Transcript for George K. Bowering journal, 1842 July-1875 January, 79-118
June 5th, Saturday. Cap: John Tidwell rolled out for the Camp Ground near the Upper Ferry. The rest of us are making preparations to move in a day or two. We are happy to say all the poor are provided for one or two of the widows went off a day or two since with those whom they made arrangements with. Among these was Sister Jane Mason and her little boy. She has suffered very much by sickness and poverty while reciding here. I hope she will mend her circumstance.
June 6th, Sunday. Bro: T. Roger's family finished their preparations. I here state that Bro T Rogers has previous to the present time made an agreement for me to go with him to the Salt Lake Valley, on the same terms as I have been living with him during the winter at One Dollar and twenty-five cents a week to be counted to him on Tithing, that I ride in the ox wagon all the way, and he find me provisions. James Watton his father in law was in partnership with him in the ox wagon.
June 7th, Monday. To day Bro T Rogers' two wagons, and family, myself and James Watton and family and several other wagons rolled out from Council Point we stayed at Kanesville some time getting things at the Stores. While waiting here some heavy showers of rain which continued more or less the afternoon, this caused the roads to be muddy, to mend the matter there were many old tree stumps, and sidling places to pass as Father Watton was passing round one of these places with our wagon it sliped part of the way down the bank of a kind of slew, that ran in the middle of the road, it had to be proped up until some of the luggage was took out[.] In company with us was Thomas and John Hepworth with their wagon, they took their wagon past and came to render us assistance in taking out luggage and getting up the wagon[.] during this a heavy shower of rain. Before getting in the luggage several more wagons came up also Bro T Rogers with his other wagon and family, they assisted and we again started, went a few miles through mud and water and clime a steep hill had to double teams about one hundred yards beyond this we camped for the night near some timber, very cold.
June 8th, Tuesday. This morning hitched up our teams, traveled five miles through the Bluffs to our Company. Ourself went on a head of the teams, found all the company in good health and spirits, camping under the bluffs near a cold spring. By the time we had been in camp two hours, Pres: E T Benson came and organized us over again, into a Company Called the Fifth Company. Moved by E T Benson that Cap John Tidwell be the Captain of Fifty. That Tho[ma]s Robins be Captain of the First Ten. That John M King be Captain of the Second Ten. That Adolphie Young be Captain of the Third Ten. That Andrew Whitlock be Captain of the Fourth Ten. That Henry Garfield be Captain of the Fifth Ten. That James D Ross be Captain of the Guard. That (myself) Geo: K Bowering be the Clerk of the company. All these officers were Unanimously Carried. Pres: E T Benson Gave some good and useful instructions unto the Officers and Members of the Company. If observed will prove beneficial unto the whole. Read over a number of rules to be observed by the company.
First. Prayers to be observed night and morning.
Second. Meeting to be held on the Sabbath.
Third. No swearing to be allowed.
Fourth. Every one to be prepared to tie up their cattle.
Fifth. A Guard to be kept every night, and the word cried every half hour.
Sixth. Horses put into the correll for safty every night
Seventh. No cattle to be put into the correll, but to be kept out side, and a guard to be kept round them.
Eight. No man permitted to leave the camp without the consent of the Captain
Ninth. Every man to have a good gun an ammanition
Tenth. No gun to be put into the wagon with a cap on to avoid accident, and put a piece of leather over the tube.
Eleventh. Treat your animals with the utmost kindness
And Twelvth. A Captain of Fifty to be appointed.
Pres: E T Benson gave a little more instructions.
The Company numbers, in families 319 souls. Wagons 61. Horses 14. Oxen 217. Cows 164. Sheep 35. Men able to do duty 77 Total. In the evening again called together had instructions from Cap: J Tidwell Moved the time to arise in the morning, prayers, and special meetings be announced by the sound of the Bugle. Carried ) Bro's T Rogers, J McKee and E Crowel were not put out of office in their Tens through transgression but in consequence of absence at the time of organization.
June 9th. Wednesday. The weather very cold strong North wind, fine. At sundown the company called to order had instructions from Cap J Tidwell about each Ten supplying themselves with a few extra axletrees, and fillres, and spokes, to be prepared for accidents. He said in selecting the Tens had so arranged to divide a portion of our Council Point people in each Ten, by which means we are liable to have more union in our midst. Those of you present, if you be satisfied with this arrangement make it manifest by the show of the right hand. Clear vote.
June 10th. Thursday. This morning again called together, each company of Ten were selected out to themselves then each man given the privilege to change with each other in the Tens to please themselves. In the evening the first Ten moved out near the river to be ready to cross early next morning.
June 11th. Friday. Immediately after breakfast the company hitched up their teams went down on the river bank, the ferry-boat could not cross because of the wind being very high it blew from the S.W. we turned back to where we stayed the other night. About 11 o'clock am the Second company of Ten joined us. In the evening the third company of Ten came up
June 12th. Saturday. At sunrise Cap: Thos Robins's Ten hitched up their teams, went to the Ferry in a short time commenced to cross the Missraui [Missouri] River. While we were crossing the Second Company came up, and so on unto the Fifth Ten. After the first and second Ten had crossed, they hitched up their teams, went through the bluffs about three quarters of a mile beyond Winter Quarters, camped in a valley near some good water and plenty of grass, Firewood scarce. The weather fine and heat oppressive. Winter Quarters. Lat. 41° 18' 53" To this point the road good but very crooked following the ridges and passing over a continual succession of hills and hollows. Distant from Great Salt Lake 1031 miles.
June 13th. Sunday. Early this morning the Third Ten came rolling into Camp also part of the Fourth Ten with them. In the evening called together for meeting. Opened with prayer. Cap's Tidwell and Robins made some approbriate remarks. The fore part of to day two or three were engaged in fixing six spokes in one of the wheels on the wagon of David B Adams, which had been broken upon the road, by his young and unruly cattle turning round. Yesterday Bro T Rogers had one of his swindle-trees broken by his horses jumping over a small ditch at the bottom of an hill that was rather bad crossing. Weather hot and fine.
June 14th. Monday Early this morning the remainder of the Fourth Ten came into Camp. Bro T Rogers left the Camp returned to Kanesville after coming out with his family this far. He has returned according to the counsel of Pres: E T Benson to work in the behalf of getting the poor over the plains and for the general benefit of the Church he expects to over take us about halfway, as he comes through with Pres: E T Benson. Our earnest prayer to God in his behalf is that health and strength, the peace and blessings of Israel's God may be with him in all his labors: that the same blessings, may rest upon his family, and enjoy all the blessings that heaven can bestow upon mortal man. In the afternoon ourself and three others went back to the River found three wagons of our company with only the women with them, the men being the other side of the river, the three boys who were with me hitched up their teams, and brough them into Camp. The wind so high that the remainder not able to cross the river. Two of the wagons belonged to Cap A Whitlock. The other to John Wright my old boss, who has lost his two cows, he got them over the river left them in the care of a boy they ran from him back over the river, and not seen since. In the evening the wind abated eight wagons of the Fifth Ten crossed the river, came into Camp Cap's Tidwell and Robins also got their sheep over and brought them to Camp. Weather fine and warm.
June 15th. Tuesday. This morning the remainder of the wagons crossed the river, came into Camp. I was told the reason the whole company did not cross the river on saturday was because Bro Clark the Ferry man devoted one boat entirely to the Californians and about an hour before sundown the boat hands were quite tipsy. The pleasures of the dram shop was more powerful then the salvation of we Mormons. When the last wagon arrived in Camp they reported, as they were traveling from Kanesville and the Ferry had a small missfortune, of one of the Ladies in the crowd having the ill luck to fall out of the wagon and the wheel of the same running over her leg, and bruising it, which has caused her to be lame, she continues to get better. About noon as the Company were making preparing to move to an higher and better land for camping, we were visited by a slight thunder storm terminating in heavy rain all the afternoon. At this time our Camp was visited by the Monster Death, which took possession of Mr. Henry Howland through that foul, painful and dreadful Disease Cholrea [cholera] after laying eighteen hours. To put the cap stone on the story this was followed with the fatal accident that terminated the existance in this life of our aged Sister Reynolds. The cause and nature of the accident was as all were about ready to start to the new Camping ground, Thee of the Captains of Tens with their companies had moved on, the corpse of our friend was placed in the wagon, with it was our Deceased Sister, just as the teamster of Mr. Howland had steped on the wagon took hold of the reins he spoke to the horses, and to his consternation, he had in a moment of excitement forgot to buckle the reins to the bits, so away the horses flew at a rapid rate up hill and down dale, they took a circle back towards the river, until they smashed the wagon at a gully and Oh horror the Old Lady was thrown out by the stoppage, the wheels ran over her breast, she expired saying I am a dead woman lay hands upon me; for a few moments the bye standers were paralyzed, but to their credit be it spoken on went a few of the Brethren on foot like Indian Runers, at the same time Cap A Whitlock mounted his noble steed, and in an instant joined in pursuit of the runaways, at last by the teamster speaking to the horses they stopped. The brethren brought back the horses, left three or four to guard the two corpes and the property until evening when a wagon was sent for the property and a grave was dug, and the two corpses laid side by side in the same the woman on the left side of the man near unto Winter Quarters. Now let us turn our eyes and see what is going on in Camp in the meantime: the Camp was thrown somewhat into confusion, this was soon overcome and all commenced to roll out in the midst of rain and mud. At the same time the Camp was moving to the new camp ground I was employed in driving Bro Rogers's Cow to the new camp in the midst of exceedingly heavy rain I got wet through and through in going into camp saw Chas: Lapworth and others standing near a wagon they called me to get a drink of whiskey and I went on to Bro Rogers's wagon had the cow tied to a tree near by and went to the wagon Sister Rogers gave me a drink of brandy[.] sent me to the other wagon to lay down which I did and kept warm that I caught no cold. The fifth Ten and one or two wagons more went about half a mile farther unto Beebies Company. We did not correll. The rain continued for some time, very cold.
