
Transcript for Henry G. Boyle reminiscences and diaries, 1846-1888, folder 1, 137-56

[This account begins by describing Henry Boyle's travels from San Juan to San Bernardino, California. He captained his own company for that distance, but the company was disbanded in San Bernardino and the members continued on with one of several different companies that left for Utah from that point. Boyle's continued account describes his travels back and forth from San Bernardino to different points on the Old Spanish Trail delivering messages and collecting the mail. He meets up with and mentions various people he knows in different companies at various stages of their trip to Utah. On December 9th, he and his children and his father-in-law join up with a company to make the trip to Utah. It is uncertain which company they are traveling with.]

Fri. 16—San Francisco. Today I purchased a rifle & one "colt revolver", 4 lbs. of powder, 8 lbs. of lead, & 2000 double water proof caps. I also have some ammunition with the wagon that the Thatcher boys & William Preston are taking to Deseret. I am going with them in their mess, also Brother Shearman is with us. I am to meet them at Brother Horner's Ranch.

Sat. 17. Today I finish my fit out for our trip down the coast. I send my trunk down by the steamer Senator to the care of David Cannon. George Q. Cannon employs me to find there a brass six pounder field piece. I found where a pair of them could be got for $500. I took the ferry boat & crossed to Oakland. Got there at 11 o'clock at night.

Sun. 18. This morning I left Oakland at daylight & traveled 28 miles to Brother Horners at 1 o'clock p.m. The boys are gone. I get dinner & horse fed & leave Bro. Horners at 3 o'clock to overtake the boys, but after traveling 4 or 5 hours in the night, some 27 miles from Horner Ranch, I lay out & found it very cold. Did not sleep any.

Mon. 19. This morning at the break of day, I proceeded on my journey. Took breakfast at the 21 mile house on the San Juan road. Here I was informed that the boys passed yesterday evening at 3 o'clock p.m. Here I leave the San Juan road to cross the mountain to Watsonville where Brother Wandell's company is located. There I expect to find the boys.

Tue. 20. Last night I lay in a straw pile not being able to find Doctor Whitlock's, but arrived there this morning for breakfast. found all well, but I can hear nothing of my mess. I expect they have stopped at San Juan. I stay here today waiting to hear from my company. I am giving Sister Parintha Whitlock a lesson on how to shoot a revolver.

Wed. 21. This morning Bro. Bull arrived from San Francisco. He came by stage part of the distance & part a foot. My things he sent by express to San Juan. This afternoon Bro. Bull & myself visited Bro. Stiles & family. Found them well & feeling well. Stayed over night with them. I have heard from the company. It is at San Juan.

Thurs. 22. This morning we visit San Juan. Found the company at this place all ready to move onward. We called a meeting & decided by a unanimous vote to take the coast route to San Bernardino & thence the southern route to Deseret. We organized. I was elected or choses by vote to be the Captain, Bro. Shearman Chaplain, Bro. Barnes, sergeant of the guard, & F. Hurst, Clerk.

Fr. 23. Last evening we came back to Bro. Whitlock's, and held a meeting there last night. I enjoyed myself very well. Elders Shearman & Hurst accompanied Bull & myself. This morning we set out for camp which started out last evening. Sister Parintha Whitlock & Bro. Harvey accompanied us out a piece. Got into camp at 3 p.m.

Sat. 24. This morning at half past 9 o'clock, we left our encampment & crossed the Silver Plains to the Mission Soladad. Traveled 28 miles yesterday. I was riding with Parintha, & the others turned off from the main road suddenly when we were behind & we seen no more of them. I then had to take her home.

Sun. 25. This morning at 7 o'clock we left our encampment & pursued our journey up the Silver Mountains, passed San Bernebe & 5 miles up the canyon we encamped, fed & watered. I shall not be particular on this trip in regard to the road as I have traveled it before & kept a journal of it. Today we traveled 30 miles good road.

