Transcript for "Hon. A. W. Babbitt and Company," Frontier Guardian, 30 May 1851, 2
Hon. A. W. Babbitt and Company.
The latest intelligence received from the above named Company, consisting of about one hundred and fifty wagons, is, that they were at or near the Elk Horn River, on a small Island completely surrounded by water, with little or no chance to go or return, and the water still rising by the recent heavy rains. It was thought by the parties who bought the information that they were rather in a perilous situation. Several of their wagons were up to the axletree in water, and their teams and stock with little or no feed were seriously exposed, unless timely assistance interposed to rescue them from the jaws of Death. Hon. B. [Broughton] D. Harris, from Vermont, Secretary for the Territory of Utah, lady and family are there; also Dr. John M, Bernhisel, Judge [Zerubbabel] Snow, lady and family, and Messrs. [H. R.] Day & [Stephen B.] Rose, Indian Agents for said Territory, are among the number comprising this company, and must feel not a little embarrassed in their present situation, not being accustomed to the hairbreadth escapes,--the multiplied inconveniences and vexations, incidental to a life across the plains at this season of the year. We feel sorry for their wives and little ones, and also for themselves, and would be glad to have the opportunity of rendering them assistance or relief in their present perplexing condition; but it being the very time that every nerve, bone and sinew of our body are called into action, and all the force that we can muster beside, to get matters regulated here, and the emigration to the Valley off in time. We have not a leisure moment to spare.
But in conclusion we feel to not one remark made in our office, in presence of Messrs. Rose & Harris, just previous to their leaving. It was on the occasion of some Indians being rather unceremoniously whipped out of town:--That men possessing certain feelings and principles would not prosper in their journey over the plains--that their way would be hedged up, &c. we only regret that the scripture declaration touching this matter had not been fulfilled. "Whether there be tongues they shall cease, whether their be prophecies they shall fail, &c." Gladly would we be called a false Prophet in some things, if that fact could contribute to the comfort and speed of the officers of Utah on their journey to their Official Stations.