June 16th. Wednesday. This morning some men were dispatched back for the broken wagon brought it into camp. The first Ten rolled out took with them the broken wagon, the other Tens followed in rotation went about three miles from Winter Quarters formed into correll. Some repaired the broken wagon. Just before dark the Company were called together. The Rules read by the Clerk. Cap J Tidwell gave suitable instructions. Weather fine and warm.
June 17th. Thursday. This morning the atmosphere foggy, cleared off in an hour or two, hot. At noon yoked up our teams, traveled a few miles, camped just beyond the Six mile Grove, plenty of grass and little water of an inferior quality. in Travelling Bro: William McKee's two wagons were the hindmost, the first of the two, drove by a negro, the other drove by himself half a mile behind because the cattle broke loose; three Indians came to the wagon the colored man was with, wanted him to let them have some things, he would not let them have any thing. They then put for the wagon drove by Bro Wm McKee, the colored man seeing this followed them, it is supposed if it had not been for him they would have robbed Bro: Wm McKee's wagon.
June 18th. Friday. About 8 o'clock am. The Company made a start Cap Garfield with the Fifth Ten taking the lead. We had not gone far before Jns Wrigh[t] (my old boss. had the missfortune to break the tongue of his wagon, this was done as he was coming down a hill by turning suddenly when near another wagon. After two miles travel came to a boggy slough, we had to go over. Cap Garfield went round would not venture for some time, his men ventured and got over safe, when he saw this he turned about tried to get over in another place, was stuck fast, his wagon had to be drawn back and he come over the same place the other did, a short time the train was thrown into disorder. After clearing this place went a few yard and stopped for dinner, upon a hill. In the afternoon went to the Pappea, and camped on the hill the east side. The Pappea, ten feet wide, high banks[.] Some timber on the creek but it is difficult to water teams[.] 18 miles from Winter Quarters. Plenty of grass, wood, and water. About 9 o'clock pm Mrs. Mary Andrews, Late of Greavesstone Norfork England, who came out this season with her son, Died of Dearrhae after laying thirty hours was burried upon the hill. Weather fine.
June 19th. Saturday. At 9 o'clock a m. Began to cross a narrow bridge over the creek, the bridge just wide enough for a wagon to go over. Cap: A Whitlock lead the way with the Fourth Ten, the whole company go over in two hours, and a half, we went nine miles to Elk Horn, we traveled through brush, timber, and sandy roads[.] the road crooked and uneven to Elk Horn[.] The river is 9 rods wide, 3 feet deep, 27 from WQ and 1004 from GSL. In traveling this afternoon Cap T Robins get in trouble with the fifth Ten by running his company out of its place into the midst of the fifth Ten. The fourth and fifth Ten got over the river this evening before dark[.] Thousands of Misquitoes
June 20th. Sunday. This morning the first second and third Tens got safe over the river, swam the greater part of the cattle over. The charges of the Ferry was one dollar per wagon, two bits for a yoke of oxen Plenty of Grass and Timber on the East side, no timber on the West side. We moved about a hundred yards from the river and camped for the day. In the afternoon we were called together, had a few Tunes from a Brass Band that was with us. Meeting opened with singing, prayer by Cap John M King. The Captain of the Guard Elder James D Ross address the Company. He gave a most able, powerful and impressive discourse upon the principle of the Gathering, showing that we are now in the act of fulfilling prophecy that has been spoken by the Prophets of the Lord who prophecyed in olden times. Cap John Tidwell made remarks upon the same subject. Also said we have had some missfortunes and hinderences, and other thing which have transpired in our midst. We have made some few arrangements respecting order.
First. A Trumpet to be blown to call the people from their beds; and to unloose the cattle for herding, at the same time the herdsmen to be ready to go with them.
Second. The Trumpet to sound for prayers.
Third. The Trumpet to sound to call up the herds men with the cattle, and every one to be ready to yoke up and prepare for moving.
Fourth. The Trumpet to sound for the Company to start their journey.
John Eldre[d]ge Proposed that we raise our Captain a horse either by subscription or some other means.
Eliezer King Jun. Said the Captain might ride his poney, if he had a mind, it was young and has never been rode with a saddle, it was at his service. Moved that we accept of this offer. Carried. The captain of the Guard read over some bye Laws, which Cap Tidwell requested him to draw up for regulating the guard and herdsmen.
Bye Laws for the Government of the Guard.
First.—Every man to be ready for duty when called upon unless he is sick, and not able to take his post.
Second.—Carpenters and Blacksmiths to be released from duty, when they have been at work for the benefit of the Company.
Third Any man no matter what his station or calling if found asleep or otherwise neglecting his duty, for the first offence he will be required to perform double duty: for the second offence in addition to double duty he will be required to perform one half days herding and for the third offence a fine of one dollar shall be demanded, and for every additional offence the fine to be doubleed.
Fourth.—The money produced by the fines imposed upon the delinquents to be paid into the Perpetual Emigrating Fund. for the benefit of the poor.
First.—The same number of men to be employed for herding the cattle during the day as are on Guard during the night.
Second.—Any of the herdsmen found guilty of indolence to the neglect and danger of loosing the cattle the same penalties to be imposed, upon the delinquent herdsmen as those placed upon the offending Guard. Moved by Cap Jns M King. Seconded by Cap A Whitlock that we accept these bye Laws Carried. Dismissed[.] Immediately after five individuals went down into the water and were baptized under the hands of Cap J Tidwell in the Elk Horn. current swift not plesent to ferry over.
June 21st. Monday. Between 12 and 1 o'clock a m heavy thunder storm, The rain fell in turrents. About 9 o'clock a m yoke up, and commenced our journey. Half a dozen Indians loitering round Camp. We went some distance beyond Liberty Pole camped for the night. Liberty Pole is a post erected near the bridge of a Creek ten feet wide and steep banks over which is a good bridge, but little timber on the banks, where we camped plenty of grass had to go to the Platte river to water. Weather cool, millions of Misquitos which plagued us much. This evening Reno Vance Aged 59 years was baptized and confirmed under the hands of Cap: John Tidwell.
June 22nd. Tuesday. The previous night and this morning some heavy rain, which hindered some in travelling. At noon we yoked up, went some few miles, camped where there was neither wood, or water, but plenty of grass. Weather dull during the day, at night more rain.
June 23rd. Wednesday. Morning fine, cold and cloudy. At an early hour we yoked up went a few miles untill we came to the R.R. and T roads where they join the river: Here we nooned for dinner. This is a point where a branch of the river runs round an island on which is plenty of timber, not much water in the channel but enough for camping purposes. Came 9 or 10 miles. 52¼ miles from Winter Quarters 978¼ miles from S L Valley. Lat 41° 27' 5". The afternoon traveled a few miles and camped near the River, where there is plenty of Timber and grass.
June 24th. Thursday. This morning traveled 10 miles arrived at Shell-creek 12 feet wide, Three feet deep, this creek is bridged, and a few rods lower is a place to ford. Plenty of timber on it, fine place for camping. 62¼ miles from Winter Quarters. 968¾ from G S L. We went 5¾ miles past stay to dine near Small Lake south side the road plenty of water in the Spring season but none in Summer. It was entirely dry Oct. 18th 1847. The afternoon we rolled over 7 miles and camped near Long Lake south side the road; pasted over four or five miles of heavy sandy road[.] 75 miles from W[inter] Q[uarte]rs 956 from G S L[.] There is a little timber where this lake joins the river. The place we camped plenty of grass but no wood. Weather fine.
