Transcript for Horace S. Eldredge Emigrating Company journal, 1859 May-September
of the Church train
Elder Horace S. Elderedge
On their journey to Great Salt Lake
From the 1st June 1859. up to the 1st
September 1859.
Florence, Na. [Nebraska] The 28th May, 1859.
Florence and its surrounding country are again dressed in the gorgeous garment of a beautiful day. The hum of busy life made itself manifest as usual during the emigration on the hill close to the storehouse where the wagons of the Church trains were being freighted by Bishop [Frederick] Kessler. About 100 brethren were fixing <in the forenoon> down at the upper landing wagons and handcarts. While in the afternoon the greatest part of the brethren were busy preparing for their journey, the business of delivering provisions, wagons, etc was conducted near the storehouse by the brethren appointed. After dark 4 Church teams returned with 4 families <from Omaha> who had arrived the day before at Omaha from the East.
The 29th May
At 10½ o'clock a.m. a meeting was being held on the hill in front of the storehouse. Meeting opened with prayer by Elder Mace. Elders H. Elderedge and G[eorge] Q. Cannon addressed the congregation on the duties of true Saints. Dismissed by Bishop Kessler. At the close of the meeting about 40 tickets were drawn by those who were going to have their own wagons. A little after 4 o'clock p.m. a congregation of 6-700 persons among whom were quite a number of strangers from Omaha, Crescent City, etc. had assembled. Among the old stock present were Bro. Goodwin and Joseph < A.,> Johnson. The meeting was opened with prayer by Bishop Kessler. After a few introductory remarks on the improper conduct of some strangers, by Elder Alex Piper, the meeting congregation was addressed by Elders R. Neslin and H. Elderedge. Before the close of the meeting three persons were confirmed into the Church and a child blessed. Meeting closed by Eld. Piper. Although heavy clouds hung about the sky and a storm threatened, the weather remained favorable.
Towards evening
Thomas Price, born in Cwmgag parish Monmathshire [Monmothshire] Co., South Wales, Decemb., 24. 1850 and Jane Pickton born Mathew Tedwell Merthertidfil, Glommonganshire [Glamorganshire], South Wales, May 24, 1842. were married by Eld. H.S. Elderedge.
Monday the 30.
Before 8 o'clock in the morning 4 wagons were unloaded that came up the river some days ago. At about 9 o'clock G.Q. Cannon read the names of those who were going to have their own wagons. He remarked that those who were dissatisfied with the price of provisions bought by Bro. H. Elderedge, could get their money back if they wished it. The necessary arrangements would be made in reference to the deliverance of cattle and wagons. After that meeting a number of handcarts were being fetched up from the upper landing. At about 10 o'clock the members of the handcart company met. Bro. Cannon wanted to know how many were going. He spoke about the arrangements necessary for their starting. 250 lb. bag were the[n] put on a handcart for four. In the forenoon provisions for the American emigration were divided out by Bro. G. Q. Cannon. Several wagons were being freighted. The handcart company met again at 4 o'clock where all the necessary instruction for their journey across the Plains were given by Bro G.Q. Cannon and Joseph W. Young. At 6½ o'clock p.m. the brethren of the independent company met to relieve their cows. Bro H. Elderedge showed the folly of the brethren of being in too great a hurry in purchasing cattle of Gentiles and remarked that they should trust in the Priesthood and let them to their business. After the meeting the brethren went with Bro. Joseph W. Young to releive their cows. Bro. H. Elderedge showed the folly of the brethren of being in too great a hurry in purchasing cattle of Gentiles and remarked that they should trust <in> the Priesthood and let them do their business. After the meeting the brethren went with Bro. Joseph W. Young to select their cows
Tuesday, the 31. May.
The loading of the Church wagons continued. The handcarts were being put in a proper condition under the direction of Br. Rowly. The Steamer St. Mary arrived at Omaha with Bros Stenhouse, Lyons, Silver and Joseph Elderidge on board. The brethren were all preparing for starting in a few days. Some appeared to manifest some dissappointment at having no chance of going on directly to the Valley. Bro Francis Kirby, late president of the New York branch, is, I am sorry to say, one of those who are dissatisfied. What a blessing is the journey to Salt Lake, it brings out in its true light every disposition. It is a perfect inconsistency to find fault with Mormonism when circumstances are rather unfavorable. In such a being the true intelligence of heavenly truth does not exist.
At 5 o'clock p.m. the loading of Church wagons was discontinued. 6 wagons had been loaded that day.
