Transcript for Harris, George Henry Abbott, Journals, 1850-1854; 1872-1876, 51-69
July 1st Sun Capt John Dalling going on a mission to England.
2nd The Daves came out here this day with Elder Erastus Snow—They came going on with [Eli B.] Kelsey company.
4th (Wednday) This day we proceeded on To the ferry and camped abot 8 P M
5th crossed the ferry at 7 PM[.] we had strang[e] weather this night
6th at 12 Hitched on our cattle and proceeded 3 mile on
8th again started on at 8 A M[.] we was organized in [Henry William] Millers Camp and proceeded on with them[.] passed Kelseys Company at Camp[.] This day for the first time I drove an ox team. Fine Weather
9th arose at 4. loosed cattle to fea [feed] and water and at 8 A M left[.] at 10 we camped and at 3 P M we crossed the creek[.] Strang weather with much rain.
10th at 8 we again proceeded[.] bad roads[.] at 11 we baited then removed 1 mile to the [Elk] Horn Fer[r]y[.] crossed at 3 P M and camped for the night[.] fine weather. good water & feed.
July 11th S. Proceeded again at 8 A M and at 4 P M camped on the side of the Platt[e] 12 m. from the Horn—fine weather—rough level road—at 10 P M Elder T. D. Brown overtook us having come from the Misourie [Missouri] that Day 37 m. his wagons are 130 [- -]
12th This day we started at 9 o clock and proceeded 15 m. camped on the banks of the Platt[e]—plenty of wood—
13th Fine weather. pretty good roads[.] proceed at 7½ A M[.] crossed a bridge at 3 PM and Camped at 6. Some Californians camped with us bound for Illienies [Illinois][.] they gave good account of the Gold country.
14th Started at 7½--good roads[.] fine weather—camped at 6 PM—
15th Started at 7½ A M[.] reached the Loup[e] Fork ferry (75 m. from Missourie) at noon crossed over some of our Wagons—
16th Fer[r]ied over all our wagons[.] forded the Cattle[.] proceeded to the Parie and halted at noon—at 5 we passed the 18th Company and at 7 camped in the banks of the river[.] plenty of wood
17th This morn. we proceeded early owing that the other camp being clos[e] upon us[.] at noon we baited—good roads. this afternoon we passed many graves on the blufs[.] at 4 left the bottom going about. S W—we crossed the bluffs and again desended on the bottom. sighted Grand Island beaing about S—not finding water we proceeded untill 9 P M and then camped—
18th(S) at 4 AM started[.] proceded 2 miles and camped about 1 mil[e] from the river—plenty of wood[.] at 11 AM—Elders Taylor & Benson joined our camp with mule teams and horse guards[.] we all left at 3 PM[.] the mule teams parted from us and went on[.] we camped at 6 PM on the borders of the same river
19th This day we laid in a stack of wood and water and left at 8½ A M[.] proceeded in a S W direction about 8 m and halted at noon—Bro Erastus Snow & F. D. Richards with a bugey and 4 and 4 gards on horsback pased us to over take Taylor & Benson to join them—in the Afternoon we proceeded about 7 m. more and formed a careel on one of the Blufs[.] good feed—no water—no wood.
20th Started at 7½ A M and had about 7 or 8 miles over Sand Hills[.] halted at noon by a large pond of water[.] at 5 P M we crossed Parosie [Prairie] Creek and carrelled for the night[.] we have passed a few graves eve[ry] day[.] the 16th Co. passed this creek on the 18th. at noon 4 wagons of Californians camp near us bound to the west.
21st left at 7½ AM Parrie [Prairie] Creek and proceeded 13¾ m. to Wood river which we forded by 2 PM[.] we then halted 1½ hr and went about 5 mile[.] Camped on the banks of a clear rivelet a branch of the Platt[e][.] we forded it for wood[.] saw the first Buffalo this Eve.
