Transcript for Jedediah M. Grant letter, 15 August 1847, 3-4.
Capt. Jedediah M. Grant wrote the following from his camp in the wilderness.
Kimball Springs, Aug. 15, 1847.
Pres. Brigham Young and Council,
Dear Brethren: After my best respects, etc., I will inform you that the brethren and sisters composing the third hundred of the camp of Israel are mostly enjoying good health and spirits, and were all greatly desired to see you and those that are with you; and if kind Heaven smiles on us even expect to soon enjoy that privilege, although weeven a little in the rear from several causes, which Brother Phineas, the bearer of, this will explain to you. He has been with us about three weeks; he met us about one hundred and seventy-five miles below Ft. Laramie, he is now on the eve of returning. As the brethren of the camp are sensible of your great anxiety to hear from us and your families in Winter Quarters, I will say for you satisfaction that they were all well, without scarcely an exception, when we left Winter Quarters.
We have been highly favored in our journeying our late start and the numerous host that are journeying together.
In relation to our wagons, teams and general information concerning the camp, Brother Phineas can relate it to you with as much correctness as though [I] were I to write all the particulars.
I send you the communications from Col. Kane and assure you that all things are working in Washington in the different departments about as we would wish them. The Colonel entertains no fears of our being removed from Winter Quarters. His hand, heart and feelings are as worse as ever and a little more so. He wished me to explain to you the meaning of the dash at the close of his letter, which is "his respects to the council and all his Mormon friends all around and over the Omalian Hills." I send you a letter from Sister C and also one from Bro. B
Your Brother John is with us and is well and of great use to the camp in giving us counsel and advice.
If there are any teams sent back to assist the camp, We wish you to remember the third hundred.
Your children, Bro. C. [Charles] Decker and wife, Edward Ellsworth, wife and children are all well. On my return from the east, I found my wife very ill, so much so that she was nearly unable to to undertake the journey; her health had continued very bad and is so still; she feels the need of the prayers and faith of those who have influence with the Most High.
I wish you and the council, when assembled, to remember her in your prayers, that she may recover her health.
Please remember me to all the brethren in your camp.