave strong warning and also spoke <spoke> some of the law that would be enforced hereafter[.] They exorted the union <to union> abedience ect, and evoked the fathers how to bring the children up. ect if we should forget God, it would <go> with as it did with the Lamanit[e]s ect <etc.> Not set fire to the prarie for it is a sign for the Indians togather to gether[.] We have now come 175 miles[.] Conclusion to travel each company of 50 to encamp by themselvs and <to> encamp and hered <herd> by them selvs.
Pleasent[.] Crossed a stream called Woodriver Being detained by the drawback <down break> of one of the wagons[.] We had to encamp to night far from <from> wood or water.
Pleasent[.] At 11 oclock last night <sister> Nancy Smithee [Smithies] Sr had a daughter[.] She was named Sarah Ellen[.] Stoped at noon to water and found some intellegence of <from> the Pioneers they had ben here on the 29 or 30 of April and it was 207 Miles from Winter Quarters[.] Here is good feed but the ground is saltpetry, and the cattle licks it and gets sick.
Wed. 7th Very warm. Watered in the Platte at noon, and to night camped near the head of Grand Island. It is a dreary looking country around here: the feed very poor.
Thurs. 8. Very warm and dusty. Stopped to noon; went on again and crossed a dry creek with large elm trees on it, and encamped on another creek to night. The companies traveling behind us got in sight to night after not seeing them for some days. Better feed here; found an inscription on a buffalo scalp stating that the pioneers were here on the 4th of May.
Friday 9. Very warm; built a bridge and went on to the Platte river, which here is over a mile wide
Sat. 10 Pleasant[.] Expecting to find no wood for a while we stopped at noon on a goodly place where there are many islands full of willows. A company of hunters went to hunt buffaloes, but found none. Our hunters killed an antelope and a deer and some other hunters had seen great herds of buffaloes.
Sun. 11. Pleasant. Made coals of willow wood and repaired wagons.
Mon. 12. Warm weather. Encamped to night in a place where there are numerous islands, abounding with fine groves
Tues. 13. Warm weather. In the forenoon it happened that a wagon broke down and we had to turn to the first camping place on the river
Wed. 14. Fine weather. Went on and passed Captain [Charles C.] Reach's [Rich's] and Capt. [Jedediah M.] Grant's companies in the afternoon[.] these two companies had camped because of accidents. After this we passed over several sand hills and encamped on the river without wood. The hills mentioned are about 130 miles from Laramie and over three hundred miles from Council Bluffs
Thurs. 15. Fine weather. In continuing our journey we passed a large grove and passed up along a stream almost to the bluffs before we crossed it on account of swamps which were on the other side of it. We encamped to night <on> another creek. Six horses was were seen among the buffaloes, but they were too wild to be caught.
Fri 16. Very warm. A letter done up in a chunk of wood gave us intelligence from the pioneers and advised us to look for more such as we passed along. We encamped on the river (the north fork).
Sat. 17. Cool weather. We crossed three muddy places, and some messengers came over the river to see us; they belong to a company <from Oregon> encamped on yonder side of the south fork; they had encamped with the Pioneers at the South Pass fifteen days ago. They brought some letters with them for our people, and four men on horseback was to go over and get them, but they did not go for fear that they might be detained and get too far behind us[.] One wagon broke down in crossing a muddy brook, and while repairing it, a large buffalo came up almost to the wagons. He was fired at & run off. Some of our company saw this morning numerous herds of buffaloes over the river & also over the bluffs. Encamp on the river.
Sunday 18. Pleasant. Started & went up to the big camp; here is very scarce for wood. We learn that Capt. Grants companies herd had got frightened & broke out & 75 head got away. 12 men is appointed to go back & hunt for them. Order given not to go hunting without appointment, also not to waste any game, as it is a disgrace to the people & displeasing to the Lord.
Mon. 19. Very warm. In want of wood folks has to use buffalo dung for fuel. Some stray oxen has been got out from amongst the buffaloes.
Tues. 20. Cool but pleasant. Did not travel today
Wed. 21. Strong cold wind this morning. We crossed Black River, after which we went up over the bluffs while 2-3000 head of buffaloes were passing by us on both sides. In the afternoon we went over some other sandy hills & encamped on the bottom tonight.
Thurs. 22. Warm weather. Crossed a creek & went up on the bluff which was hard on the cattle because of the loose sand. After traveling on the best kind of road in the latter part of the day we encamped on the river. Parley's company is the only one ahead of us. Understanding that Indians was about us we put on double guard.