Between 4 and 5 o'clock p.m. the wagons of the independent company were inspected by Bro Robert Neslin and G.Q. Cannon.
Wednesday, the 1st June. Weather beautiful all day long. Provisions were being delivered in the morning to Bro. G.Q. Cannon for the American emigration, to Br T. B. H. Stenhouse, Lyons and Silver and several other brethren of the independent company. About <noon> a large herd of cattle for the independent was driven in. A few wagons were being freighted. At about 2 o'clock 11 church freight wagons left Florence with Bro Alexander Ott, as clerk. We travelled 3 miles over a fine, rolling prairie country intersected now and then with hills. A few scattered farm houses were seen. After about 1½ hours of travel we arrived at the church camp 2 m. from little Papion [Papillion] creek, 7 m. from big Papion. The camp numbers about 43 wagons. The camp is beautifully situated on a gentle slope surrounded with hills covered partly with wood, partly with the green carpet of grass.
Thursday, the 2d June 1859.
Weather fine, wind rather high. Bro. T.B.H. Stenhouse visited the camp this morning. About noon a number of teamsters started for Florence to fetch the rest of the church wagons. In the afternoon several wagons of independent folks started ahead of us, they calculate to join us between 5 and 6 o'clock p.m. about 20 single teamsters arrived in camp, likewise the rest of the church wagons. Bishop Kessler and Capt. Hayt came in before evening. To accommodate the brethren for the night 3 tents were put up. 7 brethren were guarding the cattle during the night.
Friday, the 3d. June. Weather cold. Sky cloudy with high wind. The brethren and sisters become more settled in their various camp duties. A few messes have been arranged. A number of brethren are as usually herding cattle, while a few with teams are gone to Florence to fetch a few Saints. Sisters Betsy Tilt, Ann Booth and a few others arrived in the evening in the camp. A few brethren passed also at camp in search of some stray cows. The evening was spent in singing and other social entertainments.
Saturday, the 4th June. Fine day. The messes are being organized by the bishop. In the forenoon the weekly provisions were being served out to the cooks of the different messes.
Married by <Elder> H. S. Elderedge, on June <the> 1st 1859 at Florence, N.B.
James Finlayson, born October the 16th 1830 in Honforshire, Scotland and Mary Ada Alexander, born August, 23rd 1836, Wheeling, Virginia, U.S.A.
Married by Elder H.S. Elderedge, on the 4th June, 1859,
John Sutherland, born Shatland Co., Scotland, October 11, 1832.
Ellen Nickelson, born Shatland Co., Scotland, the 1st January 1832.
At about 3 o'clock p.m. a meeting was called by Bro. H.S. Elderedge for the purpose of organizing the company and giving them some instructions relative to their travelling. After the congregation had been called to order, Eld. H.S. Elderedge said, that it was necessary to make some appointments so that the company might travel with order and safety. He could merely appoint Bro. Hayt as captain of the train, the captains of tens were to be appointed by the Bishop and Capt. Hayt who were better acquainted with the brethren than he. The company were so large to travel conveniently together, what also retarded their early starting in the morning, yet he left it discretionary with Bro Kessler and Capt. Hayt to divide the company. All the wagons being Church property and heavily laden, all the women with the exception of Sist. Jesse Field were too walk. Everyone was warned not to steal or pilfer away things belonging to others, as every thief would be left on the plains and could go to hell across lots, if they liked. They had plenty of provisions so as to have no reason for murmuring or committing any act of thieving or pilfering; they were better fitted out than other companies. No train ever travelled with better men than they had, to lead them and to look after them.
Elder Orton [Horton] Hayt [Haight]was nominated Captain of the train by Eld. H.S. Elderedge. This motion was unanimously carried. It was proposed by Eld. H.S. Elderedge, that Bro [Fredrick] Kessler act as commissary to assist Bro. Hayt in looking after the general interests of the camp. There is no particular preference between the two, only Capt. Hayt being stronger and healthier will attend to the camp more in an outside capacity, Bro Kessler will look more after the inside affairs and assist Bro. Hayt in selecting camping grounds. For the present <the camp> is not to be divided. The motion of bishop Kessler's appointment as commissary, <and superintendent> of the camp was carried unanimously. The sisters ought not to expose themselves to the damp night air, else they might catch fever and ague. Elder Alex. Ott was nominated Chaplain, recorder and historian; that he had to call meetings under the direction of Bros Kessler and Hayt. Carried unanimously. The bishop would be a blessing to the camp, if they only followed his instructions and counsels.
