Transcript for Heber C. Kimball letter to James Smithies, 4 July 1847, in James Smithies diary, 1846-1859
July the 4, 1847 On the green waters (?) Miles from the fary [ferry]
Dear Children James Smithies and others of my hous which I concider in the Lord. I think much about you and those left in winter quarters. I pray always for them and you I hope you do[.] Indever [endeavor] to be patience and not murmer at your Leaders for they have the hardest time. Take good care of your teames and be kind to each other. We have come very slow. and the Lord has blest us all the day Long. we have Lost 6 horses 2 stole 2 Shot one drowned one choked to deathe. this is all our loses. we all have injoied good health till we got to green River whare manny were taken sick with a fever; this you will see in my other Leter to you and Br. Wallice [Wallace]. read this and that to my house. so as they Shall have the advice. one thing more. if thare should anny messenger be sent to us from your camp send all the let[t]ers thare is in camp for me and my family that is with me. Hellen wishes to be remembered to you all. Give my Love and best wishes to all. I mention no names but the above names; as I do not no [know] whoe is coming in in your camp. but the[y] bless all. Give my love to Br. Rich and all the Saints. for they are mine and I am theres, and we are all the Lords. pease be with you all for Ever. As Ever, I remain, Friend and Br. in Christ--H. C. Kimball
I send this by Aran Fan. he can tell you all you want to know about me and the camp. Keep rite and the Lord will bless you allways. Now peas [peace] be with you all. H. C. K.