Transcript for Holmgren, Per Olof, Diary, 1864 Nov.-1865 Sept., 9
Aug. 1—We started on our way with three pair of oxen and 3000 pounds of baggage, of which 1000 were T. W. Taylor's which we were to transport to G.S.L.City in exchange for the use of his 2-pair of oxen. We paid $225 for the wagon and $144 for a pair of bullocks and yoke; at first they were wild and unmanageable, but later they became good and strong., The roads were level and all went well; we had our own little tent wherein we slept at night. We passed Fort Kearney and other stations. In the vicinity of Fort Laramie a drunken soldier had nearly shot our Captain Atwood. We passed the gate and at night a group of soldiers drove away our animals so that we had to hunt for several days; we lost some.
Sept. 13—My wife had a son at 7 A.M. She was very sick all night but soon became well.
Sept. 22—We were attacked by about 15 Indians as we were driving our animals through a forest to water. I was shot through the thigh by a revolver ball; fainted from great loss of blood. Was carried by two brethren to the corral, was bandaged and laid in the wagon, in which I lay for 14 days, during with time the sore was treated with cold packs.