22nd This day by Brother Abraham Thorland is 23 years old—We have gone about 10 miles this morn and halted to dine at 1 PM—hitched up and started at 3 PM and at 6 we encamped forming a carrell by the side of a slough not far from wood[.] at 8 PM a meeting was called and it was proposed that we make all possible speed to get from these low land which have been cursed and in 4 days we expect to halt to hunt buffalow—wash—and also to let our cattle rest[,] some of which have sore feet—
23rd left at 8 AM and stoped to dine at 2 on the banks of the Platt[e]. went about 8 m. in the Afternoon and camped. at ½ 6 PM. the day we have passed a few Parrie [Prairie dog citties[.] well inhabited[.] also a few Buffalows—At noon a man joined us that had left Kanesville with a dog cart for Calliforina [California.] we found his w[h]eels a week ago—and now he came over from Grand Island with naught but his dog and gun—he had been robbed by the indians—at noon we were abreast of Fort Carnie [Kearney] 250 m. from Miserire [Missouri] and about 300 from Fort Larimie [Laramie]—good roads. wood. & water.—in the Eve we camped near the head of Grand Island
24th This day is the 4th aniversary of the entrance of the Pioneers into the Salt Lake valley—Elder [George Augustus] Neal [a]greed to take the aforementioned stranger to Salt Lake[.] this morn we proceeded 10 m to Elm Creek. halted 1 hr and then proceeded untill 10 PM. we halted[.] roads good.
25th at 4 AM we hitched up and proceeded at 6 AM. we passed the 16 Comp. Capt. [Uriah] Curtis. at 7 we encamped about 9 mile from him and halted to give our cattle rest—at 10 breakfasted on some stewd Antelope which proved a relish for us. at 11 refreshed myself with a bathe and a wash and plenty good water—wood green. plenty of Buffalow chips which we used for fuel[.] at 8 PM Elder [Orson] Hyde spoke to us for a while on our Love. gave each other our remembering of prayers &.—
26th (Monday) hitched up and proceeded (The other company is also under weigh [way].) about 8 mile and halted at noon[.] in the afternoon we have gone about 9 m. and encamped by the side of a clear spring—many herds of buffalow are feeding near us today and Capt with another man shot 2. they were drawn into camp and skinned. fine weather but hot.
27th This morn we proceeded at 8 AM. and at 11½ we formed a carrell and halted owing to some wagon tires getting off—set the blacksmith to work[.] we encamped on the banks of the River—good wood—& feed[.] the 16 Comp. now passed us again
28th This day we are busiy setting tires and sundry jobs in the smith line while others are wasing &c &cat 7 PM we collected our cattle from the Island about and found that some were missing—
29th This day provs hot—and Dusty[.] this morning we went 10 m. and crossed a bend of the river twice in order to evade going over the sand Hills as the Bluffs reached out to the river[.] ½ mile N. of this bend we halted for noon[.] at 2½ PM this afternoon we have gone 5 m. making 15½ m. to day. on a grave block today we find the 7 Comp. passed the July 12—the 5 Comp passed the 13th[.] the 11 Comp passed the 18[.] 12 Comp on the 26th so that the 17 Co. is only 3 days ahead of us—
30th Hot weather & Dusty[.] This morning we started at 8[.] crossed a stream at 11 AM and proceeded 11 miles to a fine spring[.] arrived at 2 having gone on an average of 2½ miles per hr. This afternoon we have gone 5 mile and camped on the banks of a fine running stream proceeding from the mountains
31st This day is cloudy with strong breeze[.] we have gone about 16 miles to day[.] at 6 PM we encamped on the river bank. we have crossed 2 times to day[.] the 17—16—& 15 Companys are within 10 m. ahead of us and the 18 about 5 m. behind us—some in our camp are afflicted with Diareearry [Diarrhea.] we expect to drinking freely from that clear spring yesterday
August 1st. (Sunday) This morn we travelled 8 m on the bottom[.] crossed a fine runing stream[.] at 10 AM we passed the 19 Comp[.] Capt [Isaac] Bullock encamped by the river side[.] They were employed baptizing 20 in number[.] at 2 PM we began to assend the sand Hills cutting off about 3 m following the edge of the river[.] this was called Millers Cut off[.] it being 2 m and by the usual road 4½ or 5 m. on the bottom we travelled about 2 m—the 16 Comp was here encamped. we passed them and again Assended the sand Hills which was here very tedious for 3 miles[.] we had to double teams and during the delay the 17 Comp came along[.] we are encamped on the edge of the Bluffs by the side of a clear little stream[.] The 17 Com. is to westward of us.