Fri. 23. Rain this morning. Went on to Parley's camp 3-4 miles. Opposite of here on the high bluff is the first cedar trees seen on this route. A little way above is an Indian camp. This afternoon nearly 300 men, women & children are here visiting us. They came here singing & are very neetly dressed, they danced for us & some of our folks turned out & danced for them after the music of a violin, a fife & two drummers; one of the cannons was fired off for them twice & they were very much pleased. Single guard again tonight.
Sat. 24. Warm weather. Capt. Grant's company has come up & we are now all together. Started & stopped at noon opposite to the camp of the Souix [Sioux], which contained about 100 tents; there seems to be about 500 horses & mules. The road is good but we had some sticky places to pass over & some wagons got stuck, wherefore we are all scattered again. We encamped at a small run.
Sun. 25. Cloudy. Bro. [Joseph] Mount got home yesterday & had found 4 of oxen of Grant's company. Ten of the brethren, of the pioneers & of the soldiers arrived at our camp. Encamped on the river.
Mon. 26. Cool & cloudy. Went over the sandy bluff which was hard on the cattle, after which we had best kind of road; crossed two muddy brooks & in the afternoon forded a river & traveled till sun down. Encamped on the river.
Tues. 27. Warm weather. As we were about to start we were again visited by a company of sioux. The Capt. Selected some bread & carried it to the chief. & they were much pleased. Their camp on the other side of the river consisted of about 50 tents & about 300 horses was feeding there. To night cold rain, we encamped on the river. Good feed is scarce.
Wed. 28. Warm weather. This morning about 20 men on horseback came down along the river on the other side & 5 of them came over to see us. They were Kentuckians who has been to Oregon on expedition. Stopped a little while at noon & went over the bluff & while traveling amongst the hills a strong wind arose & it rained some & the sand flew from the hills like dust. When we got down to the river we encamped opposite of what is called Bluff ruin.
Thurs. 29. Cool weather. Stopped at noon. Good road & no creeks to cross. Encamped on a high place near the river with plenty of flote wood.
Fri. 30. Warm weather. Went over the bluff & encamped at night above Chimney rock. The feed here is excellent.
Sat. 31. Cool weather. Met a company of men on horseback & a family with a carriage coming from Oregon, being disappointed & went back to the States by the way of Winter Quarters; they were mostly mecanics & sailors. Bro. [James] Davenport was with them from the ferry above fort Laramie. In the afternoon passed Scotts Bluff which is 20 miles above the Chimney rock; we traveled on table land level as standing water & covered with buffalo grass only 3 inches high & a great many prickly pears. Encamped on the river tonight with good feed for our cattle. We have experienced that the cattle does travel smaller when they don't eat at noon, when the weather is hot & the feed good.
Sun. Aug. 1. Fine weather. This afternoon Capt. Smoot called a meeting in his company of hundred. He gave many instructions & exhorted the Brethren to obedience that we might be united the captains to stand in their places, respect their officers as well as the Priesthood, as they were given to them on the same principles as it, to handle anybody who was out of the way with ease, and with kindness; and in case that was not sufficient, then it was time to command them. The brethren should consider this journey a great school to them, and that they might expect to be called to lead companies this same way to Zion, in which case they would expect these companies to be subject to them.
Mon. 2. Fine weather[.] Three men has arrived at our camp from Fort Laramie to see us. Good roads all day. Encamped on the river
Tues. 3. Warm weather; we passed through a narrow pass between the river and the bluff, and encamped to night on a bushy place near the river. We met Brothers Jones, Willey and others who are going with some of the officers of the Battalion to Fort Leavenworth.
Wed. 4. Warm and windy. Very sandy road; crossed Rawhide Creek, which now is dry. Encamped on the river.
Thurs. 5. Warm weather. Traveled on and crossed the old river at the old fort called la Platte, it is two miles north of the new Fort John which lies on the fork called Laramie. On the south side we got into the Oregon Trail and went on about 2½ miles. Plenty of wood, but very poor feed.
Fri 6. Warm weather. We concluded to lay over to repair wagons, etc.
Sat 7. Warm weather. Some of the brethren went up into the mountains to make tar; built several killns but produced only a few pints while others who took the pine roots down and built their killns in the river bank produced a number of gallons. The reason was that those made in the mountains could not be made light enough to keep from catching fire and burn up.
Sun. 8. Warm weather with rain & thunder. The brethren & sisters are hard to work, blacksmithing, wagon making, tar making, washing, soap making, etc. Our cattle is over the river doing well.
Mon. 9. Warm weather. Some business going on yet.
Tues. 10. Heavy rain with thunder in the forenoon. Started in the afternoon & went up over the bluff & encamped about 12 miles above the fort.