Mon. 26. This morning I went a little ahead of the wagons & killed a deer as we were out of meat. I got it to the road just as the wagons came along. At 10 o'clock a.m. we got to the summit of the mountain & at 3 p.m. we camped at the San Antonio river. Traveled some 15 miles, feed & wood & water.

Tue. 27. This morning we resumed our journey at 7 o'clock. Just as we started, a tongue was broken from one wagon. It was mended in due time and we proceeded. At half past 11 we stopped for noon, good water and feed. Resumed our day's journey at two P.M. Traveled 12 miles and encamped at 7 o'clock P.M. on the San Margarita river. We had good water and feed.

Wed. 28. This morning we decamped at half past 8. Traveled 6 miles and came to the Mission San Magnil, thence up the river 18 miles and encamped, good feed and water. We have had good order and union in our camps since we've been on the road. We have kept up our prayers night and morning and we have kept up our guard every night.

Thurs. 29. We left our encampment at 8 o'clock and reached San Luis Obispo at 4 P.M. Traveled 21 miles without any accident. Wrote a letter to Mary Ann Orr. We have some blacksmithing to do here, some barly to get for our horses and some provisions to buy for ourselves, etc.

Fri.20. Today at one o'clock P.M. we left our encampment and took what is called the beach road which intersects the other at Los Allamos [Alamos]. We traveled 11 miles and encamped at the sea shore. We held a meeting in camp tonight. How grand and beautiful old ocean appears.

Sat. 31. This morning we have to travel immediately on the [sentence incomplete]

Sun. November 1. Last evening we confirmed those that had been baptised; namely, Emeline Lunceford, Sara Lunceford, & Syntha Lunceford, Marion Outhouse, Caroline Carlow, Nathaniel Carlow and Michael Wallen.

Mon. 2. Today we reached the Los Allamos. Had a good road, and we have feed & water. Traveled 27 miles. We held another meeting tonight.

Tue. 3. Today we crossed another mountain & camped on the Rio Santinxez. Traveled 23 miles. We have good water but no feed.

Wed. 4. Today we crossed the mountains & through the Gaviata [Gaviota] Pass & encamped at the mouth of it on the sea shore. We had very bad water, little feed, bad road, but plenty of wood, geese & ducks, etc. Traveled 10 miles.

Thurs. 5. Today we have had very bad road. Traveled 12 miles & encamped at the mouth of a little stream near the beach.

Fri. 6. We reached Santa Barbara today. Traveled 25 miles. Camped below town near the beach. Here we get some more blacksmithing done & lay in supplies to do us to Los Angeles.

Sat. 7.. Today we traveled from Santa Barbara to Ring Cove 15 miles & camped on a beautiful stream of pure water.

Sun. 8. Today we stopped by the Mission San Buneo [Buena] Ventura, thence 9 miles further & camped on the Rio Santa Clara, making in all today 22 miles. We held another meeting tonight.

Mon. 9. Today we came into the mountains again & encamped among the hills. No feed for the animals. Traveled 20 miles today & held another meeting.

Tue. 10. This day we came out from the hills & camped at the Ranch Dellinos. These folk are Spanish. One of the girls speaks English very fluently. We paid them a visit. Miss Lunceford accompanied me. They gave us some grapes & seemed very polite.

Wed. 11. Today we rolled onto the Los Angeles river a mile above the city & camped at 2 p.m. We are now going to purchase some more things for our journey to the Lake. There is much excitement in regard to the movements of our people. The prevalent desire of the people is to destroy us from the earth.

Thurs. 12Los Angeles City. Today the company made many purchases, wagons, harnesses, revolvers, ammunition, clothing, & provisions, etc.

Fri. 13. This morning we rolled out at the break of day. Passed the Monte at 12 o 'clock, thence to San Jose Creek & camped at 9 o'clock p.m. Traveled 35 miles.

Sat. 14. Today after a travel of 28 miles, we reached San Bernardino. Here our organization ends & the care of this company rolls off my shoulders. The company has been united & blessed with every necessary blessing. They have been obedient to every order & every request that I have made, & there are those in this company that will make their marks on the pages of this churches history.