2nd This morn we travelled 6 m. on the bottom and halted to dine[.] we then assended the sand Hills which runs very high. after crossing these we continued along the bottom a few miles and encamped by the runing creak. This morn was cold as the sky was clouded but at noon it was intensly hot—at 3 PM we found heaps of hail stones in the shade[.] some as large as an hen’s egg—we expect they fell early this morn. such things are next to unreal to English men for the sun to be burning the hail off ones head at the time he is picking up 2 dz pieces of ice on an open parie prairie]—such is the climate of An American Parrie.
3rd This forenoon we travelled 13 mile and halted for noon abreast of the upper end of Cedar Bluffs which are on the S. side of the Platte—These bluffs make up to the river and are thirly covered with cedars[.] In the bluffs on the S side of the river for a few miles appear to be some rock formations—Strata of rock begin to make their appearance in the bluffs on this side [of] the river. They are of a Limestone formation[.] we encamped for the night 9½ miles above the Cedar bluffs on the river side—good feed
4th Hitched up and moved on at ½ past 7[.] towards the Land Hills 1¼ m. the 15 & 17 Comp. were reeling up[.] we took another road[.] doubled our teams and got ¾ m in length again on the bottem. proceeded about 6 m and halted for noon[.] at 5 PM we passed the Lone Cedar Tree and at 4½ we passed the 15 Comp encamped opposite Ash Hollow[.] we encamped for the night on Castle Creak [Creek]. having gone 16 m to day in all
5th This day started at 8 AM. Halted at noon 1½ hr and encamped by the river at 5 PM. The 12 Comp is about 4 hrs a head of us[.] wind Easterly[.] Feel much dust [-] good roads[.] we have gone 17 m in all to day—at 6 PM the 15 Comp camped about 1½ m. behind us.
6th we have travelled this fornoon 10 m and halted 2 m above Crab Creak [Creek] by the river on good feed[.] this afternoon traveled 8½ and encamped for the night 1½ from the [-] foot of Ancient Bluff Ruins[.] On coming over these bluffs we descerned Chimney Rock Dist[ance] 25 miles[.] we suffered a deal to day on acount of the dust
7th At 4 AM we had a sevear storm of wind with a little hail[.] hitched up and proceeded 8 m[.] halted fornoon[.] 2 m from our noon halt we passed the 13 Camp[.] Capt [William] Morgans encamped—5 mile to westward of them we passed the 12 Comp encamped by the river—the 8 Camp was also encamped 2½ m from them[.] the 14 Camp is less than 20 m. ahead[.] we are encamped for the night by the river—good feed[.] we have gone to day 13 m in all.
8th Sunday. This day we have halted[.] at 4 PM we met for worship and was adressed by Orson Hyde[.] several from the 15 Camp were present[.] the 8th & 12 Comp passed us. The 15th is encamped 2 m. E of us. at 8 PM John troon a [....] died[.] he was taken Ill the previous night but would not make it known
9th This fornoon we have gone 12 m[.] halted for noon by the river[.] we encamped for the night by the river night abreast of Chimney Rock—rare good feed. we have gone 20½ mile in all to day
10th This day we road cross the river we we traveled 10 m and halted for noon[.] we are now about encamped for the night 2 m. below Scott[s] Bluffs[.] This Eve one of our calves was killed[.] we traveled 17 mile in all to day—
11th This fornoon we left at 8 AM[.] travelled 6 mile and halted by Spring Creak [Creek] for noon[.] here we pass the 14 Comp. who are setting their wagon tires[.] 10 m further we encamped for the night[.] had a slight shower of rain.