Bishop Kessler spoke as follows: He was happy that the day to start for the Plains had come at last. He had crossed the Plains five times and must confess, that it was a hard road to travel on, that the journey before them was a hard one, yet the greatest difficulty is with ourselves. He spoke of some people being light-fingered, Saints of God going up to Zion stealing and pilfering on their way, how horrible to think of it, it was beneath the dignity of their calling. The workman is in Zion to mould us if we do not act right. If we stand chiseling and moulding, we will improve in the scale of being and overcome our little difficulties. He spoke of these things to save difficulties on the Plains, let us then live like Saints. We ought to feel thankful to God that we have anything to do for our salvation. I am laboring for an exaltation not for dollars and dimes, if it is necessary for us, it is necessary for the rest of the Saints. They should not waste provisions. He and the capt. would try their best to carry out the instructions of Bro. H.S. Elderedge. Our salvation is worthy all that we can do. Try to assist each other and build each other up. Be good stewards over your wagons and do not spoil them by writing names on them, it is foolish. His items which make up our existence, like days, weeks and months make up a year. If we do right, we will go right, we will go on our way rejoicing, and the Holy Spirit will be with us. As for the Captains of Ten, Capt. Hayt will direct them and they will guide you. To be a Saint is a nice point, but anybody can be a Mormon. May God bless you, in the name of Jesus, Amen. Captain Hayt said, you know what you have to do, act then accordingly and be Saints in very deed. May God bless you.
Br. Joseph Young spoke as follows: If the Saints would do what is right, they would be blessed, if not they would be cursed. There is a disposition in human nature to divide when joking, have mercy on your brethren and sisters, do not enjoy yourself on others expenses. You ought to have pleasure in doing what you are told to do. Duties should come first, pleasure afterwards. Assist in every thing and do what is to be done. There is a time for all things, a time for laughing, joking and working. Do you realize the blessing of going with this train, it is more worth than $150 monthly wages you might have got from a gentile. Bro Kessler will recommend a good man, but a bad one is not worth an old chew of tobacco. It will be a blessing for you to go with this train. Bro. H.S. Elderedge said finally: I propose that Bro Patrick Burns be appointed, captain of the guard. Unanimously carried.
The remarks made by my brethren are good. Realy you are on a mission, that the kingdom of God is more worth than everything else in the World. I labor all I can for the general interest of the Kingdom and in so doing I guard my interests. If we are not one, we are not of the Lord, we have to be a unit. Cultivate a good spirit. There is more cattle lost by bad treatment than by heavy loads. Bless the cattle instead of cursing them. Money would not have hired me to go through what I have gone through the last two months, and what I shall have to go through for another month to come. Show yourselves wise in respect to everything you have under your charge. Be gentle and careful with your cattle. There is great joy, great pleasure connected with the toils of this journey.
After the meeting Bro HS Elderedge left for Florence. Several wagons arrived in the camp towards evening. Bro Alex. [Alexander] Ott and Bro Joseph Young administered to sist. Littlefield who is sick with the ague. In the evening we had a nice dance. 8 brethern mounted the guard for the first time under the direction of the Capt. of the guard, Bro Burns.
Sunday, the 5th June.
Morning beautiful. 64 wagons are now in the camp. A morning meeting was held over which Bishop Kessler and Eld. Alexander Ott presided. The meeting was opened with prayer by Eld. A. Ott. After a hymn was sung, Bishop Kessler addressed the Saints who numbered about 60 -70 on the establishing of the Kingdom of God on the face of the earth in the last days, and concluded with a most excellent exhortation. Bro. A. Ott and Littlefield spoke on the duties of Saints. Meeting was closed with prayer by the Bishop Kessler
Monday, the 6th June.
0 Beautiful weather. The cattle was being driven in the carrol about 7 o'clock a.m. The yoking of cattle continued till noon. A few of the cattle were exceedingly wild. At about 2 o'clock p.m. 15 wagons started out. The bishop's wagons taking the lead. The road being very <bad and> heavy, the teamsters unexperienced, considerable difficulty was experienced in moving along. At the first hill <at 4 o'clock p.m.>l; we had to pass, one of the provisions <wagons>, was upset, yet without any further damage than the wagon cover bows <side bows and standard> were broken. In the evening the provis <broken> wagon came into Camp. All the wagons except 11 which were left behind in the last camp arrived in on the camping ground, which is About ¾; from little Papion [Papillion Creek]. Feed is good and plenty. Water bad. During the afternoon Bro. Kessler, Joseph Young and Ort. Hayt were busy in helping the brethren up some bad places.
