
Transcript for Historical Department journal history of the Church, 1830-2008, 22 September 1849, 1

Saturday, September 22. This was a warm clear day in G. S. L. City. The brethren working on the Council House commenced building the upper story of said house with adobies at 1 p.m. the council met at Heber C Kimball's house.
<thos. bullock's:="" notes="" 1849:22="">

Orson Spencer's company of emigrating arrived in G. S. L. Valley. (Neibaur's Journal p. 35.) (See also Journal History Oct. 28, page 2.)

Elder W[illia]m. Hyde, one of this company, journalized as follows: "In the spring of 1849 I started with my family in company with my brother, Rosel, and his family, for Salt Lake City. The Lord had blessed our labors so much that we were comfortably fitted for the journey. I was appointed to the charge of 63 wagons under the presidency of Bro. Samuel Gulley who had charge of the hundred. We had in the company come 40 or 50 tons of merchandise for Livingston and Kinkead from St. Louis. Soon after reaching the Platte River (on July 5th) Bro. Gulley died with the cholera. Some four or five more died with the same disease and before leaving the Platte I came very near falling with the others. We reached the Valley the 22nd day of September."