
Transcript for George Goddard papers, 1855-1899, Journals, Volume 2, 1857 April-1858 July

Sunday May 2nd During the past two weeks I have been preparing for a start, went to Calhoun, DeSoto, Crescent and Bluff City with Bro. Twitchell on a pedling excursion[.] found money very scarce and trade dull. Most of the English Missionaries arrived, several teams went 2½ Miles out of Florence to Camp yesterday, the weather had been very wet and cold, settled up with M.C.Blake[.] he was well satisfied with my services, gave me $5.00 and several articles out of his store towards my outfit[.] denied twice at Sister Aneys, Bluff City, made my home at Bro W.D. Johnson’s for several days, had a good time with Bro Joel Johnson and about 9 of the Elders, had several Jovial and Refreshing meetings at different friends houses, last night about 12 Elders and some neighbours met at W.D. Johnsons[.] after blessing there children by John L. Smith, Bernard Snow & Bro Logan, spent the remainder of the evening in singing &c till nearly 12 o clock[.] this morning it rained till noon and was very cold.

Monday <May> 3rd At ½ past 3 P.M. started on the plains from Bro. W.D. Johnson’s after receiving much hospitality and many Kindnesses at his hands, camped on the Little Papeao, an hour after staking out our animals, from some unknown cause, they all broke loose from fright and Bro Angus Cannons Mules started back for two miles on the road, giving Bro John Snedeker a chase that distance—myself and John Wilson had a good nights rest in the wagon.

Tuesday May 4th Started at ½ past 8 and reached Elk Horne at 2 P.M. where we stayed until the arrival of Bros S. H. Goddard and Angus Cannon at 6 p m and camped there.

Wednesday 5th Started at ½ past 8, nooned at Fremont near the Liberty Pole, a few minutes after we left here, the skane of our axle tree broke, and we returned to Fremont to have it fixed, it hindered us 3½ hours, camped at 8 P.M.

Thursday 6th We started at 7 A M, weather fine[.] travelled 5½ hours, stayed 2 hours for dinner, and camped by a deep Slough

Friday <May> 7th After packing our load over on horseback we went on our way rejoicing through a wet morning, early in the afternoon Bro Angus Cannon and myself started ahead on horseback and after being drenched with rain we reached Genoa between 7 and 8 o clock, the main company having arrived there 4 hours before us

Saturday 8th Breakfasted at Bro Pecks, between 9 and 10[.] Angus’ team and mine came in, we had two new axle trees made for our carriage and done other repairs necessary for safe travelling

Sunday 9th Had the carriage finished, in the afternoon went to the meeting and spoke a few minutes after which assisted in getting over the last two waggons of our company over the Loup Forke [Fork], stood guard from 11 to 1 A M, about this time it began to rain and continued for 7 hours, making us very wet in our beds

Monday 10th removed from the river to a good camp place about two miles where we stayed for the day

Tuesday 11th Went 6 or 7 Miles further and remained till the other division of the company came up.

Wednesday 12th At 7 o clock we left the camp ground in good health and spirits[.] the Company consists of 108 Men[,] 1 Boy[,] 1 Woman[,] 2 Children, making in all 112 Souls, John W Berry, Captain of the whole company, David Brinton Captain of the one division, comprising the United States and Canada Missionaries, there are 20 Wagons in the entire company, we travelled about 25 Miles to day and camped at ½ past 4 P.M. Bro David O. Rideout’s Son, John G was baptised yesterday by his Father and confirmed by Tho[ma]s. Hall and several of the elders

Thursday 13th Travelled over 20 Miles and camped on Prairie Creek which was very difficult to cross being very muddy and a steep pitch in going in and almost as bad going out

Friday 14th Crossing a bad slough this morning[,] 3 wagons got stuck and a few trifling breakages occurred, nooned on Prairie Creek, saw several Buffalo on this creek, camped at the lone tree after a travel of 24 or 25 Miles

Saturday 15th Moved on at ¼ past 7. arrived at Wood River at 11, remained till after 4 P.M. and then travelled till midnight[.] this was done to avoid observation from Fort Kearney, at this time a dense atmosphere surrounded us, and continued with little rain until after we got several miles on this side Kearney, which we all regarded as a special manifestation of the favour of God, started at day break