Sun. 15. I have met my children & they are well, & look well. I was glad to see them after so long an absence. Today I attend meeting. I was called upon the stand to speak to the saints. I have made one day's mistake in my journal from the 2nd of this month up to this day by dating our travels one day ahead for we arrived here on Friday the 13th.

Mon. 16. I donned my hicory shirt this morning my flannel overshirt & went into business up to my ears. I never felt better in my life. There is considerable excitement here at present. All the saints are busy selling out, or rather sacrificing their property to their enemies & fitting up for Deseret. All our folks are minding their own business.

Tue. 17. The apostates & mobocrats are prowling around trying to raise a row, trying to stir up the people to blood shed & every wicked thing. O, is it not Hell to live in the midst of such spirits? They first thirst for & covet our property, our goods, & our chatles, then they thirst for our blood.

Wed. 18. I have met with many warm hearted friends 'till my right hand is sore from shaking them by the hand. There are many good men & women in this place. I have raised 200 dollars in cash to help my father-in-law fit out for the valley. I have enjoyed the society of my children & my friends since I came in.

Thurs. 19. Today President Cox informed me that he had some important business for me to attend to & for me to be ready to leave the city in the morning. I got a mule, my arms & ammunition provisions, etc. ready this evening.

Fri. 20. Today I set out & camped at Father Crone's in the canyon pass. Brother Hamilton Crone brought up a sack of barly for my mule this evening. I stay over night with them. They are kind & good to me.

Sat. 21. Today I accompanied Father Crone & family to the summit of the mountain & helped them over the hill with their wagons, etc. Today I had the pleasure of Miss Araminda Crone's company on horseback up the canyon. I think she is a good woman & will make some man a good wife.

Sun. 22. Today I returned to the water in the canyon, filled my canteen & watered my mule & returned to the summit again where I killed a large buck. Father Crones folks rolled out for the Mohave river this morning & Brother Wixom's folks arrived on the summit where I am camped.

Mon. 23. This evening Captain C.W. Wandell's company came up to the summit of the mountain, having arrived from the upper country by the Tulary route. I gave them the message from President Cox. They obeyed it & turned from San Bernardino & rolled on to the Mohave. Got in at 9½ o'clock p.m.

Tue. 24. This morning Brother C.W. Wandell convened his company for me to speak to them. I gave them some good council suggested to me by Brother Cox. This evening we held another meeting. I was called upon to speak to the camp. I felt well in speaking to them. I was followed by Elders Hurst, Wandell, Miles & others.

Wed. 25. Today I have spent at camp writing up my journal, conversing, etc.

Thurs. 26. We have been waiting today at Doctor Whitlocks. Our company consisted of the two Miss Whitlocks, Miss A.A. Crone, & Emiline Lunceford, etc. We walked into the woods & the girls had a shooting match with revolvers. They did very well.

Fri. 27. This morning in company with the girls, we walked down the river some two miles & gathered some grapes. The wagons soon overtook us. Then Sister Araminda & myself rode on ahead to our companys camping place some 20 miles. As my duties call me down the river, it suits me to travel with this company.

Sat. 28. Last evening I organized this company for Salt Lake valley. This morning we rolled out early pursuing our course down this stream. Minda & myself came ahead again. I enjoy her company very much. She is an agreeable companion. Encamped 20 miles above the last crossing of the Mohave river.

Sun. 29. Today I visited the lower camping place on the Mohave [Mojave]. Met the mail, got the news, etc. I found some of the folks here that came down the country with me & they were so glad to see me. I took supper with them & returned to Father Crones camp 20 miles. The mail got up with me & we all stayed together over night.

Mon. 30. This morning I bid adieu to the folks & the mail boys to return to San Bernardino. I think the news will favor the saints at San Bernardino in getting away. I think it will alay the excitement There. I met a great many of our folks on their way out. Took dinner with Brother Hiatt's. [Elisha Hyatt was traveling with the Robert Crow Company.]

