Transcript for Higbee, John Somers, Reminiscences and diaries, 1845-1866, vol. 3
27 Stil waiting[.] organised by Bro Benson[.] I was chosen captain of 50
28 Moved to the river Missourie
crossed on the 29 camped ½ mile from the fery at old winter Quarters
30 Sunday[.] Some of the company crossing[.] meeting in the evening
31 Started[.] Broke a waggon tounge[.] traveled 8 miles
June the 1st[.] traveled to Peapea [Papillion] creek
2 to the [Elk] horn
3 to platte river to the liberty pole
4 12 miles to an Island
5 traveled 21 miles[.] crossed Shell creek where the Indians and emigrants had a fig[h]t a few Days before[.] 2 emigrats killed & 10 Indians 15 wound[.] Capt [Robert Jackson] Collwell [Caldwell] & capt [Joseph Andrew] Kelting & part of their companys left me & took their own road & governed themselves
6 Sunday[.] the Indians stole two horses[.] had meeting instructed the Saints[.] Elected John pack colonel[.] organized a 10 Bro Allen capt of those that left Kelting & Callwels company
7 traveled to Loup fork to the fery 10 miles
8 crossed over at hawleys fery at 1 Dollar per gaggon [wagon.] traveled 8 miles
9 went 16 miles
10 traveled 18 miles near the uper crossing of Loup fork[.] geting along very wel fine weather[,] camp well
11 traveled to pra[i]rie creek
12 traveled to wood creek
13 sunday[.] had meeting[.] Divided the company[,] capt [James] townsend took charge of 3 tens[.] I took charge of the other 2[,] Bro [James Willard] Bay[']s & Capt [John] Mcneals [McNeill]
14 traveled 20 miles
15 Do 22 miles
16 Do 22 miles
17 D 16 miles to a lake[.] a Scotch boy fel out of a waggon[,] the heft of load about 40 hundred[.] the fore wheel run over his leg[.] broke it. we adminestered the ordina[nce] to him[.] it was healed[.] he was soon able to play as usual[.] we met Brother Armstrong & Bro Margarets & 2 or 3 others[.] we made a collection to asist them on their journey[.] they were on a Mission to England
18 traveled 20 miles
19 23 miles near to carrion creek[.] pased 29 graves
20 sunday. layed by[.] had meeting[.] adminestered to some sick
21 traveled 20 miles passed 17 graves
22 traveled 17 miles
23 Do 20 miles oposite the cedar Bluffs near rattle snake creek[.] 354 miles from winter Quarters
24 traveled 20 miles
25 D[itt]o 20 miles
26 traveled til noon 10 miles[.] 6 miles below Crab Creek
27 Sunday[.] layed by had meeting[.] al well[.] took another wagon in our train[.] the[y] were Germans
28 traveled 22 miles
29 Do 20 miles
30 Do 18 miles
July the first[.] traveled 20 miles
2 traveled til noon 9 miles[.] Layed by
3 at same place
4 sunday held meeting[.] celebrated the 4 by raising a flag[,] marching in procession[,] fireing a salute[,] singing[,] speaking & prayre[.] Dismissed[,] came togather again in the afternoon[.] had preaching[.] Divided the company[.] capt Bay took command of 1 ten & capt MC Neal the other[.] I went with the latter
5 traveled 20 miles
6 passed fort Laram[i]e at 11:o clock[.] traveled 20 miles
7 traveled til 3:o o clock[.] 14 miles in the Black hills
8 traveled 18 miles
9 traveled til noon 7 miles[.] lay by to set waggon tire on the platte river about 60 miles above Larame[.] Bro pack[,] Allen & farnsworth carreled with us
10 Same place
11 Sunday had meeting at 10 o clock[.] Started at 12 traveled 14 miles
12 traveled 16 miles
13 traveled 14 miles[.] 2 miles above Deercreek
14 Traveled 12 miles
15 Do 15 miles[.] 3 miles above the uper fery of the platte
16 traveled near willow spring 22 miles
17 traveled 15 miles
18 <Sunday> traveled to Sweet Watter [Sweetwater] 3 miles to get grass for our cattle[.] Layed by[.] not very well[.] about 5 miles below independence rock
19 traveled an passed the rock & Devels gate[.] 20 miles
20 traveled 17 miles to Bitter cottonwood creek
21 crossed sweet watter[.] took a new rout found it further & heavy sand[.] came in to the old road in about 12 miles[.] traveled 15 miles met in with Bro Pack & Allen
22 Layed by til next Day
23 traveled 20 miles
24 Do 20 miles to Strawbery creek[.] Bro. Holders [J. Holden’s] ox Died
25 Sunday traveled to a Branch of Sweet watter 4 mils[.] layed by[,] took our cattle 5 mls to grass
26 Layed by
27 traveled 24 miles passed the pacific Springs[.] Lost an ox
28 traved 23 miles to little Sandy
29 crossed big sandy 14 miles
30 traveled to green river 20 miles before breaffast
31 crossed the river layed by
August the first Sunday[.] Same[.] had meeting
2 traveled 20 ml to Blacks fork
3 Do 22 miles
4 Traveled 14 miles to Bridger
5 traveled 22 miles
6 traveled 11 miles to Bear river
7 Do 16 miles
8 Broke an axeltree[.] traveled 20 miles
9 traveled 4 miles[.] layed by on weber river
10 same place
11 traveled 15 miles
12 Do 14 miles
13 Traveled 12 miles[.] arived in the valley & city of the great Salt Lake & Embraced my Wife & family[.] found them all alive & well for which I thank my heavenly father