
Transcript for Historian's Office rebaptism records, 1848-1876

Contains alphabetical registry volume begun by church recorder Thomas Bullock in 1850, in which rebaptisms were entered for as early as August 1847 with the first pioneer company, and continued for mostly newly arrived immigrants in Salt Lake City through 1854. A few new baptisms are also recorded in the volume, including for the first Mexican baptized in 1852 (page 81). There are a few scattered entries until 1863.

Includes separate lists of rebaptisms in the 1850s for the following Salt Lake City wards: First, Tenth, Twelfth, and Nineteenth; and for the following Utah settlements: Fairfield, Fillmore, Kaysville, Mountainville (Alpine), Ogden, Payson, Pleasant Grove, Springville, Tooele, and West Jordan, and also for Iron County.

An index of this record can be found at the Church History Library with a call number of M234.3 W344r 2003.