Tuesday the 7th June. <The distance we traveled that day was 4 m.> In the morning weather dull, sky cloudy. A light shower fell. After breakfast all the wagons were being greased. At about noon a small company consisting of 10 persons (Saints) arrived in the camp. They had crossed the Plains in 25 days and were going to the States on business. Their Captain is Thos H <Thomas S.> Smith <of Farmington>. He reported the Indians peaceable and quiet on the road. They met Judge Ebels on his return to the States <Salt lake> City. In the afternoon Bro. H.S. Elderedge and Bro. Joseph Young arrived. In the evening we had a meeting, in which the following brethren were appointed Captains of tens by Bro. H.S.Elderedge.
Alexander Piper, Captain of the 1st Ten
Jesse Field, Captain of the 2d Ten
David Jacobs, Captain of the 3- Ten
Miles Williams, Captain of the 4 5 Ten
[blank space] Cane, Captain of the 4 Ten
William Reed, Captain of the 6 Ten
Thomas Lenham, Captain of the 7- Ten
Bros. H.S. Elderedge, Kessler, Hayt and Joseph Young spoke on the duties of Captains of Tens. Bro. H.S. Elderedge said: that everyone in the Camp was expected to do his duty, that a list of the <containing> names and ages of the brethren in the train would be made out by the Clerk and be forwarded to Zion: The meeting was closed with prayer by Br. Kessler.
Wednesday, the 8th June.
The camp rolled out at 25 minutes to 10 o'clock a.m. Wagon 41 <2> of Capt Field's Ten was near being capsized on a narrow bridge leading across a branch of the big Papian. Passed the little Papian about 1m. from our old campingground. While traveling a wheel of the 9th wagon of Capt. Jacobs Ten dragged on account of not being properly greased; the wheel had to be taken out and be greased; which caused a considerable delay. A lock chain of wagon 7 Capt. Cians was broken in crossing the branch of little Pap [illegible]. The wagon tongue of wagon 5, Capt. Miles Williams <was broken> in starting up a hill. That day considerable difficulty was experienced in managing the cattle. We passed the big Papian a little creek of clear water running in a deep hollow. We traveled 5½ m.
Thursday, the 9th June.
The camp started 15 minutes past 9 o'clock a.m. Passed Elkhorn river. Crossed a very badly constructed wooden bridge. Elkhorn consists of about 12 finely situated houses or log cabins. The country represented the aspect of a gently undulating prairie, bluffs rising boldly on the banks of the river. The road up to Elkhornbridge was good, above that however very heavy and sandy. A light <and short> shower overtook us while traveling from Elkhorn to Rawhide. Crossed Rawhide bridge, which is a dangerous place to pass on account of a deep hole at the bottom of the same. Rawhide creek is 3 mi from Elkhorn and is notorious for its swarms of musquitoes. We arrived in the camp on the banks of Rawhide creek at 3½ o'clock p.m. About 100 yards to the left of the camp close to the creek is the grave of a brother, called T. Gills; his name is marked on a wooden cross with the letters <capitals> L.D.S. We had travelled that day 10 m.
Friday the 10th.
The camp started 20 minutes past 8 o'clock a.m. Weather continued fine with a nice breeze. The road led over a fine, levelled country. Passed several farmhouses of squatters. A little after noon we came up to Fremont settlement which is 14 m. from Elkhorn; 34 from Florence and 75 m. from Loup fork. Elkhorn city is situated in Douglas County and Fremont in Dodge County. Fremont was founded in October, 1856. A certain Mr. Marvin was the 1st settler. The townsite is 1 square mile. Each farmer has a claim from 10-50 acres with the right of preemption. About 2-3000 acres of timber containing oak, cotton wood and red cedar are 1 m. from the settlement along the river. A certain E H. Rogers, is President of the Company that settled there. In 1858, 40 bushels of corn were raised on an acre. Elkhorn river is on the north, and the Platte on the south side of the settlement. Camped 2½ m. <at 20 minutes past 2 o'clock p.m.> from Fremont on the small creek ½ m. off from the Platte. The travelling distance was 13 ½ m.
