
Transcript for Hindley, John and John Parson, "Correspondence," St. Louis Luminary, 28 July 1855, 142

THE following Items from the Emigration will be read with interest. We are glad to learn of the general health and prosperity of the camps of Israel, now journeying across the plains; and we trust that no accident or danger will befal them, but that they will reach their destination in safety:
FORT KEARNEY, July 3d, 1855.

DEAR BROTHER SNOW:—We have thought it well to commence writing you a letter at this point, with the intention of forwarding it by any means that may present itself on the road. We reached this point, all well July 1st, and found six wagons with brethren from Kanesville, who had been waiting one week for us; and we have waited the same time on the road for Elder Ballantyne or orders from him, after we received orders from you on the Little Blue. We travelled only short distances, never staying more than a day at a time, so as to keep the camp in motion and thus prevent sickness coming into the camp. We have had two deaths one of which (Sister Avery's) you have reported in our former note. The other is brother George Waters who died at the point where the road strikes the Little Blue River, of consumption. He took cold from exposure before we started, and gradually got worse till the time of his death.

July 6.—We hurriedly close this note to forward it by some Officers who are returning to the States. We are ten miles from Fort Kearney, doing blacksmith's work for the camp. All well—no news from Elder [Richard] Ballantyne.JOHN HINDLEY.