Tue. December 1. Last night, I stayed at Doctor Whitlocks. Had a stroll by moonlight with the girls. Today I came in through the nearest pass, took dinner with some of Bro. Wandell's company on their return from San Bernardino, took supper with Bro. Summer's family. Got in at 11 o'clock p.m. & had an interview with the President.

Wed. 2. Today at home the excitement is less than when I left. I placed three letters in the post office for Sister Minda Crone & one for Samuel Lunceford. I feel somewhat sleepy from loosing so much sleep lately, but I have too much to do to sleep. Received a letter from Bro. S. D. Pomeroy.

Thurs. 3. I am helping my father-in-law to fit up. I have written 8 letters tonight, vis. one for Mary Ann Orr, one for Samuel D. Pomeroy, one for Samuel Waterman, one for B.F. Mayfield, one for G.Q. Cannon, one for Levi Bennion, one for Josiah Brown, & one to Sister Parintha Whitlock.

Fri. 4. There is some excitement since the mail came in, but I don't think it will last long. This has got to be a den of apostates, thieves, gamblers, drunkards, methodists, & every kind of foul character. The heart sickens at the sight of the conduct & spirit that is exhibited here. I think I shall feel like I had been released from Hell when I shall have got away from here.

Sat. 5. Today I am trying to sell my city lot. The President told me to hold myself in readiness at an hour's warning to carry an express to Salt Lake City if it should be necessary.

Sun. 6. Today I sold my lot very well considering the way others have sold their property. I got a good mule and traded him for a beautiful white horse as handsome a one as there is in the county. Had a visit with Bro. Lytles.

Mon. 7. Today we loaded up for the road. We expect to leave tomorrow if nothing happens to prevent. I got a letter from Sister Mary Ann Orr this evening and wrote one to Sister Minda Crone.

Tue. 8. We did not get off today as we expected. We have a great many things to do to get off. I wrote another letter to Mary Ann Orr. The saints seem to be in good spirits. They are only glad to get off. I have seen the saints break up and leave their homes before, so it is no new thing for us.

Wed. 9. This morning we finished loading our wagons and rolled out at 1 o'clock P.M. We have two wagons, one drawn by two mules, and one by two yoke of cattle. I never felt better in my life than I do at present. I am going up to the valleys of the mountains to do whatever I may be assigned to do.

Thurs. 10. We camped at the Sycamore grove in the canyon pass where we held the first conference in this country, where I was encamped in 1847 in company C of the Mormon Battalion. Today we traveled up the canyon to the head of the stream.

Fri. 11.

Sat. 12. Today we reached the Mohave [Mojave] River and encamped having traveled sixty miles from the city of San Bernardino. Here we have some feed and good water. I have driven Father Holladay's ox team from the city to this encampment.

Sun. 13. Today I came ahead to look up a good camping place, and good feed. I found it and conducted the wagons to it. Bro. Wandell's company rolled out from their encampment this morning. They were camped just below the place I have picked out for our camp.

Mon. 14.

Tue. 15.

Wed. 16. Today I spent in camp. Brothers O. Pratt, E.T. Benson, Geo. Q. Cannon, John Scott, John Kay, William Miller, and others came up with us this evening. We spent this evening in conversation with the brethren. Brother O. Pratt has lost a horse, one that he paid $125 for.

Thurs. 17. This morning I left our encampment for the city of San Bernardino to look for Brother Pratt's horse and other business. Returned to the head of the creek in the Cajon canyon. This morning before I left camp I wrote a letter to Parintha Whitlock.

Fri. 18.

Sat. 19. This morn I rode down to our camp in company with Olive Lytle. Spent the remainder of the day in camp. We had a shooting frolick in camp this afternoon. I have been training the girls to shoot colt revolvers. They learn very fast.

Sun. 20. We have nothing to do in camp but to attend to our horses, cattle, & mules and keep campfires, cook & eat, etc. We are laying by for our animals to recruit as many of them are poor & weak & to give room for other companies on the road. A company moves out every other day.

