
Transcript for Grant, William, Autobiography and diary, 1882 May-1911 Sept., 16-19

We had crossed the Missppi at Quincey, but we are now on the Missouri in a poor but Large Steamboat and in two days we go down the river to a place called Wyoming here we embark and our Journey is so far ended 15 days travel from New York. Wyoming is a frontier Town Very small. but I am first there I seek a place to stop but behold it is out of doors. Not even a bed can we get. we get a few willows and make a tent with quilts & sheets to creep in at night. and many hundreds of others do the same, so we are only Imitators—we have 3 weeks to wait till our Wagon Trains are ready to cross the great Plains of the Desert to […..] still far away Utah, a bad storm one night washed us out while in bed, and we had to move to the rock house w[h]ere we had better quartars, but I was taken sick and kept my bed 3 days—during which not one of my Old Millerhall friends Once Visited me but I had other friends who were kind indeed to me both on the Cars on the Boats—and on the Frontiers Thank God—and did not really go short of anything though the Circumstances were a sore Trial indeed, but it was what we Expected and We Took it Cheerfuly. I played music and was Trumpeter for the Camp and our Stay was quite pleasant. we had meetings and Some nice times—at length the Time arrived and we were loaded on to a Waggon going in Captain Whites Mule Train—Our drivers a good man named Joseph Tattersall, so we are now on our way over the plains. I had Bad eyes and was 3 days almost Blind had to Walk holding on behind the Wagon—I was again appointed Trupeter to Call the people to prayers night and morning and all meetings. The wagon we Travelld in had half a load of Frieght before I got to it. so we were not Comfortable in any way especially as there was a Welsh Family Named Davis in the Same Wagon so I had to walk my way and footed my 25 miles a day regular. sometimes ahead and sometimes behind the train. I even here made friends and found many kind to me and mine. Our little Daughter Lizzie who was our pet kept quite Sick as I believe she took Cold at Wyoming in the great Storm—sometime[s] my wife walked 3 to 6 miles a day so as to give me a chance to ride a little in the wagon with the children. for we could not go together One of us must stay the 3 precious little ones. day after day our Journey was almost the same and we got used to it.

we paped [passed] Fort Kearney. and Journeyd along the South Platt[e] River Till we Came to a good ford then we had to cross it and all able bodied persons were called on to Walk across the river it was a swift running river and in places 4 foot deep. as I could not swim I dreaded this Journey of a Mile across the river So I waited till the wagons crossed and walked behind our wagon at times swimming by holding on behind—we all crossed in safety but got wet to tots—and stayed a day on the other side of the river to dry our clothes &—we crossed other small streams and only them the 3 crossings of the sweetwater. after being 5 weeks out at a place Called Silver Creek Our darling Lizzy was much worse and in two or three minutes after the wagon stopped she died there which was a hard Trial, Indeed to us.

August 13,1866—there was no other death all the way among the company Except one old Lady 80, was Buried about ½ way on the plains[.] I guarded her body all night lying beside it under the wagon. we buried her next morning in a grave dug for us on a Beautiful spot on the side of the Hill. and then started off never to Look on that spot any more. It filled our hearts with a sorrow unmentionable—this place was 5 miles east of North Platt Bridge. this day we crossed said Bridge. About this time One of Our Emigrants was took. Many others Incidents Occurd which I cannot stay to put in this History.

One day I stayed behind to get some sand Cherries I found. for I was hunting Wild Fruits all the way and found Currants. Gooseberies. Mushrooms &c which we cooked and eat. said day there was a Band of Indians rode up when I was alone and surrounded me. begged me for Tobbaco—I showed them my Teeth and Explained I did not use it. They drove away yelling and Laughing—we soon passed Fort Larimi [Laramie]—the only Town on the way. and here I Bought some Cheese and a Bottle of Medicine—spending my last 50¢ so now I was penniless. we had nothing but Bacon and Mollases with a little Flour to eat. so we fared Very hard—there was a Company ahead of us 3 or 4 days and they killd and drove off all the game—and we had but little <in consequence> a fine Bear was shot by 3 or 4 hunters and we dined of Bear Meet 3 or 4 days. The Bear weighd 800 pounds. I had some little Veal given me for helping a man kill a Calf on the way—also Some Soldiers gave me Some dried Elk that was Beautiful soon after this I was Very Sick with dia[rr]hea and sufferd much 3 or 4 days. Untill we go to Bear River. where we met some teams coming Out to meet the emigrants. I begged Some Onions and Potatoes from them and it done me much good. We stayed ½ a day and rested here and Chatted with the Boys from Utah—then we Commenced Our Journey through the rugged and rough Mountains and Canyons. the Landscape all the way was most delightfull, but here we were now in the Canyons with Magnificient Castelaked rocks all around us the sight was Charming and had we not been a Band of poor Worn and Weared Pilgrims we must have enjoyed it much more but it was most magnificent to me.

we crossed green river in a Ferry Boat all safe and Soon Came to the Mormon settlements where some of our Old Friends lived and I soon found many of them. and our sufferings for lack of food was ended. They gave us milk, Bread, Meat Vegetables, Butter & Cheese &c—Thanks to their kind hearts we had been without salt 6 days and it was a Treat indeed to get some salt. Our hearts were now full of Joy. We had made the Trip. Though pang always Came when we thought of the little one laid to rest on the way. we passed through Echo Canyon and Parleys Park. Emegration Canyon and then the Beautiful City of Salt Lake Burst to our View. Joy—Joy here was to us a Paradise indeed. 5 miles Brought us to the heart of the City and we were delirous with delight in the streets we met and shook hands with many of the friends of our childhood and Bros & Sisters in Christ.