Wed. 11. Warm weather. Started early expecting to have to go 17 miles to get water. We went through a long pass between the Black hills, pass what is called the warm springs & went up on the hills where we had excellent road & at noon went down into a valley with a dry river in it. Encamped to night in a burned grove.
Thurs. 12. Pleasant. Stopped today for the benefit of our cattle. But in the afternoon learning that there is a better place for the cattle 2 miles ahead we got up our cattle & went on.
Fri. 13. Cold morning. The second fifty which is here also had 11 horses & 1 mule stolen last night by the Crow Indians. Bears has been seen here. Having some trouble to find our cattle we got a rather late start & soon had to stop again while fixing a wagon wheel & went on again at noon & traveled in the dry river 2 miles & crossed it 5 times which makes it 11 times in the whole length. Went up on to a very high hill with some very large stone on & going down again the road was very bad & a wagon broke down. Encamped in a cotton grove. Here is a spring called Kimballs spring.
Sat. 14. Cloudy morning. Went out from here & up on very high hills by doubling teams & it was noon when we all got up; one wagon broke. Went down again & crossed a creek, went up again & encamped at a spring where there was good feed.
Sun. 15. Pleasant, cool. Started after noon when we got up on the high hills a hurricane did arise & we stopped until it was over. The top blew off from one wagon. Encamped tonight with the rest of the hundred in a pleasant valley on a fine stream. Bro. Glines had arrived here from the great basin with the news that a city was laid out & fields planted 30 miles southeast of the Salt Lake.
Mon. 16. Cool & pleasant. Traveled on & came through a valley where everything was red & met Bro. E[zra]. Benson, O[rrin]. P. Rockwell & another man. After coming 12 miles we encamped on a dry creek by a cold spring.
Tues. 17. Cloudy weather. Traveled on & at night encamped in a pleasant valley, with a fine stream & a good quality of timber. This is the largest stream we have seen since we left Platte river. In the evening Elder E. Benson preached to us, telling about the beautiful land that the Lord had given to the Saints etc. He said that he felt like a little child & that he could go by himself & weep for joy; gave many good warnings & bid farewell. Elder Taylor spoke some & sang, "The Upper California" & it was a joyful evening unto us all. Hunters & Richards <riches> companies present.
Wed. 18. Some rain while traveling. Stopped at noon & arrived at the Platte river to night. We learn that the Crow Indians has took 8 yoke of oxen from Bro. Grant's Company.
Thurs. 19. Cloudy after a cold rainy night. Started & crossed Deer Creek & stopped a mile above on the river because of rain.
Fri. 20. Cloudy & cool. Bros. Benson & Rockwell started for the great Basin. This forenoon one wagon broke down by crossing a deep place. In the afternoon crossed a swift running creek with some difficulty.
Sat. 21. Cool. Rain at noon. Crossed 4 creeks & two deep hollows & encamped 3 miles below the ferry with good feed.
Sun. 22. Warm weather. Stopped to rest.
Mon. 23. Warm weather. Started & crossed the river & had to stop because the accident happened that one of Capt. [John] Nebekers little sons had his thigh broke under the wagon. Our cattle has here been on good grass, but here is some poisonous mineral which has killed two good oxen[.] After coming 12 miles we encamped on a green place[.] Another ox and cow dead.
Tues. 24. Warm, windy and dusty[.] Afternoon we watered our cattle in a small brook and encamped to night on an almost dry creek. One ox died
Wed. 25. Very cold and foggy in the forenoon and windy in the afternoon. Crossing a creek it happened that a wagon tipped over and broke down. Encamped a few miles further down on the same creek, where there was plenty of very large sage brush.
Thurs. 26. Warm weather. Traveled over a large sand plain, and arrived in Sweetwater near Independence Rock. Good feed.
Fri. 27. Pleasant. According to agreement the teams were regulated on the principle of equality because the cattle had become very weak. Crossed the river at Independence Rock and encamped tonight on the river where it runs through the rocks. An ox <died>
Sat. 28. Pleasant. Two more oxen dead. Traveled 10 miles and encamped on the river. Two more oxen died to night.
Sun. 29. Rather dusty[.] Traveled on and encamped on the river again to night after crossing two creeks.
Mon. 30. Pleasant morning but dusty roads[.] After we had encamped to night on the river some the Pioneers arrived at our camp with horse teams and on horseback, among them were Elder Taylor and Captain Snow. They stopped with us over night. Cold winds during the night.
Tues. 31. In the morning the officers of the company were called together and informed by Elders Taylor and Snow that Captain Snows company could not move unless they could receive more help from others. We turned them out one more yoke of oxen. The day was pleasant. We crossed the river 3 times with difficulty, after coming ten miles encamped on the river. Met some pioneers. Meeting this evening in which Bro. [Henson] Walker made a good speech about the valley etc.