Mon. 21. We travel in companies of from ten to thirty wagons & as many or more men. This morning I wrote another letter to Parintha & sent it by Brother Cambell. I would like to see her now very much. We killed 4 Spanish cown [cows] this evening. So that fresh beef is plenty in camp.

Tue. 22. This morning we took another hunt for the wild cattle, but did not find them. These cattle have been left on this stream by the Mexicans & are very wild. We think of leaving this encampment on the morrow.

Wed. 23.

Thurs. 24. Today I came back to our old encampment. I have got the mule. I stay with A.F. Smithson over night. Father Sheppard came on to this stream today, also his family.

Fri. 25. Today I over took our camp that rolled out day before yesterday. They have traveled 13 miles, since I left them. Today is Christmas. I don't see anything going on in camp to mark it from any other day. I am writing some tonight. This is a lovely place for an encampment.

Sat. 26.

Sun. 27. This day we rested & rested our animals.

Mon. 28. This morning we pursued our journey again. over the sandy road 9 miles & encamped at what is called the "fish pond". Some of our animals went back last night, but were overtaken, & brought back.

Tue. 29.

Wed. 30.

Thursday 31.

Fri. Jan. 1, 1858. I have to use this book for this year, 1858, by changing the dates. It is the only one I have. This morning we left our encampment at one o'clock, traveled up the canyon 8 miles and crossed the summit just at the break of day, thence down the opposite slope to Bitter Springs where we arrived at 2 P.M. I cannot describe the feelings while I prayed this morning, (just as the sun arose), that I might be prospered during this year.

Sat. 2. This morning we leave our encampment at 3 o'clock and reached the lake at daylight, 7 miles, where we found some water and feed. We left at 12 o'clock, traveled 18 miles and encamped on the desert.

Sun. 3. Today we reached the Salt Springs at 3 o'clock P.M. We have crossed one of the longest and worst deserts on this rout, a distance from the Mohaue [Mohave] River of 80 miles.

Mon. 4. Today we reached the Auragoshe Springs, a distance of 15 miles over a very rough road.

Tues. 5. Today we lay be [by] to rest our animals for some of them are giving out. The company is divided in their feelings and have been since two or three days after we organized, for we have not convened for prayers or meeting since we started.

Wed. 6. Today we crossed the mountain to Resting Springs, some ten miles. We shall be more divided before our journey's ended if we do not attend to our prayers and live our religion.

Thurs. 7. This morning we took up our line of march at sunrise, crossed two mountains and encamped after traveling some 16 miles over a bad road. Little feed and no water.

Fri. 8. This morning at 8 o'clock we left our encampment and traveling. Some six miles came to Stump Springs, got dinner and rested, thence we pursued our journey some six miles and camped for the night. No feed or water.

Sat. 9. This morning we pursued our journey, traveling up hill all the way. Reached mountain Springs at 3 o'clock P.M. There is no feed here, little water, but plenty of wood. This morning I lent my gray horse to Taylor Crosby to follow back after his horse that had ran away.

Sun. 10. This morning we rolled out for Cottonwood Springs, reached there after traveling 10 miles. Here we rest. Here we met some of the brethren with team to meet us and help us in.

Mon. 11. We lie by today. We still neglect our prayers as a company.

Wed. 13. As I have not kept my journal up some of the time I shall not be particular the remaining part of our journey. Today we left the Cottonwood Springs, came about half way to the Vegas and encamped.

Thurs. 14. This morning we came in to the upper Vegas and encamped, it being 18 miles from Cottonwood Springs.

Fri. 15. This morning moved down 4 miles to the Bastian or old Vegas Fort, and encamped. Here we shall rest a while. This evening Bro. Hultz held a meeting with our company.

Sat. 16. Had another meeting today and the teaching we have received will make our San Bernardino brethren think there is room for them to improve

Wed. 20. We have held meetings every day since we arrived here. Last evening Bro. Lyman arrived and today he preached to us. Brother Lyman requested me as soon as I arrived at the first settlement to await his return.