12th This fornoon just as we left we met a party of the Souix (Sue) [Sioux] Indians[.] about 200 with their horses and badgage[.] they were verry resentful giving up the road to us[.] we halted at noon about 11 mile from our night encampment owing to one of the division breaking an axeltree[.] we left that division behind—the weather to day has been exceeding dusty
13th This day we have had heavy reeling over the sand Bluffs owing to rain[.] we encamped at 12 but its cleering up at 3 PM we started—Passed an Indian village on the other side of the river[.] some of the inhabitants paying us a visit we encamped for the night by the river[.] plenty of wood & good feed. 17 Comp encamped 15 W. 15 Camp encamped 1 m. E of us—
14th During the night our cattle mixed with the other companie’s which caused us much trouble in their moving to separate one young Ox was not found. This day we started at 8½ AM[.] at noon we halted 2 mile W of Larimie [Laramie] Ford[.] this afternoon we proceeded 6 m and encamped by the river on the N. Side[.] Fort “John or Laramie” lays about 18½ miles from the river. in near a S.W. Camp and is composed of a trading establishment and about 12 houses, enclosed by a wall 11 ft high. The wall and houses are built of adobes, or spanish brick. it is situated on the Larimie [Laramie] Fork, and is a pleasant location. The Lat[itude]. of the Fort is 42° 12’ 13”[.] Long[itude] 104° 11’ 53” and Altitude above the sea 4,090 ft. (the 17 Comp forded here) It is also 522 m from W[inter]. Q[ua]r[ter]s. & 509 from G. S. Lake.
15th (Sunday) This forenoon we rested[.] at 2½ P.M we proceeded[.] traveled 4 m over rough bluffs then came to the river[.] here we forded the water just covering our axeltrees[.] ½ m. from here we encamped for the night—good feed—plenty of wood—sent 2 letters to Larimie [Laramie] for St Louis.
16th This day we have had a rough drive up and down hills[.] we halted for noon by the river[.] then over the mountain[.] we encamped for the night by the side of Bitter Cottonwood Creek near dry. The 14 Comp are close to Eastward of us—we have gone 14 m. in all to day
17th This morning we travelled 9¾ to Small Creek and finding no water we turned off 2 m to the river[.] halted for noon[.] This afternoon we have gone 5 m. and are encamped in a lovely place near the river on Horse Creak [Creek]. This day the mail car for Salt Lake passed us.
18th This fornoon we tavelled about 10 m[.] came to the river in the afternoon[.] we travelled 6 m—halted on the river for the night. some Souix [Sioux] Indians paid us a visit begging some meal &c
19th We forded the river here[.] proceeded about 10 m[.] halted for noon[.] this afternoon we have had bad roads[.] we encamped for the night by the river—drove our cattle across for feed—just as we were encamped we were thretned with a storm but most of the rain passed over us—A Buffalow was killed dressed and brought into Camp in the Eve and shared among us
20th This day we started at 9 AM and have had a rough road over the Hills and broken rocks[.] did not halt at noon. at 5 P.M. we carreled on the bank of the river[.] we have gone probably 10 m.
21st This morn we rested there being good feed[.] at 1 we started and proceeded 8 m[.] encamped for the night by the river[.] killed 2 buffalow. Strong breeze W. which covered us with dust.
22th (Sunday) Proceeded about 10 m[.] halted for noon by the river—sandy roads—here we forded[.] water up to the axeltrees—1 m from here we encamped for the night S side of the the Platt[e].
23th This fornoon 5 men we sent to look out a good camping spot[.] they returned at noon[.] we hitched up and started—1½ m. brought us to Deer Creek which is 30 ft wide 2 ft deep Lat 42¬∫52’ 50” Alt 4,864 ft. (a coal mine is here about a ½ m up on the East bank) plenty wood. 2 m. further we encamped[.] intend to do up our blacksmithing here. The storms cool here[.] turns out bad—
24th This day proves fine[.] we are all engaged about our sundry jobs in the Afternoon[.] some of us set a pile of wood on fire on what is termed burning a coal pit[.] this Eve the sounds of music and the Dance was he[a]rd in our illegible] tending to enliven an apparent [improvisment[.] Bro Hyde enforsed on us the propriety of getting ready [illegible] on us as soon as possible or else expect to wade in snow
25th This day provs fine[.] people employed at their separate ways work—5 Buffalow were shot but it being late two of them only were fetched into Camp[.] I with 5 others fetched one[.] 6 m 12 Comp passes us at noon (Capt [Harmon] Cutler). An Ox died this morn of the Dry Murrain belonging to a Scotch brother.