Wed. Sept. 1. Pleasant[.] Crossed the river, traveled 17 miles & encamped on the river again all well
Thurs. 2. Pleasant. Started over the river & up the hills & met Bro. [John] Pack & some more of the brethren from the Valley with 10 or 12 wagons. Stopped at noon, crossed the river twice more & encamped in it to night. Bro. [Jesse C.] Little & others arrived at our camp.
Fri 3. Cold & misty. Traveled over some high mountains, stopped at noon, & encamped on an almost dry creek called Strawberry creek.
Sat. 4. Warm & calm. Crossed this creek & two more & at sundown the sweetwater & encamped. Our road in the mountains today was like a high way only better.
Sun. 5. Windy & dusty. Passed over the dividing ridge & encamped on the green or dividing Pacific springs after which the Pioneers arrived there & we had much pleasure. Meeting in the evening. Bros. Geo. A. Smith[,] Orson Pratt & [Wilford] Woodruff preached. They said that the land which was found was preserved for this people, & that any person who enjoys the spirit of God would know it as soon as he sees it. They gave many good instructions & warned to be faithful that we might not cause the wrath of God to come upon us etc.
Mon. 6. Pleasant. President B. Young proposed to stay here today and spend the day together, and all agreed to do so. Cold and windy tonight
Tues. 7. It was quite late when we separated and went on each our way. It commenced snowing but cleared up toward night. We crossed Dry Sandy at 2 o'clock p.m., and Little Sandy at 10 in the evening when we stopped. The road was good, and the cattle traveled very fast especially after sundown; 28 miles.
Wed. 8. Cool but pleasant. Started at noon and traveled to Big Sandy—8 miles—on good roads.
Thurs. 9. Warm weather. Traveled 17 miles and encamped on the same creek.
Fri 10 Pleasant; good road, crossed Green river and encamped. The crossing was difficult because of the gravel the wind and the swiftness of the water.
Sat 11 Pleasant. Traveled 16 miles to Blacks' Fork
Sun 12. Warm weather. Traveled 8 miles, crossing Hams' Fork, or Muddy Creek, and encamped on Blacks' Fork after crossing it. Some Indians came here on horse back. Last week we traveled 107 miles.
Mon 13. Pleasant. Crossed Black's Fork twice and encamped on it again after coming 16 miles. It is 15½ miles to Fort Bridger.
Tues. 14. Pleasant. Crossed a creek and encamped on Blacks Fork 3/4 mile from Fort Bridger.
Wed. 15. Pleasant. Crossed the creeks and passed the fort. Encamped after coming 9 miles on a very high place.
Thurs. 16. Very cold. Traveled over high mountains, and going down into a valley, a wagon broke. Stopped at noon and went on again traveling until an hour after sundown, and encamped on a high mountain.
Fri. 17. Warm weather[.] As our cattle had scattered about much, we got a late start this morning. Going down a steep road, we met Father Sherwood and another man coming from the valley. Stopped for noon on a creek, and went on two miles further to Bear River which is a good place, and it was concluded to stay to-morrow over. We had to double teams to get here.
Sat. 18. Fine weather. The rest of our hundred arrived here.
Sun. 19. Warm weather, windy and dusty. Traveled 9 miles and encamped on the ground where President Young had taken sick. Plenty of good feed.
Mon. 20. Warm weather. Started, and a wagon upset on a sideling place and broke the tip. Another one broke down in the afternoon. Passed Cave Rock and encamped to nigh[t] on a narrow place between the mountains, after crossing a creek four times.
Tues. 21. Warm weather. Started late because some cattle were missing. Crossed the same creek several times and encamped between the mountains. Today met some ox teams going to help Bro. Grant's company
Wed. 22. Cool, but pleasant. Continued our traveling between the mountains over creeks and through bushes. Crossed Weber river and encamped some distance up in Pratt's Pass.
Thurs. 23. Pleasant. Passed a very bad sideling place and crossed one creek, often, and after noon came to Canyon Creek, which we crossed six times before we encamped at dark. A team came from the valley to lighten Bro Kimball's loads.
Fri 24. Pleasant. Crossed Canyon Creek 7 times; came to a muddy place where we had to double teams, and then we started up what is called the Five Mile hill. Some got over and some encamped on the top, and others were behind.
Sat. 25. Pleasant. Started late went over another hill and got into the Valley. Some of the weak teams are yet behind.
Sun. 26. Reached the site of the City in the Valley.
The last of Captain Wallace's Fifty arrived on the 29th.