June 25th. Friday. At an early hour this morning, we put out, went six miles and stayed at or near a Small Lake south side the road, for dinner, pretting camping place. We past the Forks of the road to new and old Pawnee villages. The left hand road leads to the Pawnee location of 1847. The other to the old village. The latter our route. The lake near our camp the banks are high, but there is a small pond near, where teams can water 81 miles from W Qrs, 950 miles from G S L. We saw a head of us a few wagons. After starting this afternoon and going five miles, arrived at the Loup Fork—lake and timber. We went into camp order. It was supposed that A D Boyinton's wife, had the Small pox, on this suspision was sent the out side the camp with his wagon. The few wagon a head proved to be Cap Beebies Ten and another wagon with six brethren from G S L Valley going to Europe on a Mission, their Captain Thomas Margretts Late of London. At dark the Company called together by the sound of the bugle. Cap: J Tidwell informed us, he had been to see what arrangements could be made with the Ferryman about putting the Company over the river: the charges were two dollars for a wagon; but if the Company will pay One dollar a wagon all round he will put us over; we can swim the cattle. On motion we pay one dollar a wagon all round Carried. Considerable was said about A D Boyinton going out of the Camp because of his wife having the small pox: the minds of some were that he should leave the Camp, others that he remain with the camp but be some distance in the rear. Moved by Bro Charles Miller, Seconded by Bro Henry Green. That we covenant to stand by each other unto death under all circumstances what-soever. Carried. Bro Charles Miller vollenteered to go, and do for Bro Boyinton's family during the sickness if required. Cap: Beebie said he wished to unite his Company with our Company if agreeable. Moved that he do according to his desire Carried. Cap J Tidwell then said the Company had the privilege to amuse themselves. The Missionaries were with us. The entertainment opened with a song from the Salt Lake Boys. The brass band discourced some melodiaus music followed up with dancing, singing, a Methodist sermon by one of the Salt Lake Boys, Thomas Margretts Spoke about the prospect in the Valley, what he said was cheering and encouraging to the humble saint, but calculated to discourage and blithe the expections of the half-hearted. Concluded with one of Zions songs. The weather fine and warm.
June 26th. Saturday. This morning raining in a few hours cleared off and fine Between 5 and 6 o'clock. Ann the wife of Franklin J. Davi[e]s departed this life through that foul and dreaded disease Cholrea after laying only a few hours was buried near eighty rods east of Loup Fork ferry. Our Company crossed the river, Loup Fork, is opposite to where the Pawnees were located in the spring of 1847 and is good place to camp. 86 miles from W.Qrs. And 945 miles from G S L. After crossing the river doubled teams to get out of the heavy sand. The ferryman wish to cross some Californians before us because he could get more pay. Our Captain would not suffer him. After the Company had correlled, about 6 o'clock p m, a slight thunder storm and heavy rain visited us a few minutes. The seventh Company of Mormons has just arrived at the ferry.
June 27th, Sunday. This morning travelled between 7 and 8 miles; camped near unto a Lake and Timber south of the road. 94¼ miles from W. Qrs. 936¾ miles from G S L. We named this place Tidwell's Camping Ground. In the evening at dark, we held meeting. The brethren had the privilege of speaking their feelings, several spoke cheering words that impressed the hearts of all present. Weather fine and warm.
June 28th. Monday. This morning went a few miles and camped for dinner near some Muddy Water about 10 miles from Loup Fork, and 15 miles from where the road leaves the river. Just as we were leaving camp this morning Reno Vance gave up the ghost after laying about one week. Aged 59 years, buried on the hill south side the road. In the afternoon made a good travel and camped, We were visited by a heavy rain an thunder storm
June 29th. Tuesday. Early this morning Beebies Company went off and left us. The Sixth Company lead by Cap: Wood past, and camped an hundred yards beyond it numbered sixty-three wagons. The Company remained in camp this morning, to cause the Ladies to do washing and cooking. At noon yoked up and rolled four or five miles. Ourself, and Richard Lowe (gentile) walked on a head of the Company. We thought them long in coming up we were informed immediately after the Company came up some informed us there had been a stampede, in the first Ten caused by Rachal Weldon's horses running away, an ox-yoke of James Watton's was broken. Soon after the news of the sampede, the whole company were thrown into cheerfulness by the arrival of our old Friend and Brother, Telemachus Rogers who came riding up, he was received in our midst with acclamations of frendship, brotherhood and cheers. Yea! all faces seemed to manifest joy on the occasion; he came through in two days from Kanesville, after he had been dismissed from his labors, by Pres E T Benson. We can confidently say he has the good feeling of the whole Company. None more so than ourself; our prayer to the Great God is that the richest blessings of heaven may be his, and also that of his family, we have ful confidence that he is a man of God, who rejoices continually in doing good unto all around him, ourself have experienced and now enjoy some of his goodness. Yea! We know him to be a good friend to the friendless and forsaken, we can consistently say as far as ourself is concerned, that he has been the means in the hand of our heavenly Father of cheering and healing a wounded and strickned heart, even a spirit which has been crushed from very early childhood, caused by the scoffs, and snears heaped upon us by relatives, and others in consequences of our infirmities. The kindness unto us by Bro: T Rogers, we say our heart overflows with love and gratitude in having compassion upon us in the hour of need. It does not stop here, No; it does not he has been like a Father, and his good Wife Eliza, a mother unto us. This evening as soon as we came to a stand, a difficulty came in our midst by Cap Thomas Robins disobeying the orders of the Captain of Fifty, in refusing to correl in the place he should have done, he also said many things which showed he did the authority set over him, it terminated in holding a meeting Cap John Tidwell Spoke showing that Captain Thos. Robins had been grumbling, and complaining for sometime, he know comes out and openly manifests that he disreguards the authorities. Cap T Robins Spoke in justification of himself but made no impression upon the people. Moved by the Cap: of the Guard James D Ross, Seconded by James Watton, that Thomas Robins be dropped from his office and another appointed in his place Carried. Cap Thos Robins said he had intended to resign his Captainship. Moved by David B Adams. Seconded by John Enness that Telemachus Rogers be appointed captain of the first Ten. Carried. Poor camping place. Weather fine, warm and plenty of Misquitoes.
June 30th Wednesday. At 7 o'clock a m was again on the roll went through a revene in the bluffs, considerably sandy road a short distance, when the roads was better travelling went about ten miles before we stayed for dinner. In the afternoon went about six miles, and camped near the Platte river, plenty of grass but no wood, this side the river. Elder Johnson late from a Mission in England, with two others camped with us to night. They are traveling home with a wagon and three horses. Weather fine.
July 1st Thursday. We traveled about twelve miles over sandy roads, hills, and through mudholes. Camped where there was neither wood or water. At sundown a meeting called to decide respecting the paying for a Bull which had been bought by Benjamine Dallow as the Company desired him to do so for their benefit. He says he is willing to be paid in the way and manner the Company desires. Moved by Charles Miller Seconded by David J. Ross That each man who owns a cow give him ten cent a head, whether he required the use of the Bull or not, and if any missfortune befall the bull, the Company refund the balance of the money to Benjamine Dallow for the pay of the bull Carried. Moved by David J. Ross, Seconded by Orren D. Farlin. That that James D. Ross obtain the names of all those owning cows, the number of cows, and the amount each man pays. Carried. J. D. Ross collected Eleven Dollars and ninty-five cent, which sum was handed over unto Benjamine Dallow and Receipted.
July 2nd Friday. Travelled about 8 or 9 miles this morning over sandy bluffs and through mudholes, took dinner near a round Pond. The seventh Company lead by Cap: Jolley past and bated [ate] about one hundred yards a head[.] In the afternoon in turn we past them and traveled untill we got beyond Prarrie Chreek, and camped. The seventh Company again past and camped plenty of grass no timber. Prarrie Creek 12 feet wide, 1½ feet deep. Banks some soft and miry by taking a south west course from this creek you would strike Wood river six or eight miles above the old crossing place, and thence crossing to the Platte by a course a little west of south the road may be shortened at least, five miles. 157½ miles from W. Qrs. 873½ miles from GSL.
July 3rd Saturday. This morning went 11¾ miles arrived at Wood River 12 ft wide, one foot deep, plenty of timber and a good place to camp. Banks descending steep and some soft-but good going out. The road now generally runs from one to two miles distant from the main Platte. 165¾ miles from W Qrs. 865½ from GSL. We had to stay sometime untill the Seventh Company had crossed. At this place the Wife of Thomas Hepworth gave birth to a fine Son. In about two hours we all got safe over the river. When Rachel Weldons wagon got in the middle of the stream the horses stalled, being balky, as soon as out of the water run away, threw the teamster out of the wagon. knocked Rachel down when in the act of catching them, soon after they were stopped no damage except ripping up Rachels Dress[.] Weather fine and warm.
July 4th Sunday. Observed as a day of rest At 11 o'clock a m Meeting opened by the Brass Band playing a tune. People singing a hymn. Prayer by Cap John M. King. Who also addressed the Company upon unity and the gathering. Elder W C Dunbar and Cap J Tidwell made remarks. Dismissed. At 3 o'clock again held meeting. Sacrament administered. Several of the brethren and Sisters testified of their faith in the work of the Lord and in the power of God manifested unto them. The spirit and blessing of God rested upon all present. This evening the Sixth Company again past us. Weather fine and warm.