26th Fine weather—Camp L employed cuting and welding[.] helping and fixing tires[.] This Afternoon I crossed the river to hunt up our cattle. This Eve a meeting was called[.] Bro Millar [Henry William Miller] said that we had come a long better than most of the Emigration and that he had done his best for us. and it was now nessary for us to divide owing to feed and water[.] gave us council for the road West. we returned him our thanks[.] Bro Hyde then adressed us on obeying our Captains even as we had. But Young Men & Ladies enjoyed a dance.
27th This morn we got our Cattle together. we the 4th Division Capt [William] Manhard hitched up (10 A M) travelled 11 m. and turned off[.] a little down in a valley we found a good supply of wood water and feed—
28th This fornoon we travelled 9 m[.] halted for noon between 2 ravin[e]s—wind west to westward covering us with dust[.] just as we started we Saw Elder Hyde who left with the 1st Div. 5 hrs after us yesterday. The Div. was 4 m behind[.] This Eve we encamped on the S side of the Upper Platte ferry & ford[.] Lat. 42° 50’ 18” Alt. 4,878 ft[.] good feed—as we have travelled along the Platte we have been obliged to hunt feed in the bends of the river. we are now from W.Qrs. 648½ m and from G. S. L. C. 582½ m.
29th This morn at 8 we fended. here. The 1st Div overtook and travelled with us[.] at noon an axeltree was broken[.] we fixed a slide and proceeded at 4 PM[.] we encamped for the last time on the banks of the Platt[e.] about 10 m. from the upper ford and ferry[.] drove our (at this ford this morning Alma [Almon W.] Babbit[t’]s passed us from S. L. C. for Kanesville) Cattle over the river where we found feed—wood—& good water.
30th We left the Platt[e] at 8 A.M[.] passed many saleratis [salaratus] opnings and at 3¼ P M we halted at Willow Creek 18 m from our last encampment[.] soon after the 2 Div. of 12 Comp arrived having come by Miniral [Mineral] Spring and reported that there was good feed there and that the water was not hurtful there is not any feed here[.] our cattle restless—2½ m E. L.D.B. is encamped having left the 15th Comp with his 5 wagons at 7 PM[.] 17th Comp[any] arrived and at 8½ the other 2 Div. of our Comp mingled with us
31st At 2 A M we hurried after our cattle the guard having all them slip[.] we got had most of them yoked then up and then [...] out for the rest[.] at 5 we—(the 4th Div.) left—sandy roads—at 10 we crossed Grease Wood Creak [Creek]. 9 m. to W. we encamped on its banks, our Cattle being hungry—(good feed). it was like an osasis [oasis] in the Deasert. at 7 P M we yoked up our cattle[.] drove them up to the wagons[.] set 2 men on Guard[.] here I lost the [illegible] case of my watch
Sep[tember] 1st (Wednesday) hitched up at 6 A M and proceeded[.] at noon we encamped halted—on the banks of Sweet water[.] 1st Div. 20 Comp. on 2...6 of of— (roads very heavy sandy) now passed us Lat 42° 30’ 16” 1½ miles below “Indepence [Independence] Rock[.] a short distance above this rock we forded the Sweetwater which is here about 2 ft deep and 70 ft wide—we travelled 6 m and encamped abreast of Devils Gate upon the right bank of the Sweet water[.] the mornings are now intensly cold and Evenings and midday hot “Devil’s Gate.”[.] The river here passes between perpendicular Rocks 400 ft high forming a chasm about 1000 ft in length & 130 ft in breadth.
Sep 2nd This morning is calm and cold[.] we tavelled 11 m and halted by the river for noon[.] Lat 42°. 28¾[.] we find good feed in few rods on the banks of the sweetwat[er] but the rest of the plain for several miles in width of a sandy soil is covered with wild sage. There is no timber on its banks and we are dependant on buffalow chips and wild sage which burns well. 1 Div 20 Co. 4 m ahead[.] We are 316 m from G. S. L City. 795 from W Qrs—A little S of the Devils Gate there is a fort in progress of erection[.] This afternoon we traveled 4 m. making our Distance 15 m to day[.] encamped for the night on the left bank of the Sweetwater.
