Transcript for "Highly Important News from Salt Lake and the Plains, More Indian Depredations," Frontier Guardian,, 22 Aug. 1851, 2
By the last mail from Salt Lake we received the Deseret News up to June 28th. It contains several interesting items for the Saints; more especially a document from several brethren there, to the scattered Saints in the Eastern States, Kanesville, &c. Mr. Thomas Bateman with ten others have just arrived from the Plains, bringing intelligence from the different emigrating companies for the valley this season,--also a very interesting letter from President Orson Hyde and company; whom they met 108 miles this side of Laramie.
Mr. B. says: that he met several California companies, two day's travel from the Valley getting along remarkably well, with little or no sickness met A. W. Babbitt, and a number of the Government officers for Utah, 200 miles on the other side of Fort Laramie progressing slowly; he represents their animals being very much jaded, through their long and tedious journey in every other respect were well and in good spirits. They met Captain Stevens' company about 350 miles out, proceeding on their journey without molestation. There was a company of about 300 hundred wagons in the sand hills, where the Indians had assailed Elder Hyde, and company; fears were entertained of their safety, as there were 300 Pawnee Indians who had taken their position with the sole intention of robbing and plundering any emigrants coming that way this gang of thieves expected an additional force from the Omahas; but they were disappointed; the latter chose rather, to abide the counsel given their chiefs sometime since, by Elder Hyde, Judge Brocchus and several others at a council held in this town previous to the Elder's departure for the Valley. Mr. Bateman states, that he and his little company left the Valley on the 12th of June with ox-teams,they arrived here August 12th, making the entire distance in two months the quickest trip yet, by oxen.
John Brown's Company were met at the junction of the new road, two hundred and forty miles from Winter Quarters, on the 28th of July, getting along well.
After reading President Hyde's letter, extracts of which we give below; we think that the government should open their eyes, and feel somewhat interested in the welfare of American Citizens moving to Salt Lake, Oregon, and California for the purpose of enhancing the value of Government lands by cultivation. If the emigrant is not to be protected and immediate measures entered into by the Department to check the further hazardous movements of these Indians, hundreds of Oregon Emigrants have said in our office that emgration will cease for that quarter after this year. Already, letters have been sent back to their friends, to warn them not to proceed, until a sufficient force is placed by government on the Frontier to protect them.
Just as we are writing this article, another letter is received form John Crembie, a young man in the employ of Dustin Amy. Mr. A. killed his cream colored horse while endeavoring to effect his escape form the Indians, and ran one of his mules so badly, that it is with great difficulty it can keep up with the train.
The writer says, that Hon. Judge Brocchus, of Ala., Mr. Wm. H. Gooch, and Mr. Walker, of this place, shared the same fate that Elder Hyde received. Rumor reports that they lost all their clothing with the exception of pantaloons and shirts.