Transcript for George Lake reminiscences, 1869 April-1870 February and 1894, 141
. . threw [through] the blessing of the Lord and our endustry we had gathered a comfortable fitout for the Journey[.] we then took up our line of march for the far distant west their [there] to Join our exiled friends[,] my father having the captain Ship of 50 wagons[.] our Journey was a long and tedious one being four months on the road making 1200 miles with ox teams[,] besides our camp being visited with the colory [cholera] and favors [fevers] of varied hue causing the gostly hand of death to lay its cold and chilling grasp upon many of our brothers and Sisters[,] all which rendered the S[c]ene a rather a trying[.] yet threw [through] the kind providence of heavens our lives were Spared Save the devoted wife of my bro Barneybas [Barnabas] [wife Fanny Electa Snyder Lake] who proved a victom [victim] to the coliary [cholera] and found rest in her Silent grave[.] we arived at Salt Lake on the 5th Oct 1850[.]