Transcript for Hindley, John and John Parson, [Letter to Erastus Snow], St. Louis Luminary, 1 September 1855, 162
PLUM CREEK, July 11th 1855.
Last evening the third company commanded by brother Stevenson passed us and camped about a mile further on. The mail passed this morning by which we have been anxiously expecting dispatches from you and brother Ballantyne, and were consequently much disappointed in not receiving a line from either. We learn from the mail, that they passed brother Ballantyne's company, about three miles out from the Grove, on the fourth, so that we calculate it would take him fourteen or fifteen days to overtake us. We have already waited full that time, and to wait yet for his arrival would render it impossible for our provisions to hold out till we reach Salt Lake.
In our interview with Capt. Stevenson, he informed us that he had the privilege to proceed, and intended doing so. We felt that the same privilege would have been extended us if you could have sent us a communication to that effect.
The food for our cattle is very poor at this point, and the reports of Indian depredations, on which our instructions to stay are expressly founded, have proved not true. We consider it best, under these circumstances, to convene a council, and carefully weigh these matters over, trying to act as though you or brother Ballantyne were with us. The result of our deliberations is, that we had better move on and write you and brother Ballantyne to this effect, so that if in any case you may yet wish us to stay, either you or he may forward us instructions by the first opportunity presenting itself. We are happy to say we are all well, and unanimity of spirit and action characterize all our proceedings, praying God to bless you in all your undertakings for the advancement of his kingdom.
We remain affectionately yours,