July 5th Monday. At 1 o'clock a m the grim pale face Death again made an inroad in our midst, by the weapon Dieahrea cut down Cap: Adolphie Young of the Third Ten. he was much behind by his Ten, and by the whole Company. he laid about a week is a member of the Church in good standing. Aged 36 years. Late of Tennesee was buried near one mile West of Wood river. Just as we were about to start one Ten of the Eleventh Company past lead by Cap: Dunn. To day we traveled about 22 miles, turned some little from the road to camp near some timber and clear water. This afternoon Henry Kibble [Kebbell] and A. D. Boynton with their wagons left the Company but when we came into carrel Henry Kibble [Kebbell] came into his place.
July 6 Tuesday. Early this morning a buisness meeting called to appoint another Captain over the Third Ten to fill the vacancy made by the death of our esteemed Bro A Young. Moved by William Clark. Seconded by George Foster: that J. T. McCollough be the one to fill that place Carried Moved by Eliezer King Jun. Seconded by John Murry that Phillip Armstead be accepted into our Company Carried. He was a member of the Eleventh Company of Fifty was in the Ten that passed us. Cap: Dunn lead off his ten because of having words with his Captain of Fifty. Bro. Armstead did not know this untill some time after (at least he reports so). Armstead was not inclined to go any farther with him. And thus he requested a place in our Company. Cap J Tidwell made remarks on making agreements with each other before we commenced this journey, said there had been some trouble in our midst by persons breaking these agreements to avoid these occurrences it is necessary to make some arrangements. Moved for the better management of these things that that party or individual who is disposed to break these arrangements, or agreements without the free and common consent of each party concerned pay all necessary damages occurring therefrom, also the judgment of the same be left to the decision of three or five disinterested persons and the parties to abide their decision Carried. To day travelled about 20 miles and camped near a River and Timber. In the night a heavy storm of wind, accompanied with rain, thunder and lightening. The wind only blew nine tents over.
July 7th Wednesday. To day we traveled a good stretch and camped near the Elm Creek plenty of grass, indifferrent water Deep banks plenty of timber[,] no water, Oct. 7th 1847. 221 miles from W Qrs 810 miles from GSL.
July 8th Thursday This morning the pale face enemy of mankind Death entered our camp and cut down by Cholrea Samuel S Young son of the late Cap A Young. Aged 8 years he laid only twenty-four hours. We crossed Elm Creek traveled untill noon when we crossed Buffaloe Creek and bated for dinner. Crossing of Buffaloe Creek 10¾ miles travel. 231¾ miles from W Qrs 799¼ miles from GSL. In the afternoon traveled untill late camped on a swampy low ground near the Platte River. Within the last twenty-four hours six in the Camp were took sick of something the nature of Cholrea. Weather fine.
July 9th Friday. Wet and rainy morning. Our ears were again saluted doleful morning sound of Death who has taken possession of the body of Henry Kibble [Kebbell] by Cholrea he laid six hours Aged 28 years, by the time he was buried the weather cleared and we made another start traveled in the rain untill we came to where the R and R road runs near the River, plenty of buffaloe grass and short prairie grass, plenty of timber on an island close by. 244½ miles from W Qrs and 786½ miles from GSL. Here we again were called to the painful duty to bury a boy named Walter Reid Aged 11 years who died of Cholrea after laying nineteen hours. This evening the Sixth and Seventh Companies again passed us. and five persons were baptized under the hands of Cap John M King, he and Cap J Tidwell and John Murry confirmed them. Wet and cold all Day.
July 10th Saturday. This morning past the Sixth Company. they reported themselves unable to travel inconsequence of six individuals been taken sick of Cholrea. We traveled about 16 or seventeen miles. Camped beyond Deep dry Creek. 261¾ miles from W. Qrs 769¼ miles from G[reat] S[alt] L[ake] Poor camping place. Weather fine.
July 11th Sunday. Early this morning Henry son of George Goddard died after laying a few days of Cholrea Aged 3 years. At 10 o'clock a m held meeting. several Brethren to the edification of those assembled. At 1 o'clock p m Martin Cole departed this life after laying a few days of Cholrea. he was a Priest in good standing in the Church. At 3 o'clock p m Meeting again several of the Brethren and Sisters Spoke of their experience and faith in the work of Lord. Fourteen children blessed under the hands of Elders John Tidwell, James D. Ross, Charles Miller and W. C Dunbar. Just before sundown Cap T Rogers and William Clark came into camp with their horses loaded down with buffaloe beef. Cap T Rogers killed it, and they brought what beef they could while they were getting the beef was surrounded with wolves, had all they could do to keep them off untill they could get away. John Vance shot and killed another it was brought to camp in a wagon and divided among the people. Weather fine.
July 12th Monday. We traveled 14 miles. Near 3 o'clock p m went over Low Sandy Bluffs extending to the River 275¾ miles from W Qrs 755¼ miles from GSL. In the evening camped where the R and R near the Sandy Bluffs Latitude 41° 0' 47" After leaving this place the road leaves the river, and runs near the foot of the bluffs to avoid a bad swamp. You will not strike the river for 16 miles, but will have no difficulty in finding feed and water. Wood scarce. Weather fine and warm.
July 13th Tuesday Early this morning on the roll forded Skunk Creek six feet wide, crossing banks some soft not difficult. No timber, went on untill we came to Lake or Marsh south side the road. bated for dinner. The afternoon passed over Low Sandy Bluffs and passed by Cold Spring. Camped for the night opposite the junction of the North and South Forks near the river, or Low Sandy Bluffs. Lat 41° 7' 44" Long 100° 47' 45" Altitude 2,685 feet. 294¼ miles from W Qrs. 736¾ miles from GSL. Plenty of grass but little or no wood. Weather fine and warm
July 14th Wednesday. Out on the road early. About 9 o'clock past over Carrion Creek 10 ft wide one foot deep Good place for grass no timber near. Here the wagon of John Wright (my old boss) capsized as he was commencing to cross the creek, To all appearance there had been formally a place dug in the bank just wide enough for a wagon to pass down, he by not managing his cattle right suffered one wheel to come upon the top of the bank, the opposite wheel to be down in the dug way this caused the wagon to go over. No damage except a few things getting wet, and injuring two bows and the cover some. Went on a few miles farther and camped near the Platte River. R and R and T road river and timber good place to camp 302½ miles from W.Qrs. 728½ miles from GSL. We camped for the purpose of washing and cooking, and prepare to go over 200 miles where wood is scarce. just by us was a supply of Willow brush Cap: T Roger and Edward Pool went out and killed another buffaloe, brough[t] home of the beef unto camp. At 6 o'clock p m was visited by a heavy storm of rain for one hour.
July 15th Thursday Early this morning it was arranged for Cap T Rogers and others to go out on a buffaloe hunt, and some half dozens stay here to bring on the beef if any be obtained, while the company go about six miles in hopes of getting to more timber. to our disappointment nothing to be had but willow brush, and scarce Grass also poor. In the after part of the day the half dozen wagon came rolling into camp without beef. Soon after Captains Roger and McCollough come up bringing sixty pounds of beef (Cap. Roger killed the buffaloe) They divided the meat in their Tens, some in the company did not feel well about it. Weather fine and warm.
July 16th Friday. Early this morning arrangements made for another hunt Cap: T Rogers with a few others choosen. They had not been gone long before Cap T Rogers returned having shot a buffaloe, seven yoke of oxen were sent to bring it into camp. In an hour or two the frightful monster came slidding into camp, when all eyes were satisfied with beholding it The butchers soon had it dressed and cut up. The Captains of Tens shared it out in their Companies according to the size of the families. After this we yoked up our teams went a long afternoon's drive over low wet swampy ground also crossed several muddy creeks, camped beyond Small Creek, a poor camping place. Steep banks; but little water 317¼ miles from WQ 713¾ miles from GSL.
July 17th Saturday. This morning we crossed North Bluff Fork 6 rods wide 2 feet deep swift current muddy water low banks quick sand bottom, not bad to cross, poor camping place. 3½ miles from S. C. 320¾ miles from W Qrs. 710¼ miles from GSL. After this we traveled over very sand bluffs, heavy dragging for the teams. Every able to walk had to. Weather getting warmer daily.
July 18th Sunday. Went over the remainder of the sandy Bluffs and camped for the rest part of the day. In the afternoon a testimony held: several spoke of their faith in the Latter Day work. At dark a trial commenced before the Captain of fifty and the Captains of tens, between Rachel Weldon widow, (Morman) [Mormon] and Richard Lowe (Gentile) her teamster. Weather hot.
