
Transcript for Gillespie, John, to Brigham Young, 8 Sept. 1868, in Brigham Young, Office Files 1832-1878, reel 44, box 32, fd. 15

Fort Bridger Sept 8th 1868

President Brigham Young—

Dear Brother:—It is with pleasure that I write a few items from this place to you, and for your information. My Company of Saints passed this point today all well, with the exception perhaps of a few who are a little troubled with bowel complaint but I hear of no very bad cases.

I truly can say that the Lord has blessed us in all our endevioures to do our duty and we have been wonderfuly prospered in the trip from Benton City to this place. Our cattled have gained in flesh and no one has died since that time.

I have some extra luggage with me which does not belong to any person in this trainVthere is two Barrels marked A.C. with the "steam ship Colorado" Brand upon them both also a stove and a box or two that there is no owner for in our company. I will deliver them safe in the office in Salt Lake City

I have left Captain Mumfort [Edward T. Mumford] 31 Sacks of flour part at Green River and part at Hams Fork, that was all I could spare from my company. I also left him about 12 hundred lbs Beef and a few sacks of Peaches

On "little Sandy" one of our passengers died the name of Mary Clayfield aged 71. She had no relations in camp and I took possession of her property which I will deliver over to you when I arrive

I expect to arrive in Salt Lake City on next monday or tuesday

Yours in the Gospel
John Gillespie, Capt.