3rd The morning is clear & warm. This fornoon we forded and traveled 9½ m on the right bank. halted for noon[.] This afternoon 1½ from our noon halt we encamped for the night and found good feed[.] the sandy roads along the Sweet water we have found lavanious for our team[.] at 6 P M 2nd & 3rd Div. of 20th Comp. encamped 1 m below to Eastward[.] 13 Comp passesd us. We begin to meet those who are coming to the assistance of their friend from Salt Lake[.] 1 passed us at noon & 1 encamped with us this Eve. This day I felt unwell—called for the Elders of the church[.] was administered to and was releived
4th The morning is calm cloudy and warm[.] we are employed shoing some Oxen[.] 2nd & 3rd Div. leave—at 10 A M we started[.] travelled 9 m having forded the Sweetwater 3 times[.] we halted for noon 3 m from our noon halt. we encamped for the night—[...]ear then 2 m West Brenhings then ½ m
5thth The day cloudy[.] Fresh Breeze S.W. the for noon we travelled 4 m.[.] forded the sweetwater[.] we then had 16 m. over sandy bluffs before we struck the sweetwater again[.] we arrived here soon after sundown (we had halted for noon 11 m from our start[.] good feed but no water) This night I also sleep on the ground watching the horses—good feed 2 m down from where the road crosses the sweetwater.
6th (Monday) This morning I took a ride 5 m looking for a stray Ox—he was found lying down not far from the camp—during my ride I saw [illegible] numbers of white wolves laires &c—here we again forded[.] travelled 5 m. halted for noon. This afternoon we proceeded 4 m. and encamped for the night in this beautiful spot—good feed—woods on the left bank of the sweetwater—there 2 days past I have suffered in my head throat teeth &c under the influence of a strong cold—Lat. of our [.igh] encampment 42° 28’ 36”
7th This day we lay still—the mail car pass us at Larimie [Laramie]. I have been exceeding unwell to day
8th 2 m. brought us to where the road leavs the river[.] 5½ m from here we let our cattle drink but did not halt for noon there being no feed[.] 7¾ m from here we encamped for the night on a branch of Sweetwater 2 rods wide 2 ft deep[.] we turned our Cattle 2 m up the creek
9th This fornoon we travelled 7 m[.] we halted on the left bank <of the> Sweetwater at noon driving our cattle up 2 m for feed. about 2 m E. one white Ox died of dry mern [murrain.] he was one of my [- - -] [.] we here leave the sweatwater [Sweetwater]—789¼ from W Qrs 241¼ from G S L. we are 9¾ from the dividing ridge of the S[outh] Pass. This afternoon we proceeded 7 m on the main road then turned off 2 m. we encamped once more on the sweetwater[.] good feed wood &c
10th (Friday) This forenoon we crossed the submit [summit] of the S[outh]. Pass. being 7085 feet above the level of the sea[.] 4½ m further we crossed Pacific Creek and there nooned[.] Lat 42° 19” Long 108-40”[.] This afternoon we proceeded passing the road that turns off to the right in quest of feed[.] we ought to have halted for the night there[. We travelled down 4 m the left hand road not finding feed and Capt[ai]n returned[.] we proceeded untill 11 not finding feed[.] we chained our cattle up to the wagons to rest—
11th at Daylight we proceeded and at 8 A M we turned our Cattle to feed by a small creek[.] at 10 A M started and at noon finding some dry grass we again let our cattle graze—we here found the roads sandy which made traveling heavy to cattle[.] about 2 P M we crossed another creek[.] water tasted of salaritis[.] we lett our cattle drink and proceeded[.] about 5 P M we halted[.] found feed on the ridge—
12th (Sunday) This fornoon we travelled early and at 11 A M we encamped on the left bank of Big Sandy—good feed on the hills here[.] we remained for the night—we calculate this road is shortest by 4 or 5 m but worse off for water[.] Bro Manns [Richard Main??] 2 wagons are on the right bank
13th This morning we forded about 4 m[.] brought us to the main road[.] we encamped for the night 1 m from the W ford of Big Sandy on the right bank[.] found good feed for the Cattle on the hills