July 19th Monday. This morning we traveled over sandy roads. crossed two or three small creeks. The afternoon the roads better, camped beyond Rattle Snake Creek 20 feet wide, 1½ ft deep. Swift current sandy bottom, not bad to cross. 352½ miles from W Qrs 678½ miles from GSL. Here we buried George the son of Geo: Goddard having died of diarrhea after laying eleven days Aged 11 years and 10 months. This evening the trial between Weldon and Lowe again brought up. The charge Agreement broken. The plaintiff Richard Lowe Stated that Rachel Wildon discharged him from the duties of teamster, refused to find him provisions, and of doing any other thing for him. because he refused to fetch wood and water which labor was not in their agreement he said she had told him there was a boy to do these, that he had paid her $21.00 for his passage to Salt Lake Valley, and if she would not do according to agreement he wanted his money returned unto him. The Defendant Rachel Weldon, Stated that she had discharged the complainent for refusing to do his duties, he would neither fetch wood or water and several other things contary to our agreement he has done. Witnesses appeared on both side of the case. After the consideration of the Captains Cap J Tidwell past the decision. That you Rachel Welden and you Richard Lowe each and both of you fulfil the duties required of each of you in the agreement between you; the party who refuses to discharge the duties of the same forfit the money that know is between you[.] This was past unto the Company for approval[.] it past their sanction with one exception the Cap: Of the Guard James D Ross who voted upon the negative, he did not give his reason. And we dismissed.
July 20th Tuesday. At day-break Jane Foster departed this life, after laying eighteen hours of Cholrea Aged 33 years. Late of Ireland was buried the west side of Rattle Snake Creek. Today we traveled untill we came between Pond Creek and Wolf Creek and camped. Pond Creek four feet wide Dry, Sep: 30, 1848, near the river, but farther north many ponds, and tall trees. One and a half mile farther is Wolf Creek 20 feet wide[.] At the east foot of Sandy bluffs, which are bad to cross you will probably have to double teams, if heavy loaded. 369½ miles from W Qrs 661½ miles from GSL.
July 21st Wednesday. Traveled about a mile crossed Wolf Creek. doubled teams and rolled over a steep Sandy Bluff and went on untill we came within a litt[l]e distance of Ash Hollow South side the river. Camped for the night. Ourself sick all day.
July 22nd Thursday. Before leaving a word on Ash Hollow south side the river. So named from a grove of Ash timber growing on it. It occupied a space of about fifteen or twenty acres, and is surrounded by high bluffs 380¾ miles from W Qrs, and 650¼ miles from GSL We traveled eight miles, dined near Sandy Hill Creek 12 feet wide, south side the road. 388¾ miles from W Qrs 643¼ miles from GSL. You cross no more creeks of water untill you arrive at Crab creek 25½ miles from here. The road good except in one place where you travel three fourths of a mile over sand. This afternoon we again came up with the Sixth Company past them, and camped about three miles east of Sandy Bluffs. Ourself continued sick. Father Watton and his wife grumbled about my riding in the wagon told me to go and ride in Rogers' wagon, and that I was to talk to Bro Rogers about it. Weather fine and warm.
July 23rd Friday This morning I talked with Bro Rogers about the grumbling of Father and Mother Watton[.] He told me to ride when I pleased and he talked to them about it. After this the old man was as good a pie. Early we saw fourteen wagons with a large herd returning to the United States south side the Platte. This morning instead of passing over, we went around some Sandy Bluffs near the river, and thus we escaped some heavy dragging. About 11 o'clock a m Cap: Jn. M King caused the Second Ten to stay for feed contrary to the wish of Cap: Jno. Tidwell. The other Tens went some distance farther bated according to orders. When at dinner Cap: J M King came on with his Ten. In the afternoon past over Crab Creek 20 feet wide, very shoal. 409¼ miles from W Qrs. 621¾ miles from GSL. Two miles farther you will see some high bluffs on the right. By ascending one of the highest you will see Chimney Rock to the west. We past over Small Creek south side the road 1¼ mile from Crab Creek. Good chance to camp, without turning from the road. Camped just beyond near the river plenty of grass. Millions of Musquitoes who professed great friendship, such friends have crowded around all through the journey. This evening three wagons passed us bound for one of three places Great Salt Lake, California or Oregon.
July 24th Saturday This morning past over Cobble Hills You cross three dry creeks before you arrive here, and then you travel over another range of sandy bluffs, ascent pretty steep but not sandy. After you descend on the low land you will find it mostly sandy for ten miles and in some places very heavy drawing. 417¾ miles from W Qrs 613¼ miles from GSL. Ourself and a few others on foot took a short cut through the bluffs, to all appearance there had been at some time unknown some convulsions, the ruins were most grand and magnificent, the sight brought unto our rememberance passages recorded in the Book of Mormon that give an account of the great and terriable over turns which took place upon this land at the death of the Lord Jesus in Jerusalem. We next went by Ancient Bluff Ruins north side of the road. Latitude 41° 33' 3", 419 miles from W Qrs. 612 miles from GSL Resembling the ruins of ancient castles fortifications etc. but visitors must be cautious on account of the many rattle snakes lurking round, and concealed in the clefts of the bluffs. This was an interesting place to behold. The afternoon traveled some few miles through the sand, turned towards the River and camped. The last two days the weather extremely hot, almost too much for man and beast.
July 25th Sunday. Held as a day of rest having got upon a little good grass. At 10 o'clock a m Meeting Opened with singing and prayer. Elder James D Ross addressed the members of the company on the rise and fall of Babylon, and all the kingdoms of the earth. Showed that this Latter- day Church and kingdom which has know commenced to grow in the Mountains, will never fall, but will stand forever and ever, worlds without end. Cap: John Tidwell made remarks about us traveling, spoke of some who wished to do this or that, which would natu[r]ally bring divisions in the camp, he hoped every little thing of this tendency would be put away and that we would do right and stick together. In the afternoon meeting the Lord's Supper was administered, some bore testimony unto this latter day work. After this two or three wished to have alterations in our traveling, which would cause divisions if all were not agreed. Cap: Jno. Tidwell not liking the same gave a sharp reproof. Meeting dismissed in peace and apparently good feeling. If any thing the weather hotter to day than before. This is the Thirtieth anniversity of my birthday, and enjoying good health and spirits.
July 26th Monday. The Company again started at 8 o'clock a m. We went over Sandy Bluffs between 16 and 17 miles, camped beyond the same near the Platte River in low wet ground, poor feed for the cattle
July 27th Tuesday At 7h 35m a m. on the roll. At 10h 20m a m. the pale Monster again visited the camp took with him Ann Wiltshire who was slain by Diarrhaie after laying eight hours, was buried about seven miles this side of Chimney Rock Aged 3 years 7 months. In the afternoon we traveled on, camped for the night opposite Chimney Rock. poor camping ground. Weather extremely hot Chimney Rock (Meridian) south side the river. The higher land know begins to be sandy and barren. Many prickley pears and Wild Sage which continues mostly through the remainder of the journey. 452½ miles from W Qrs 578½ miles from GSL.
July 28th Wednesday. At 7h 35m a m started out, went about 15 or 16 miles and camped for the night, in plenty of good grass. Weather very hot.
July 29th Thursday. Started out at 7 o'clock a m, when we arrived at Scotts Bluffs, south side the river The road near enough to the river to camp. Lat: of meridian 44° 50'. 52". Long 103° 20' Here we bated for dinner. In the afternoon again past the Sixth Company. Camped for the nigh[t] near Spring creek 10 feet wide, 8 inches deep. South of the road. do not cross it but travel half a mile along side, good water and many trout in it. 23½ miles from Chimney Rock 476 miles from W. Qrs. and 555 miles from GSL. poor camping place.
July 30th Fryday Early this morning a few engaged in fixing the wagon wheels of Jonathan McKee. At 8 o'clock a m started out. In the evening met a company of Californians going east to the States. Traveled about 17¼ miles, in the evening arrived at a Creek about 200 yards south of road. By ascending one of the highest bluffs near, you have a view of "Laramie Peak in the Black Hills. Plenty of grass. Weather hot and fine. 493¼ miles from W. Qrs and 537¾ miles from GSL.
July 31st Saturday. At 8 o'clock a m started out, went a good mornings drive, stayed to rest near the Platte River, not much grass, Sent Capts Rogers and McCallough a head to seek a better camping place They returned reported worse prospects a head. In the meantime there came rolling into camp Ezra T. Benson and Company, on their way to Salt Lake Valley. They were received in our midst with rejoicings, all faces sparkled with gladness. We formed into correll. At dark a meeting called. Opened by the brass band discoursing several tunes prayer by Apostle Ezra T Benson another Tune. Apostle Franklin D. Richard. Late from England. Addressed the saints upon the principles of the gospel and their duties unto each other. Apostle Eratus Snow Late from Denmark. Next spoke upon the same. Pres: E T Benson Showed the necessity of dividing the company into smaller bodies, or into two wings. On Motion, we separate into two wings, for the good of the cattle, as feed was in small patches, in the whole will accerlerate the speed of traveling. Ezra T. Benson. Nominated Cap. Andrew Whitlock to be the Captain of the Second Wing and to be subject and under the control of Cap: J Tidwell to take the weak teams, and go a head of the first wing Carried. Pres: E T Benson concluded by saying tomorrow the company can make all necessary arrangements. Dismissed. Weather fine and warm.