Thurs. 21. This morning we moved from our encampment, and traveled 25 miles and encamped half way between the Vegas and Muddy, where we found some coarse grass. Employed some Indians to herd our animals.

Fri. 22. Today we arrived at the Muddy at sunset. Here we find the Indians somewhat troublesome. They stole my boy Henry's hat and some other things. These Indians are the worst to be found on this rout. Sister Magee came into camp very sick.

Sat. 23. Today we lay by. Sister Susan Magee is dangerously ill. I was up with her last night and administered to her several times. John Holladay and others drove a part of the animals across the stream which made some hard feelings.

Sun. 24. This morning Sister Magee deceased at 9 o'clock, a part of the company have been left behind to attend to the burial. There are some feelings in the company and indeed the company has been divided in their feelings for some time.

Mon. 25. This morning we buried the remains of our beloved Sister Magee and proceeded on our journey, camped on the desert between the Muddy and the Rio Virgin. We had to tie up our animals without feed. An Indian stole a blanket from one of our party.

Tues. 26. Today we reached the Virgin River, 30 miles from our encampment on the Muddy. Here we find the Indians very impudent and troublesome. We as usual employed the Indians to herd for us.

Wed. 27. Today we overtook our company and encamped with them. Today we traveled 14 miles.

Fri. 29. Yesterday and today's travel brought us to the Beaver Dam where we will leave the River Virgin.

Sat. 30. Today we came to the top of the divide between the Virgin and the Santa Clara.

Sun. 31. Today we reached the Santa Clara stream, a distance of 30 miles from where we left the Virgin.

Mon. Feb. 1, 1858. Today we came down to Father Crow's at Fort [Santa] Clara. As Bro. Lyman has requested me to remain in the first settlements till her [his] return, so I shall remain here a few days.

Tues 2. This Fort is situated ten miles above its (the Santa Clara) junction with the Virgin and was built under the superintendency of Jacob Hamblin who is the president of the Indian Mission in all this southern country.

Sun. 14. I was at meeting today. I have attended all the meetings that have been held in this place. Since I came in I have enjoyed myself very well. Since I came into this place I think Brother Hamblin is a very good man. I like him very much.

Mon. 15. Since I came to Father Crow's I have enjoyed myself in the society of his family very much. They have used me well. I have ever been fortunate in finding warm-hearted friends, and in this as everything else, I acknowledge the hand of the Lord.

Tues. 16. Today after staying 14 days at Father Crow's I started to make a visit to Cedar City. Went as far as Washington or the Cotton farm.

Wed. 17. Last night I stayed over night at James Mathew's and was treated kindly. This morning in company with Taylor Crosby and Albert Stotard and H. Magee, I pursued our journey. Encamped after traveling 25 miles.

Thurs. 18. Today traveled 18 miles and camped 4 miles above Fort Harmony. This evening we stopped at Harmony at Brother John Lee's. He used us very kindly. He is a very clever man at his house.

Fri. 19. This morning I was overtaken by Brother Lyman and others, and at 2 o'clock P .M. we reached Cedar City. I was warmly greeted by my old friends and the Saints generally. Stayed over night with Bro. Webster.

Sat. 20. Today I have been visiting. Had an interview with my old friend, Col. Kane, and wrote a letter to Araminda Almarine Crow. Stayed over night at Brother White's.

Sun. 21. This morning I visited Bro. Hart's and attended meeting at the church and was called on to speak and did so and enjoyed myself very much. Took dinner at Brother Liston's and then with Brother Liston and family visited Brother Henry Lund, took supper there and attended prayer meeting.

Mon. 22. Today traveled up to Parawan [Parowan] City where I found my father-in-law's family in good health. My children are all well and were glad to see me. Henry is a fine boy and will make a good man.

Tues. 23. Today I spend with my relatives and acquaintances. * * *

Thurs. 25. Attended prayer meeting tonight. Was called on to speak. I enjoyed myself very well. Slept with Bartly Smithson. Today my folks left here to go to Beaver to settle there.