Transcript for Hindley, John and John Parson, [Letter to Milo Andrus], St. Louis Luminary, 8 September 1855, 166
August 7, 1855.
DEAR BROTHER ANDRUS: Expecting the mail to pass us in a day or two, we again take up our pen to communicate with you; we are happy to inform you that we are thus far on our journey and all well, and have met with no accidents or losses worth mentioning. The cattle hold out well considering that in this region of country the feed is very thin and poor. The second company is now one day's drive behind us, and the third with the first of Williams' goods trains, is one day behind them.
We have not seen any Indians in this region, but we are informed that the Missouri Sioux's are very hostile, and have stolen a large number of horses from the traders here. Last month the traders at the Bridge killed three Indians and drove the remainder off into the mountains; they have fortified their trading post, and daily expect a company of Indians to burn the bridge. Under these circumstances we keep up an efficient advance and rear guard mounted and well armed. We carrell our horses, and well watch our cattle.
The soldiers that so much noise was made about in the States, came as far as Laramie, and returned the next day. We met one company on their return as far back as Fort Kearney. The traders curse them as cowards, and the originators, directly or indirectly of all their troubles with the Indians.—Peace and union still prevail in our camp, and all things go with us as well as we could possibly expect.
Hoping you and President Snow, with all our friends in St. Louis, are well and prospering in all your endeavors to build up the universal kingdom, we subscribe ourselves your brethren in the Lord.