August 1st Sunday. Early this morning Pres: Ezra T Benson and company left us. At 11 o'clock a m the Captains met in council to make necessary arrangements for the company dividing into two parts. Cap's: T Rogers and J T McCollough with their Tens, with some from Cap: Garfield's Ten to constitute the first Wing. Cap's: A Whitlock and J King with their Tens, and the remainder of Cap Garfields Ten to form the second Wing. In the evening meeting called. Sacrament administered. Several of the brethren spoke of their faith in the work of the Lord, the pleasure they have in being in this company. The Captains of the Guard Elder James D Ross. Motioned that Cap: John Tidwell up to the present camping place, has lead us by the spirit of inspiration, that all his proceeding and counsels is very highly approved of by this company. Seconded by Elder Charles Miller and Carried. Dismissed. At dark another meeting called, the buisness was how Benjamine Dallow was to be paid for the public Bull. On motion that five cent an head be paid on every ox owned by the company. That the Captain of the Guard collect the amount before we separate. Carried. Dismissed. Weather fine and hot.
Aug 2nd Monday. This morning the subscription for the payment of the Bull raised amounting to $9.55 The company next separated. Cap A Whitlock rolled out with the second wing. The poney loaned to Cap: J Tidwell was delivered to its owner contrary to the Captain's wish[.] Eleazer King Jun. said we wanted the poney to be in the same company as himself. In an hour after Cap T Rogers rolled out with the first wing. Went a good drive over sandy roads, camped for the night near the Platte River. Poor camping place. On Motion the whole company meet together for prayer in the place of each Ten Carried. Weather fine and warm
Aug 3rd Tuesday. Early in the morning a meeting called to enquire what could be done respecting Cap J Tidwell having a horse to seek good camping places. On Motion that Cap: J Tidwell have the horse Cap T Rogers uses for the driving of his two cows, and other arrangements be made for the driving of the cows Carried. On Motion that the cows be continually drove with the loose herd that each Ten drive the same when they go a head as there is plenty of loose hands besides boys. At 8 o'clock a m rolled out, arrived at Laramie at noon, "Fort John" or Laramie ford. The fort lays about one and a half miles west from the river. The ford is good in low water. River 108 yards wide. The fort from the river is in a south-west course, and is composed of a trading establishment and about twelve houses, enclosed by a wall eleven feet high[.] The wall and houses are built of adobies, or spanish brick. It is situated on the Laramie Fork, and is a pleasant location; the latitude of the Fort is 42° 12' 13"; longitude 104° 11' 53", and altitude above the sea, 4,090 feet, after leaving here you begin to cross the ‘Black Hills,' will find rough roads high ridges, and mostly barren country. Not much difficulty in finding good camping places, There is a road follows the river instead of crossing the Black Hills, it is represented as being as near, and much better traveling if the river is fordable. By following this road you have to cross the river three times extra, but will find plenty of grass, wood, and water. If the river is fordable at Laramie, it is fordable at those three places, and you can go that rout safely. From Wr Quarter 522 miles from GSL 509 miles[.] In the evening camped beyond Laramie near the Platte River, the beginning of the Black Hills. The second Wing was near us. Sent the horses and cattle over the river to feed. Weather fine
Aug: 4th Wednesday. At 8 o'clock a m started out traveled about 17 or 18 miles over the hills, some very steep ascent and descent, and very rocky. In the second Wing a wagon broke belonging to Edmund Andrews. Cap T Rogers stayed behind to assist in the repairing. In the evening again camped near the river, the cattle passed over for feed. Fine
April 5th Thursday. Both Wings remained here all day to repair wagons. In the evening a Ten of the Eight Company came here. Weather fine
Aug: 6th Friday. Soon after sun rise this morning the Second Wing rolled out. At 7 o'clock a m. we moved out, had a good travel somewhere near twenty miles. Camped in the sage brush near a Slew surrounded with rushes, not much grass. Weather fine.
Aug: 7th Saturday. We traveled near 18 miles, camped near the Platte River. The cattle went over to feed. Two wagons of the Second Wing joined us in correll, not being able to keep up with their company inconsequence of having a sick cow. Weather fine
Aug: 8th Sunday. Remained in camp all day, the cattle over the river feeding. The men except those herding turned in burning coal and repairing wagons. In the evening was disappointed of our meeting, by a storm of thunder lightening and rain, which lasted about one hour.
Aug: 9th Monday. Made an early start went a pretty good stretch. In the evening camped where there was neither wood, water, or grass. Charles Miller with two others returned from Cap: A Whitlocks Wing to look after some cows. Reported their company 16 miles a head, all well. Weather cool morning and evening, hot in the day.
Aug: 10th 11th 12th Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday. Went a considerable distance over sandy, heavy, roads, and hills camped near the Platte River nights, the cattle drove over to feed. Cap: T Rogers killed a Buffaloe brought it in camp divided it. Fell in with peaceable Indians. Weather fine.
Aug: 13th Friday. Rain this morning but soon cleared up. Three tires set, After went a good drive over sandy heavy roads up and down hills, camped in the evening near the Upper Ford we considered a poor camping ground. Upper Platte Ferry and Ford. Reported "plenty of feed" some timber on both sides the river. Lat. 42° 50' 18" Altitude 4,875 feet. The best place to ford will probably be a little below the bend in the river. After this you have 50 miles to travel, which is dangerous to teams on account of Alkali springs. Great care should be taken to avoid them, by selecting a camping place where none of these springs are near. From W. Qrs. 648½ miles. From GSL 382½ miles
Aug: 14th Saturday. Started out at 7 o'clock a m past over a large hill roads heavy and sandy, hard dragging for the teams. After traveling three or four miles came unto grass where we stopped to feed the cattle. An Indian came into camp on horseback but soon galloped away as if in anger: he soon after returned with one or two more, and appeared friendly. Shortly after we hitched up, and traveled over good and bad roads, which was hard upon the teams. In the evening camped near the Platte River, the cattle went the other side to feed and remained all night. About two hours after camped David J Ross, of the Second Wing came to us with a broken cast iron axletree for our blacksmith to mend: he said it broke when they were going over a hill a head of us. preparations made for the repairing then all retired to rest except the herdsmen and night guard. We had not been in bed many minutes before Cap: T J McCollough summoned every man to be in the middle of the camp in five minutes in full trim ready for duty if required. Why all this? It was inconsequence of the herdsmen the other side of the river giving the alarm that Indians were upon them. Every man on hand within the time given when necessary arrangement were made for a combat if required. While these preparations were making another alarm cry given that all the horses were gone, and the cattle galloping in all directions. Three of the herdsmen. Nelson Tidwell, John W. Vance young men and Franklin J. Davis an elderly man with brave and heroic courage pursued them through thick brush and timber, with only axe in hand, fearlessly reguarding the appearance of Indians until the secured all the horses Supposed to be caused by Indians. The darkness of the night made the Stampeed past description. Weather fine.
Aug: 15th Sunday This morning all the cattle were secured, not one lost. Cap T Rogers the blacksmith could not mend the broken axletree, because not able to get a good heat upon it, then it was thrown to one side and a wooden one supplied the place thereof then D. J. Ross rolled off. We remained here and sent the horses and cattle over the river to feed with a strong guard. Several tires were set and other preparations to facilitate our traveling. At dark held meeting when the spirit and blessings of God seemed to rest upon all present[.] Weather fine
Aug 16th Monday. The horses and cattle sent over the river to feed for a couple of hours: they all returned except an ox belonging to Jonathan McKee which was found, but delayed the company an hour and half. Made good headway when rolling at 2 o'clock p m we stayed a few minutes at a long pile of rock on Black avenue and steep descent. The road here passes between high rocks, forming a kind of avenue or gateway for a quarter of a mile. This brought to our mind those passages in the book of Mormon which treats of large cities overthrown upon this land. At sundown camped near Small stream of clear spring water. good camping place, plenty of grass but no wood. From W Qrs 674½ miles, from GSL 356½ miles[.] Cap: T Rogers shot a Buffaloe, it was brought into camp and distributed among the people. Weather fine and warm.
Aug: 17th Tuesday. Early this morning about a dozen of wagons passed us, part of the eight company of Saints and some Californians, we again passed them, traveled 16½ miles and camped near Grease-wood creek 6 feet wide, 1 ft deep Very little grass, no fuel but wild sage. Road from here to the Sweet Water sandy and very heavy. From W Qrs 687½ miles from GSL, 343½ miles. At the prayer meeting. Moved by Cap: T Rogers, Seconded by Cap T J McCullaugh, that the Priests and Teachers go round to visit the Saints to know why all do not attend prayers at the appointed times, if all were peace and harmony with each other Carried. Weather fine and warm.