Sunday 16th travelled till 9 A M and camped on Elm Creek, held a meeting and rec[eive]d some excellent instruction from Captn. Berry and others, at near 3 P M we started and camped on Buffalo Creek camp in first rate spirits and in good health

Monday 17 At ¼ past 7 the camp moved on, travelled till near noon, here we remained till ½ past 2 then on again till near sun down making over 25 miles[.] Animals much fatigued[.] 2 or 3 gave out &c

Tuesday 18th Travelled to Skunk Creek, camped at ½ past 4,

Wednesday 19th Camp in good health, started at ½ past 7 and travelled about 25 miles and camped on the platte

Thursday 20th From to to 7 horses stampeded and went on the road back between 9 & 10 oclock last night and Bros W Smith, J[ames] Andrus and Tho[ma]s Browning have been out all night in search of them, and after a chase of near 50 miles from camp they overtook five and finally succeeded in securing them, and returned to camp at 5 P M, animals and men much fatigued, having travelled about 100 miles in 18 hours, two horses are still missing one belonging to Captain [David] Brinton the other to Bro [David Oliver] Rideout, very cold and windy all day

Friday 21st Started from camp about the usual time and after crossing 9 or 10 Muddy creeks or Sloughs camped one mile West of North Bluff Fork 18 m

Saturday 22nd Very foggy and heavy dew, passed over 3 sandy bluffs, several creeks & sandy roads[.] travelled over 20 miles

Sunday 23rd Clear sky, fine day till 4 p m, crossed many streams, made 25 miles travel, had a good bathe

Monday 24th Crossed several creeks, sandy Bluffs and


Names of Missionaries and others in this company
Hand Cart Missionaries from Europe


Andrus James
Berry John W.
Bramall Wm.
Dallan Wm.
Ensign Martin L.
Evans Richd G.
Herriman H.
Littlewood Martin
Logan Robert
Margets Phil
McBride Reuben M
Miller Robt E
Pierce Eli Harvey
Pinder John G
Reese Enock
Roulet Fredk
Stannisforth Geo
Stewart Wm J
Taylor Amos
Taylor Jabez
Thomas Wm P
Tomkinson Ephraim
Wilkin David
Young Seymour B
Gallay James
Young Brigham H

United States & Canada
Brinton David
Browning Thomas
Bull Wm H
Carlin William
Gardner Robt.
Goddard Stephen H
Goddard George
Hall Thomas
Hill Isaac N
Hill Richard
Huntsman Gabriel
Mackintosh Daniel
Maylett W F
McCrary John
Riter Samuel
Shumway Charles
Smith Wm H
Terry Joel
Twitchell Wm B

English Missionaries
Beck James
Brown Wm.
Browning Jas. G
Bullock Thos
Clark Ezra T
Craig James
Daniels Daniel
Davis Daniel
Doremus Henry J
Gates George
Higbee Isaac
Hobson Jesse
Hubbard Chas W
King Thos R
Lavender James
Muir Wm S
Pace Wm
Page Daniel
Pierce Thomas
Robinson Peter
Romley Miles
Roskelley Saml
Russell Thos W.
Scofield Joseph
Shumway Andrew P
Smith John L
Smith Saml H.B.
Smith Wm J
Snow Bernard
Stevens James W
Taylor George
Taylor James W
Tippitts John H
Ure JamesAmerican Missionaries
Cannon Angus M.
Coombs Isaiah M
Rideout David O & Son
Snedeker John F
Welchman Arthur P
Wood Lyman S

others from England
Bodell Joseph
Bunting James
Burgess Mark
England Wm
Fox Charles
Jones John E
Kerswell, Wm
Louden Robt
Philips Thomas
Vaughan Michael
Wilkins Eli
Ursanback Octave

Fisher Thos J
Hough [Huff] Jas
Metcalf Levi G
Brackenbury John W
Miles Ira
Alcott James
Abgood Wm
Pope Robt. Wife & 2 children

making 106 7 85 M[ale] M[embers]
others[,] 21
Woman[,] 1
Children[,] 3

[Total] 110 Souls

sloughy bottom, making it a heavy days pull, camped opposite Ash Hollow after passing a band of Ogallallah Siouz Indians and learned from them that the first Train passing on the south side was seen at 10 A.M this morning.

