
Transcript for Haven, Jesse, to Brigham Young, October 9, 1856, Fort Laramie, in Brigham Young, Office Files 1832-1878, box 24, fd. 21

Fort Laramie, Oct 9th /56

President Young,

Dear Brother I write to inform you of the death of bro- Thomas Tennant. He died on the 4th of Oct—at half-past one o’clock P.M. as we wer passing around Scotts Bluffs. He was patient through all his sickness—not a murmur or a complaint escaped his lips. He first had the fever and ague which terminated in the consumption.

I believe every thing has been done for him that could be done: As soon as I took the charge of his affairs by the [illegible] request bro- F. D. Richards; I found that he was destitute suitable one to nurse him. I immediately got Sister Hill from the Hand cart Company to attend on him, and I must say that She has been true and faitful to her trust and deserves the praise of all the Saints for her unceasing exertion to do every thing in administering to the comfort of bro- Tennant as long as he remained with us. Bro- Tennant’s age was 46 years

Accord to the request of F. D. Richards I have looked after his affairs in his sickness and shall continue to do so till I arrive to the valley.

He had 4 teams and a carriage with 2 horses. If one yoke of oxen for each team could be sent from the valley to assist these teams in and a little grain for the horses it would not be amiss.

I brought the remains of bro- Tennant to Fort Laramie, and burried them in the burrying ground at this place. I intended to have taken them to the valley but found it was inconvenient[.] I put them into a doubble b box so that they can be taken to the valley at some future time if required

Bro- Tennant is the second death that has been in this Company since we left Florence. Some are now sick, and I fear there are one or two more that are will not see the valley

In Bro- Martin’s hand-cart Comp- that is now camped near us there has been between 20 and 30 deaths since they left Florence and are now dying daily[.] I understood 3 or 4 died yesterday. They are truly a poor and afflicted people, my heart bleeds for them, but I will say no more for fear I may say something I shall be sorry for.

With kind regard to all I remain your brother in the Covenant of Peace


J. Haven