Friday, the 25th. This morning Helen still remains quite feeble and does not feel able to travel; but I am in hopes will be better in a day or two from resting. We have started back our teams this morning to help of the camps. Three companies have arrived here besides the one I am in. They got him yesterday. Most of them probably will move onward. There is one yoke of cattle in possession of Father Morley, belonging to Brother Clarke, which I would be glad to have him send back with your teams to this place. If you have any counsel or advice to give to me, I shall cheerfully receive it. When the teams arrive for my assistance, I shall come on as quickly as circumstances will permit, for I/do not feel to make any unnecessary delay. I will close by saying ing you have my good wishes, and may the Lord bless you and yours is my prayer all the day long. I am aware that you are perplexed with cares and toils from what I feel myself, but it will soon be over, if we do not hurry.
My respects and good wishes to all for their prosperity. I remains your brother in the new and everlasting covenant.
"Heber C. Kimball."
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