14th This forenoon we hitched up and 10 m brought us to Green river ford. here we halted[.] found some Mormans [Mormons] from Salt Lake[.] they intend to winter here and build a bridge across the river which is 16 rods wide Lat 2 m above 41° 52’. Long 109° 30’ Alt 6000 feet
15th This day our Cattle being in good feed we remained[.] at 6 P M Capt[ai]n [William] Manhard came up with us—weather stormy with rain—
16th This morning we intended to travel with Capt Manhard but he went off before we weer ready—we proceeded 5 m then filling our keg with water we proceeded on the bluffs leaving Green river about 4 m[.] here we found the best of feed bunch grass is plenty[.] wild sage for fuel
17th we travelled about 13½ m and encamped for the night on the left bank of Black fork—Capt[ai]n Winter encamp near us (good feed bunch grass)
18th This day we travelled 3 ½ m. to Ham’s fork. and encamped about 1 m from w[h]ere we forded[.] we found good feed up the creek—there is a trading establishment here—
19th (Sunday) The morning is calm clear & cool[.] some water in a bucket froze during the night—we hitched up and proceeded 16¾ m and encamped on the right bank of Black fork—plenty of bunch grass—we have crossed 3 creeks today—Capt Manhard is 1½ E of us—
20th The morning is clear and fine[.] we proceeded 6 m. and halted for noon[.] 8 m farther we passed Bridgers house[.] 1 m S of this we encamped for the night[.] Lat of Bri[d]ge 41° 19’ Alt 6665 – 109½ m Dist from S[outh] Pass
21th Thursday we travelled 10 m and encamped up the side of a small clear creek[.] plenty of dry Cedar for fuel—many teams of missionaries passed us today from Salt Lake—
22nd This morning shortly after we started we met the remaining part of those sent on Missions numbering upwards of 80—we travelled 13 m this day and halted at the West foot of the dividing ridge between the waters of the Gulf of California and those of the Great Salt Lake being 7700 in Alt on this assending this ridge[.] we were treated with a cold rain storm—
23rd The morning is cool, ground covered with Snow 4 in. we hitched up and proceeded 4 m. when we halted[.] near here we found a tar and Oil open. we are encamped on the left bank of Sulpher Creek 82 m from Salt Lake—
24th Some snow on the ground this morning but soon dissipeared[.] 1 ¾ from here we forded Bear River[.] we encamped for the nigh[t.] abreast of Reddings Cave having gone 16 m today
25th The morning is clear and cold[.] we travelled 12 m and encamped for the night in the Kanyon [canyon] on the banks of a streem[.] we crossed this stream many times and found some places exceeding dangerous to wagons
26th (Sunday) weather cold—we herd that Capt Millar [Miller] arrived in the Valley on the 22nd (Wed)[.] The mail car passed us Last Eve—this day we have travelled 10½ m we encamped for the night on the right bank of Weber fork ½ m below w[h]ere the Red fork joins it—Alt at the junction 5301 ft.
27th 3 m from our nights encampment we forded Weber river[.] Here we turned S. up a ravine 2 m. where we encamped for the night—weather is now warm.
28th 4 m brought us to the submit [summit] of ridge[.] we then descended altho very difficult work[.] at noon we halted on Kanyon [Canyon] Creek[.] we then proceeded 5 m and encamped for the night on the left bank of the creek after crossing it 5 times
29th we continued our journey crossing Kanyon Creek 10 times w[h]ere here the road turns off and leavs it[.] 4 m brought us to the submit [summit] of the Big Mo[u]ntain Alt 7245 ft. 1½ from the submit we encamped for the night—
30th This day provs very wet with snow towards Evening—travelled 4 m and finding feed we encamped for the night—
Oct 1st During the night it snowed[.] we hitched up about 8 A M and proceeded up to the last submit the road being so bad we were obliged to put 4 teams on one wagon[.] we found the descent tolerable after locking both weels[.] we camped at the foot of Loot Creek 9 m from Temple Block
2nd During the night it snowed. Morning clear and as the sun rose it grew warm[.] we travelled along Loot Creek crossing it many times[.] we then entered the Kanyon and on emerging from the same[,] the beautiful City lay open to our view