
Transcript for "Got Home," Deseret Evening News, 18 August 1868, 3

GOT HOME.—We were gratified with a visit, this morning, from Elder Isaac Kimball, who arrived last night from his mission to Europe. He has been absent two years and three months, having started in May, 1866. He crossed from England to New York in the steamship Minnesota, and traveled from Laramie with Captain Rawlins' train. He came into the city with David P. Kimball and J. Q. Knowlton, having left the train at Needle Rocks, on Yellow Creek. They passed Murdock's train at Beaver Dams, in Echo Ca'on [Canyon], yesterday morning. Captain Murdock's train will reach the city about noon to-morrow, and the trains of Captains [Joseph S.] Rawlins and [Chester] Loveland may be looked for on Thursday. We were pleased to greet Elder Kimball again and to see him in the enjoyment of good health and spirits.