Aug 18th Wednesday. Early this morning a carriage past us on it way west. In our traveling arrived at Independence Rock on the Sweet Water. We stopped to let the horses and cattle feed. The carriage again past, because of letting the horses feed. Some of our people went up to it, the traveler was Apostle Lorenzo Snow late from a foreign mission David J. Ross and John Murr[a]y of the Second Wing past us[.] The afternoon went a few miles forded the river, camped near the Sweet Water. Independence Rock and ford. on the north side of the river—about six hundred yards long and a hundred and twenty wide composed of hard Granite. In low water the river is easily forded opposite to the Rock Independence; but, if not fordable here a good place can be found a mile higher up the river. Independence Rock is one of the curiosities to be seen on the road, mostly on account of its peculiar shape and magnitude. There are many names of visitors painted in various places, on the southeast corner. At this corner most travelers appear to have gone up to view the top; but there is a much better place on the north side, about half way from end to end. Latitude 1½ miles below 42° 30' 16". From W Qrs 698¾ miles from GSL 332¼ miles. At present grass scarce no wood, in herding has to be cautious of saleratiaus. Weather fine.
Aug. 19th Thursday. This morning traveled on past Devils Gate A little west from the road. The river here passes between perpendicular rocks four hundred feet high. This is a curiosity worth of a travelers notice. From W Qr 704 miles from GSL 327 miles. Half a mile farther we crossed a Creek two feet wide. Not good to cross. The road runs near the river banks for ten miles after this. A deep pitch where the wagon of John W. Vance was smashed, by his leaving it, for a small boy to drive, while he and Cap T J McCollaugh went round through Devils Gate. The wagon was fixed up untill night. Soon after past a store which was here to accommodate travelers. Camped near Sweet Water[.] grass scarce and ground full of saleratus. Weather very cold tonight
Aug 20th Friday. The wagon repaired. Moved out, had not gone far before a cow belonging to F. J. Davis, gave out and died. Past over sandy heavy roads in ascending a hill one of the boys of David Nelson fell out of the wagon. The wheel past over him as the roady was sandy he was not much. Weather fine. After camping an ox belonging to James Portus died. To night ourself assisted Cap T Rogers in standing guard as all was sick or nearly so.
Aug 21st Saturday. This morning another ox died belonging to Phillip Armstead. Cap: John Tidwell solicited help from the people for William Clark in the lone of an ox for a few days, until W. Clarks sick ox had recovered. No response made . We travelled a short distance when Wm. Clarks team gave out. Cap: J Tidwell seeing this stoped the train, again called for assistance for Wm. Clark; this caused some contention which was sharply reproved by Cap J Tidwell, the request which was made came to the ears of Phillip Armstead who nobly said, they might have his old ox although his team was almost unable to haul himself. A little while after Cap J Tidwell had to leave a yearling, which soon died. Noon we rested in some very short grass full of saleratus near Sweet Water for an hour or two, in the meantime some oxen were shod. Then we hitched up and traveled a few miles camped at the point where the Road joins the river. From W Qrs. 733¼ From GSL 297¾ miles. More oxen shod. Five or six wagons from one of the hindermost companies overtook us. Grass scarce and full of saleratus. Many of the cattle sick[.] Weather cold
Aug: 22nd Sunday. Ice found in some of the cooking utensels. Another ox shod. We traveled about 18 miles over sandy heavy roads. Camped at night, had neither grass, water or wood. Weather cold.
Aug 23rd Monday. An ox found dead belonging to Jno Eldredge, also a stag belonging to Martha D. Howland. At day break hitched up our teams, traveled about eight miles came to some short grass near Sweet Water, here the Second Wing was camping, about to move on. Agreed that we camp together to night. We traveled about five miles and found the Second Wing near Sweet Water for the last time. As soon as we got in camp our ears were saluted with the news that Cap: John M King had deserted his company and Ten, and gone a head others followed him. Elder W C Dunbar said, he reported he was going upon his own responsiability and would not be answerable for another man's sins. Weather fine. The blacksmiths engaged until late making oxshoees and nails. Pleasant feelings and sociability was with us
Aug: 24th Tuesday. For some time the blacksmiths were engaged in shoeing oxen. The Second Wing hitched up left on the ground two dead oxen, previous to this they had five or six oxen and cows die. An hour after we also put out left one ox belonging to William Clark. The first two miles Rough, rocky ridges Dangerous to wagons, and ought to be crossed with care. On the ridge of one of the hills we found a man, named Frotcham, he passed us this morning in company with five or six wagons of Californians himself being a Captain of Ten in one of the hindermost companies under Cap: Cutley. About an hour before camping an heifer belonging to William McKee laid down in the yoke and bid farewell unto its companions[.] After dark we camped near Strawberry Creek, we found it a poor camping ground. The creek, is five feet wide, and said to be. Good camping place, plenty of grass and water and some willows, There is a poplar grove about a mile below. From W Qrs 779 miles. From GSL 252 miles[.] The Second Wing close unto us. Weather cold and fine.
Aug. 25th Wednesday. Early this morning a meeting called, to make arrangements to haul Williams Clark's freight as he had only one yoke of oxen and one yoke of cows left. Agreed that the brethren haul his freight and let his wagon go to assist Phillip Armstead, as it was lighter than his own, and P Armstead will lone his wagon to Cap Frotcham as we could not mend Frotcham's wagon. About 9 o'clock a m we rolled out, had not gone far, when we were met by Thomas and Dudley Lveitt, and two others name of Hambletons, These had come to meet Jeremiah Leveitt, had left their wagon about fifteen miles a head of us in the kanyon. Their report was good concerning Salt Lake Valley. While nooning A Babbit passed us on his return to Kanesville, he also reported good concerning the Mormon Empire. In the evening camped in a Kanyon near a creek water not good, Grass knee high. Weather fine.
Aug 26th Thursday. A cow died belonging to Martha D. Howland. To day we traveled ten or twelve miles a little beyond the South Pass, or summit of dividing ridge. This is the dividing ridge between the water of the Atlantic and Pacific Altitude 7,085 feet. From W Qrs. 799½ miles From GSL 231½ miles. We camped in the Kanyon the place where the Salt Lake Boys had left their wagon. The Second Wing camped near us. Good camping place, grass plentiful water scarce. To night both camped united in a Dance. Weather fine nights cold.
Aug 27th Friday. This morning we met a man with an ox team and wagon, bringing a letter signed by the first Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints counselling the Saints to settle at Green River, he also produced the form of List each Emmigrating Company is required to make out respecting each individual. This afternoon Cap J Tidwell went over to the Second Wing as there existed some little contention. A storm of wind arising and a few drops of rain falling the meeting was dismissed. Several oxen shod and cooking done. This evening Priest William Watts and myself was choosen to try and settle grievances existing between George Goddard and Henry Green, but did not succeed. To day both Companies traveled about four miles over sandy roads camped near Pacific Creek where we stayed the day. Pacific creek (crossing three feet wide: Lat: 42° 18' 58": Long: 108° 40' 0". Not good to cross. Pretty good place to camp, except for wood. After you leave here you will find a good road but very little water. From W Qrs 804 miles. From GSL 227 miles. Weather dull and damp.
Aug: 28th Saturday. Traveled over sandy heavy roads, about twenty miles: camped in the evening where there were no grass or water, but plenty of sage brush. Weather fine but cool.
Aug 29th Sunday. Made an early start about 8 o'clock a m, stoped an hour to feed the cattle upon bunch grass, which we found scattered among the sage brush. At noon stoped an hour near Big Sandy River to water the cattle and rest a while, Big Sandy 7 rods wide. 2 feet deep. Lat. 42° 6', 42". Good chance to camp. At night camped where no water or grass existed after traveling twenty miles[.] Weather fine and cool.
Aug: 30th Monday. Traveled about twenty two miles. Through misunderstanding Cap T J McCollough camped with his Ten one and a half mile this side of Green River on the sage brush as bunch grass was around. Cap: T Rogers camped on the Green River. Ford, 16 rods wide. Good camping any where on the banks and plenty of timber. It is not difficult fording in low water, but if too high to ford the best crossing place is up stream. Latitude 2 miles above—41° 52' 37" Long 100° 30' Alt. 6,000 feet. Weather fine and pleasant.
Aug 31st Tuesday. This mor[n]ing Cap T J McCollough with his Ten came up. We laid over to day to rest the cattle, and repair wagons. The Second Wing camping a short distance from us. Also near the river was two or three other small companies. To my fancy Green River would be a pretty place for a settlement. Weather fine but cool.
September 1st Wednesday. Both wings of our company forded the river this morning went four miles and camped near each other on the river bank for the remainder of the day sent the cattle the other side to feed. Four families concluded to remain here to settle. David J. Ross. John Murry. Robert Kelley and Edmund Andrews. A young man Henry Ovit late of Council Point and old acquaintance of some of Cap J Tidwell and other. This evening Isaiah Vanburge was baptized by Cap J Tidwell and confirmed by Cap's J Tidwell and T Rogers After dark a dance got up both Wings joined and all went off cheerfully merrily. Weather fine.