Tuesday May 25th fine morning[.] passed through Castle Creek[.] travelled about 12 Miles & nooned, at 20 m to 3 moved on at good speed till we reached Crab Creek and found the best water and feed we had yet met with, saw 20 Lodges on the south side of the platt[e], and a few on this, the Indians seem very friendly

Wednesday 26th Started 10 m to 7, fine cool morning, passed over a long steep sandy Bluff, saw between 20 & 30 Wagons on the south of platte returning, supposed to be an empty supply train from Laramie, travelled a little over 4 hours and nooned, travelled between 5 & 6 hours and camped opposite Court House Rock, this afternoon the weather was very hot and the road mostly sandy, Men and Animals much fatigued

Thursday 27th Up at 4 and started at 7. cool and refreshing, nooned at on the platte nearly opposite Chimney Rock, about two hours after we left here, Bros J. Murdock & Van Eltan came up to us from the lower road, who with Worthing Knowles, .... West, & Howard Egan were escorting Col Kane to the states, we turned off nearly a mile to receive from the Brethren instructions from President B Young in a letter which was read to all our camp, the contents made every heart rejoice, we camped about 8 Miles above Chimney Rock, here we had to use Sage Brush for the first time, wind blowing very hard

Friday 28th up at 20 m p 4, fine M, with sharp frost, started at 7[.] travelled 5 hours over a good road, passing by Scots Bluffs and nooned on the platte, after which we continued our journey over a good road till near Sun down and camped at least a mile from water and scarcely anything for fuel making about 28 miles to day, or 30 to Laramie, good feed for animals

Saturday 29 Started at 20 m past 7 and stayed at the first timber on the north side of the platte, stayed 3 hours, saw 3 Teams, with to moving up on the s side of Platte, road good and camped near the platte

Sunday 30 Cold night, clouded sky, Laramie Peak covered with snow, started to go a few miles intending to pass Laramie in the night but discovered the mail of 4 waggons rapidly going to Fort Laramie along the south route[.] Captn Berry concluded to pass by day light, travelled over very sandy road to raw hide creek & crossed it, passed over river bluffs near the river, saw a large band of Horses going towards Laramie, took the road for Laramie Ford, within 3 miles a heavy storm of rain and hail commenced and continued to fall in torrents until we had passed it nearly two miles, saw the Fort house, when the storm was over the ground was covered near an inch deep with hail stones and was bitter cold, many of us were drenched to the skin, and though in many places pools of water was lying in our way, the whole camp kept on the march until we had gone 6 miles beyond Laramie where we had excellent feed and water, clouds disappeared and a clear blue sky with a warm sun and a good fire made of pine cheered and warmed us up after the storm.

Monday May 31 Camp all well, up at ¼ past 4, breakfasted and started at ½ past 6, travelled 3½ hours, stayed for refreshment till 25 15 m to 12, and traveleld till ¼ past 4, here we stopped again for our animals to recruit, having passed over many long, steep and stoney hills usually called the Black Hills which are litterally covered with Cedar and Pine trees as far as the eye can reach, and present to the traveller many picturesque views that are no where else to be seen, we continued till near sun down and camped on what is called the alder clump making about 30 miles to day

Tuesday June 1 Started at 7, fine morning; all well, travelled 4 hours and rested till 1 o clock, on again till after 4, and camped on the platte, feed scanty, here we stayed for the night owing to Bro Halls Axle tree breaking and a new one needed, 21 miles to day.

Wednesday June 2nd Thunder & Lightening with little rain in the night, camp starts at ½ past 6 along a good road and halts at ½ past 10, ¾ of a mile from river, on again at 2 p m, and after going over some very steep hills and crooked places and considerable sand, we camped by the side of a very rapid and muddy stream occasioned by a heavy storm that passed over this morning (26 miles)

Thursday June 3 last night myself and Enock [Enoch] Reese were requested to act as Teachers and preach the necessity of reformation among some of the Elders of this camp, stood guard from 10 to 12[.] up at 4, began to rain & blow and was very cold. Started at ¼ to 7. and travelled 3 hours and ¾ over a succession of steep and difficult hills, nooned near the platte, we left the Black Hills behind us this morning. Started again at ¼ to 1 and camped nearly opposite the Deer Creek station on the platte, plenty of wood & water but scarcely any feed for Animals

Friday 4th at ¼ to 7 we started over a very heavy sand and steep long hills and at 9 stayed for the Animals to feed, at 11 moved on, news from the Traders at Deer Creek reached us, that our families were returning to their old habitation owing to peace being restored at Utah, travelled till 2 and - - - untill near sun down, campd a few miles below platte Bridge

