
Transcript for "Got Back," Deseret News, 10 October 1866, 357

GOT BACK.—Cap. Arza E. Hinckley returned to the city on Sunday night, bringing with him 10 wagons of the 20 he took away to meet the immigration, and 87 passengers brought from Cap. [Abner] Lowry's company. The other 10 wagons he sent back with different trains as they were needed. Cap. Hinckley carried assistance and supplies to all the companies as they might be required. He travelled east 450 miles until he met the last company—Cap. Lowry's—which he did in the midst of a snow storm. His arrival in their camp must have seemed like the visit of an angel. He then started on the return, bringing with him the number of passengers named. He passed Cap. [Horton D.] Haight's train at Green River as he was returning. It may be expected in on Wednesday or Thursday. Cap. Lowry, he believed, would camp at Ham's fork on Sunday night. This is the last immigrant train, and may be looked for about Wednesday 17th.