Sep: 2nd Thursday. The cattle were not found without some hunting, one cow belonging to Thomas Hepworth lost. Traveled about sixteen miles camped near Black's Fork 6 rods wide 2 feet deep. Good chance to camp, and a nice place though not much timber. Had not been long in camp before Thomas Hepworth came in bringing his lost cow. George Foster and W B Cousworth took their wagons and teams and left the company. Weather fine.
Sep: 3rd Friday While in camp Indians of the Snake Tribe visited us some of the people did a little trading with them. Also our Company by common consent divided in two parts, the second part to go a head of the first, under Cap: T J McCullough. Cap. T Rogers with the first part to be in the rear. The following names was given to the wagons in the charge of Cap T Rogers. 1st The Buffaloe Hero: because Cap T Rogers killed near all the buffaloe we had. 2nd The Heroic Guard; because the wagon was driven by Nelson Tidwell and he was brave on the night of the stampeed. 3rd The Commander–in-chief; because Cap J Tidwell occupied this wagon. 4th The Petticoat Deserter; because it belonged to Martha Howland she had adopted the bloomer dress for the convenience of traveling. (I think it much better to travel in than the usual dress Ladies wear). 5th Peter the Great; because it was Drove by a boy named Peter and he was old manish. 6th The Captains little Boy; because D B Adams the owner was the largest man in the crowd, and the Captain used to [call] him his little boy. 7th The Physician; because the owner goes by the name of doctor. 8th The Salt Lake Rover because it belonged to the Salt Lake boys. 9th The Nursery: because there was five little children in the wagon under the age of eight years. 10th Nimrod the might hunter; because the driver was fond of hunting. 11th The Prince of Wales; because the inmates were welsh and the driver a long beard and knowing. 12th The Snapping Turtles: because it was occupied by the Brothers Hepworth and their families and they disagreed considerably. 13th The Telegraph; because it was the slowest team in the company. 14th The Western Bugle because it was the noisiest, through the crying of children. 15th The Cheese press; because the wagon was pressed down with a heavy load and the[re] was a large cheese in it. 16th The Seventy-four Gunship commanded by Lord Nelson; because it was a large bulky wagon owned by one Nelson. 17th The Miner; because one of the party was a miner[.] 18th The Doctoress; because one of the Ladies was a midwife. So ends the fun. To day traveled about fourteen miles camped near a Mountainous Rock. Cap T Rogers went down the side of the same, found good feed for the horses and cattle. So we called it Roger's camping rock. To day Rachel Weldon went a head of the company. Weather fine.
Sep: 4th Saturday. Traveled about fifteen miles over pretty good roads. At noon met a company of Missionaries going to the United States, they gave us cheering news about the City of the Saints. Also met large numbers of Indians they had several ponies. Camped about three miles beyond Black Fork after crossing it three times. The cattle had a good feed upon bunch grass. Many Indians came into camp were quite friendly
Sep: 5th. Sunday Traveled about six miles and arrived at Fort Bridger. Lat 41° 19' 13"; Long 110° 5" Altitude 6,665 feet. You cross four rushing creeks within half a mile before you reach the Fort, and by traveling half a mile beyond the Fort, you will cross three others, and then find a good place to camp. The fort is composed of four log houses and a small enclosure for horses. Land exceeding rich, water cold and good, and considerable timber. Many Indians about here[.] In the afternoon met from Salt Lake City, twelve or fourteen wagons loaded with provisions, every wagon had five or six yoke of oxen besides a large herd of oxen they were on their way to assist the hindermost companies. Camped a little on the left from the road under a high bluff, grass knee high. No water within a mile from camp. Weather fine warn [warm] days cool nights[.] Fort Bridger 917½ miles from W Qrs. From GSL 113½ miles.
Sep: 6th Monday Traveled five or six miles, descended a steep rocky hill; nooned near Muddy-creek, this creek was once 12 ft wide and water clear, but we found no water except a little standing. Plenty of bunch grass and willows. Here our company found a yoke of steers, and a cow, all was yoked up[.] In the afternoon traveled five miles, camped near unto others where we found the owners of the steers and cow. Ourself took a wrong road thinking to cut off some but had to return and go the same way as the company. Weather fine.
Sep: 7th Teusday. This moring went over Summit of Ridge: Altitude 7, 315 feet. The descent is lengthy and some tedious. About half way down you pass over rough rocks, and the pass being narrow, makes it dangerous to wagons. From W Qr 936 miles. From GSL 95 miles. Soon as we arrived in the Kanyon below rain commenced to fall which lasted some time. The consequence was we agreed to remain in camp to day as the road will be muddy. Elder Dimick Huntington came into camp from SL City on his way to Green River, he had been appointed to superintend the settling of that location. He gave an exceeding good account of the Mormon City and Territory. Towards evening Capt Russell of the Eleventh Company, and Capt Smith of the Twelvth Company, past us, on their way to the Mormon Empire
Sep: 8th Wednesday. Early this morning Elder D. Huntington left us. About the usal time started on our way had to go round a sidling place. Here the wagon of George Goddard gave out, one of the hind wheels being smashed he made arrangements to have his goods hauled, sold the wagon unto Dudley Leviett, for about two hundred weight of flour to be delivered when they arrived in the city. Then the boys took one of the wheels of their old wagon put to the broken one and converted the old one into a cart, so we were again able to roll on. About noon in coming down an hill, had a slight stampeed with four wagons, no damage done. After this went a few miles past Bear River and camped where there was plenty of grass, no water or wood. Weather fine.
Sep 9th Thursday. Started the usal time and soon had another run-a-way scrape Phillip Armstead and James Watton's teams commenced to run off with the wagons. Ourself was in J. Wattons wagon at the same time. This was caused by the tongue yoke of P. A.'s becoming loose no damage done[.] We pushed past several camping places: the grass was on fire in other parts considerable burnt up. Had to pass over bad places in crossing the creek in the kanyon. Camped near a Cold Spring south side the road. Good camping place Weather fine nights cool.
Sep: 10th Friday. Had not traveled far before we entered a Deep ravine Steep on both banks. From W Qrs 970½ miles. From GSL 60½ miles. After crossing a few bad places Cap: T Rogers broke the hounds of his wagon, his good Lady Eliza fell out of the wagon under the horses heels, but received no harm. This afternoon while in the act of crossing the creek the wagon of Thomas Hepworth was thrown over into the water one of the wheels broke; the women and children were in the wagon the same time but not hurt. This Kanyon Creek was cross quite a number of time to day, had considerable trouble with the loose cattle getting into the brush[.] Camped in the midst of good feed[.] Weather fine.
Sep 11 Saturday. This morning the wagons repaired And again on the travel noon on the Weber River and Redfork. Altitude 5,301 feet. There is a good camping place a mile before you arrive here. Also almost any where upon the banks of the river. Plenty of timber. The stream abounds with spotted trout. We had to come over several bad places and considerable sandy heavy roads. Soon after starting this afternoon some few wagons of the Fifteenth Company wanted to pass, but could not. We saw the McKees stopping to recruit their cattle with them was Rachel Weldon. We traveled about five miles mostly up hill, crossed a small creek several times. Camped in a narrow place on the side of the hill where the water leaves the road for a short distance. Weather fine
Sep 12th Sunday. Started early this morning traveled over a mountain, after which the road somewhat bad also several bad places of the creek to cross; the latter part of the day roads somewhat better the last crossing of the creek very bad some of the cows mired but soon got out and considerable trouble to be kept out of the brush on each side of the road. Camped in a small hollow. This evening the Lady of Cap: J Tidwell brought into the world a daughter [Emma Jane Tidwell]. Weather fine
Sep 13th Monday. Soon after starting lost some of the cows in the brush, had to stop until they were found In the meantime several wagons from other Companies past us. We then past over the Big Mountain. Camped about two miles this side of the Little Mountain. The McKees and Mrs. Weldon camped near us. To night John Edward a Welshman came out to meet his Bro: Edward who was with Mrs. Weldon. Weather Fine.
Sep: 14th Tuesday. To day went over the Little Mountain had to double teams to get up. Then traveled a few miles farther and camped. This evening had a little rain
Sep 15th Wednesday We past through the Mouth of the Kanyon. From GSL 5 miles From W Qrs 1026 miles[.] You now enter the Valley of the Salt Lake. The road at the Mouth of the Kanyon bad and rough with stumps. Afterwards descending and good. Soon after passing the Mouth of the Kanyon ourself were happily disappointed by meeting an old acquaintance Bro: Richard Warburton. I immediately got out of the wagon, have him the hearty shake of the hand walked with him into the City of the Great Salt Lake[.] From Winter Quarters 1031 miles.