Saturday 5th Started ¼ to 7, and went over the heaviest sand bed we had met with, passed by the platte bridge, and sta camped at 11 A M at the upper crossing of the platte, here we rested through the day, several trades was made by the Captain & Bro Cannon with the Traders camped near the Bridge, I bathed in the river

Sunday 6thJune. Fine morn, started .... ½ past 6[.] halted at Mineral Springs, staid 2½ hours, Gabrial Huntsmans Axle tree broke, and was rep[aire]d by S H Goddard[.] passed over a very rough road that was cut up by the heavy Government Wagons, camped on Willow Springs at ¼ past 6

Monday 7th I was on guard from 12 till 2, fine morning, camp up at day break[.] off at 5 m past 4[,] travelled 9 1/3 miles and breakfasted on Grease wood [Greasewood] creek at ½ past 6, off again at ½ past 8, passed over some good road, also some sand beds, passed by the trading post on Sweet Water, and forded the river rather than pay 2 dollars per wagon to go over the bridge, left Independance [Independence] Rock on the right, nooned after crossing the river for two hours and started again, passing Devils Gate[.] saw the ruins of Fort built by Mormons, crossed 3 Creeks, also some heavy Salaratus beds roads, and camped on the deep ravine, travelled 34 Miles

Tuesday June 8 Off at 10 m past 4, passed several sand ridges, halted at 6 for breakfast on Sweet Water, stayed for 2½ hours, went on to the 2nd crossing of Sweet Water and nooned, the mail from Bridger passed us at 10 m past 10 about 11 miles below, we then forded three more crossings of sweet water, camped on the 5th[.] wind very high, made our bed at the foot of a long stoney mountain[.] began to rain about 2 A M on

Wednesday June 9th and continued most of the day which detained us, the Quartermasters mail came up, with two young men & 5 mules, they reported all quiet at Bridger, We, about 12 of us ascended the highest peak around here and sung several tunes, too cold, wet & windy to bake bread this Morning. Met 1 Hand Cart & 8 or 10 Wagons with apostates in[.] T French & Wife put out about 3 p m[,] Stewart & Family, Gallands daughter & friend among the members[.] and travelled 12 miles

June 10th It snowed considerable through the night, several inches deep on our bed[,] started early while snowing[,] went 9 miles and halted[;] detained several hours owing to the storm, Mr Hersey a Californian came to our camp who had wintered in the Valley bearing a good report of our people and he was well acquainted with Orson Hyde &c 12 months to day our Hand Cart Train arrived in Florence on welting under a burning sun, now we are in the midst of a cold winterly snow storm[.] about 1 p m we went on for several hours over some very long steep hills, and camped on a [] stream, to day noon Bros Wilkin, Margets &c cached 6 Iron Axle Trees[.] soon after we camped[,] the storm cleared off and we had a fine star light frosty night, I stood guard on 1st watch

Friday June 11th severe frost in the night[.] Ice one inch thick in some places and snow 1 foot deep, it was a regular N E Storm, started 20 m. to 5[.] camped rolled over rough rocky ridges, met 5 Horse Wagons with, reported [ret.] 25 Teamsters to each report and several on Horse back, travelled 2½ hours and halted for breakfast and after travelling some two hours we met several of our boys from the Valley who Kindly aided some of our company with Beef and Bacon which was very acceptable, we then travell’d on to the last crossing of Sweet Water & camped

Saturday June 12th Started early and in a few minutes crossed the divide on South Pass and halted for Breakfast on the pacific Spring Creek, then passed over dry sandy and some sand beds & halted for dinner, went on to little Sandy and camped on the same between 2 & 3 miles after we had crossed it

Sunday June 13 Started at ½ past 4 and after 1½ hours crot [crossed] over a beautiful road, halted for breakfast on Big Sandy, after which we soon came to the camp ground where the we found a large quantity of Wagon Iron[.] this we supposed to be the fragments of 26 Government freight Wagons destroyed last fall by fire, we soon halted on a hill for dinner, without any water for our horses, while here the Mail from Bridger passed us, and reported that a company of Soldiers had started for Salt Lake City yesterday[.] another was to go to day, and the balance tomorrow. Went a few miles further and halted for supper on the large bend of Big Sandy, at ¼ to 7 went on again to along Kennys cut off till ½ past 10 and having gone ½ a mile off our track, we had to camp for the night without wood, water or feed and tied our animals to the wheels.

