
Transcript for Greer, Americus Vespuccius, [Diary], in Eliza M. Wakefield, comp., A Tribute to Thomas Lacy Greer [1953], [2]

My parents began to make preparations to go to Salt Lake City. Father and S[eth]. M. Blair were in partnership. Early in 1855 they sold land and other belongings and bought oxen, wagons and supplies for the trip across the plains. Father was born in Jasper County Georgia, and died in 1855 while going to Utah on the Old Mormon Trail, at Little Nemehaw Nebraska Territory. My little brother Ira Abney (Abner) fainted and died in the wagon. Father died in the night. Asiatic Cholera was the cause of their death. Nearly one third of the company died, in fact 51 including a lovely devoted cousin (T.D.) known since earliest recollections, about two years my junior (part of page missing) (Leroy Greer and Tom Irvin are both mentioned as nephews earlier in the history). Sad for the two nephews with this plague we had had we put four---away.

We find a clipping from the St. Lewis Luminary of July 7, 1855, in a letter from Seth M. Blair, dated June 24th 1855 and written from Little Nemehaw Nebraska Territory. He states that cholera made its appearance in his company on the 17th, night and the first 36 hours they buried one or more every three hours---. It gradually abated until the 5th. day when Col. Nathaniel Hunt Greer died. Col. Greer is described as one of the most faithful brethren of the company. (From Journal History, by Earl E. Olsen Librarian).

Carpenter and I worked hard, afterwards he pronounced a blessing upon my head. Many things I recollect distinctly."

"That I would reach the valley...the destroyer shall not hinder shall be the means of bringing many to the knowledge of the truth. (top of page missing)..The next day continued the search. We got 35 men to help us, they were from another Company. Elder S.M. Blair President of our Company sent back to Garden Grove to the authorities for help. Elder Edward Stephenson and several other Elders came to our assistance. This was in the month of June 1855. As soon or before we had recovered from the cholera, measles attacked us in a malignant form." end of quote. 150 pages missing covering a period of 40 years.

Ann Terry Roberts Greer was now a widow, heartbroken with the loss of a husband and son besides many other loved ones who now lay buried along "Pioneer Trail," realizing she must assume new and difficult responsibilities, that faith, courage and determination were needed. She knew she was one among many who likewise must sacrifice much for the Gospel; and that only with the help of Him who never fails us, could she carry on and face the future undaunted.

As soon as the sick were ready to travel, with the Help of her loyal sons, they began the onward trek to Salt Lake City. Their long t[r]ain of heavily laden wagons with 3 yoke of oxen to each wagon, and hundreds of fine horses and cattle being driven, must have attracted much attention when they arrived in Salt Lake City September 11, 1855.