Transcript for Gordon, John H., Report, in Journal History of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 29 Aug. 1859, 2-3
The following brief account of the organization of Capt. Brown's company at Florence and the journey across the plains is culled from the writing of John H. Gordon:
Horace S. Eldredge, Joseph W. Young, and Geo. Q. Cannon met with the saints at the camp near Florence, N. T., June 12, 1859, for the purpose of organizing a company to cross the plains for Utah, the meeting was called to order by Geo. Q. Cannon and the following resolutions proposed and unanimously adopted.
1st. That Elder James Brown (3rd) be appointed president and captain of the company.
2nd. That Joseph L. Farrell be appointed sergeant of the guard.
3rd. That John H. Gordon be appointed secretary.
4th That Wm. Wright be appointed chaplin.
The following named brethren were appointed as captains of companies of tens.
1st Company of Ten Wm. Steele,
2nd Company of Ten Eli Kent,
3rd Company of Ten Wm. Gittings,
4th Company of Ten C. [Christopher Madsen] Funk,
5th Company of Ten —Neuberg [Anders Olsson Nyborg],
6th Company of Ten Richard Willaims
The organization be<ing> completed, Elders Young, Cannon and Little delivered appropriate [appropriate strikeout] addresses designed for the well being of the emigrating saints. A good feeling prevailed in the camp and the faithful sai<n>ts rejoiced in being members of the kingdom of God and felt disposed to carry on counsels and instructions of those placed over the. <A> hymn was sung and the meeting dismissed by Geo. Q. Cannon.
The company, consisting of 353 souls, including men, women and children, with 59 wagons, 114 yokes of oxen, 11 horses, 36 cows, 41 loose cattle (making a total of 316 head of cattle) started on their journey Monday, June 13th, in excellent health and spirits. After two day's travel, 24 persons, 7 wagons, 9 yoke of cattle, 9 cows and 5 horses were added to the train, which made a grand total of 387 souls, 66 wagons, and 418 head of cattle.
The captain was prompt, energetic and faithful to be the trust committed to his charge; meetings were held every evening and on the Sabbath, at which the captain instructed the saints on all matters relating to their safety and their every day duties and responsibilities.
The journey across the plains was prosperous, only two deaths having occurred. The<re> were four births <and> about 25 head of stock died. The trip was made in 75 days. The foregoing is only an abridged report, if at any time you want the details of my journey, I have them entered in my journal. Excuse me for not reporting sooner; this is about the first opportunity I have had to write to you, as all my time as been occupied." (Letter on file)