Monday June 14Started early and got to Green River before 6 A M[.] Breakfasted, saw a Ferry Boat tied up, used it to Ferry over our Wagons and by 2 o clock we were all on the west side of the river and felt to acknowledge the hand of the Lord in this as also in many other special manifestatio[ns] of his favour and protection. Then at ¼ to 3pm we started and went over a very uneven hilly country for three hours & ¾ and camped on a clear stream, whe feed scanty.

Tuesday June 15 Off at 20 m past 4, travelled over a fine hard road for 1 hour & ¾ & Breakfasted after which we went for 2½ hours more, and found the very best camping place we had ever met with, there were several springs of pure cold water plenty of sage brush, and abundance of the best feed for animals, here we stayed 3 hours to recruit, at ¼ to 3 we moved on for a few hours & camped

Wednesday 16th Off at ¼ past 4[.] travelled 1½ hours & Breakfasted, after 5 hours & ¼ more travel halted for noon, while here a heavy thunder storm came on & detained us nearly an hour, started again at 3 p m and after ascending and descending some of the longest, steepest, Rockiest & most difficult mountains we had ever seen, we camped between 6 & 7 p m in a very secluded place, surrounded with high mountains, Bro Halls team gave out this noon & Bro. Gardner [....d] in his mare & mule & drove team for him this morning, Bros Reese, W Smith, W McCrary & John L Smith was sent as skouts at the ahead of the Train,

Thursday June 17 Rained through the night & this morning, had breakfast & started at ½ past 6[.] travelled 6 miles and struck Bear River and took a south East course along its banks till 11 a m and halted for dinner, started again at 10 m past 1 and travelled till 10 m past 6 making 30 miles to day & camped in a bend on Bear River

Friday June 18 Off at ½ past 4, went 2¾ hours or 9 miles & breakfasted, started at ¼ past 9 and drove till 11, here we lashed 2 Wagon Boxes together and one at the top to ferry our provisions, Harness &c over Bear River, after two loads had been taken over and Bro James Andrus returning in the empty box, the bottom ones filled with water and began to sink, he Kept his seat until the water came up to his breast, and as several things which were left in the box were seen floating down the river, he plunged in after them, he caught hold of a Bucket and endeavored to feel the Bottom of the river but the water was too deep and in trying to use his legs again to swim to shore found it impossible as his boots had filled, he loosed his hold of the bucket and gave himself up to his fate, he became exhausted and went under twice[.] the stream by this time had taken him near enough the shore to allow Bro Metcalf to lay hold of him and when taken out was unconscious for a short time, the wagon boxes were then secured with covers which kept the wagon water from coming through so much, and all was got over safe on the west side of Bear River

Saturday June 19 After breakfast we started and crossed two creeks, one of which was very miry and difficult to cross, it we continued our journey through an unknown path road until we struck a trail which brot us into the head of Echo Kanyon to the extreme joy of all the company, it began to rain & continued most of the night, 27 miles to day.

Sunday June 20 fine morning, water frozen in the Bucket[.] started at ½ past 4. we soon came into the regular road about a mile below Cache Cave, and saw a small company of 4 Wagons with mule teams belonging to D. [Hu.. .] also a few empty Government Wagons with 6 mules to each going to ferry the soldiers over Weber, a company of sappers & Miners also two companys of soldiers, and was told that Col Johnson with the rest of his command was only 12 miles behind, so that in consequence of our company taking Kenney cut off, we managed to get ahead of Johnsons army without their Knowledge, surely the hand of the Lord was here being made manifest, we halted for breakfast and 26 Wagons of Merchandise passed us belonging to Perry & Co[.] at 10 m to 9 we started again and arrived at Weber between 11 & 12 and all the company safely forded over by 2 o clock[.] after dinner we continued till we arrived a mile or two west of the divide and camped[.] 38 miles

Monday June 21 Started at 4 o clock and after crossing east Kanyon creek 11 times we halted about ½ way up the Big Mountain for breakfast making 11 miles, arrived at the top at ¼ to 11 and stopped at 20 m past 12 for dinner at the foot of the little mountain, at 25 m to 3 we started, and arrived at Salt Lake City between 6 & 7, greeted warmly by our friends who had been left as a guard to the City, the women and children had all left and went south