The train had moved along that day in good, close order, the cattle being much more manageable than the 1st day. In the morning the <U.S.> Mail passed us. Bro. James Hodges of Captain W.W. Reed's Ten was left behind at Fremont, on account of the cattle giving out. The wagon of Br. James Hodges came into camp at 10 o'clock p.m. A little before sunset, the camp was called together by the sound of the Carnopion, to attend a prayer meeting. After that the captains of Ten received their instructions by Capt. Hait and Bishop Kessler.
Saturday, the 11th June.
Weather fine with a refreshing breeze. The camp stopt all day long in order to repair some wagons. While the Saints attended to their different camp duties, peace and union, with one or two exceptions, prevailed among them. In the evening a number of brethren went bathing in the Platte River. The prairie country round the camp was beautiful and abounded in flowers. Musquitoes were very troublesome. The atmosphere was close and hazy. After midnight the moon broke through the clouds and revealed thus the beauty of the night.
Sunday, the 12th. The weather was cloudy early in the morning, but it cleared out towards 9 o'clock. A company of 12 mule teams (a 6 mules) with 60 privates and officers of the U.S.A. passed the camp early in the morning. We started at 20 minut past 7 o'clock a.m. and travelled in an excellent, close order 16 m. that day. We got in the camp on the Platte about ¼ to 4 o'clock p.m. The weather was dusty, close and sultry. The cattle seemed to be much tired out. Bishop Kessler had started that morning for Florence.
Monday, the 13th.
Started about 8 o'clock a.m. Weather very hot. Passed Shell creek, a sluggish water 5 m. from our starting point in the morning. On the banks of Shell, creek is a settlement called “Buchanan” consisting of 20 houses and 100 inhabitants. Within a mile and a half of the creek are 7 islands in the river. Passed all along the road leading through Platte Country houses and improvements. The Country represented the aspect of a rolling prairie with bluffs covered with good timber at a distance of 15 m. At 1½ o'clock we stopt for ½ hour at a sluggish creek 6 m from the Platte nearest to the road. The train had moved <on> all day long in good close without any accident except that a colt was hurt by having a wagon wheel run over <one> of his fore feet. At 5 o'clock p.m. we arrived at the camping point, after we had crossed a large muddy swampy pool of water. Forked lightning at the southern horizon indicated the approach of a storm, which broke out in all its fury about midnight and lasted for an hour. Tuesday We had traveled that day 17 m. and were 9 m. from Columbus.
Tuesday, the 14th June. Early in the morning, the U.S. Mail passed the camp going East. The camp started at 8 o'clock a.m. The sky was cloudless with the exception of a few fleecy specks. The heat was very oppressive up to noon but it was much moderated by a nice breeze, facilitating the travelling of men and beasts much. About 15 minutes past 12 o'clock noon, we passed Columbus, a small settlement of 25 houses and 120 inhabitants. Columbus has a grocery, and steam sawmill that cost $4500. About ½ m from the settlement to the left of the main road is the ferry. We travelled along beautiful prairies that looked like an ocean of grass. Timber was met on the banks of the Loupfork that has <whose> muddy water is running in a shallow bed. The river is dangerous to ford on account of quicksand and dangerous to navigate on account of the many shoales. Depth of the river from 2 to 12 feet. About 2¾ miles from Columbus is the City of Cleveland consisting of 2 houses. It is a City that exists on paper got up by speculating squatters. Our camp is 3 m from Columbus about 40 rods from Loup fork and right on the banks of a creek the spring of which is about 1 m. from the camp. The train travelled that day 13 m. Nothing of notice occurred in the camp, teamsters and oxen doing their best to perform the journey. About 4 m. from Columbus Bro. Geerge [George] Robinson and wife <from Genoa> were met by Br A. Ott at 10½ a.m. They evidently manifested a good spirit towards Mormonism and evinced pleasure in meeting with a brother. One of the oxen of Bro. W. W. Reed's company of Wagon 30 gave out at 11 o'clock a.m., he was put in the loose herd.
Wednesday, the 15th. Started at a quarter past 7 o'clock a.m. The weather was fine but very oppressive. We travelled along prairies and hills covered with timber. Passed Monroe a papor [pauper] City of 3 houses. At 3 o'clock p.m. we arrived on the camping ground of Genoa <about 1½ m. from the settlement.> Travelling distance 14 m. The camp is als[o] about ¼
of a m. from Bear river <Loup fork> which is 125 feet wide, and 2<-10> feet deep. A number of families from Genoa came to see us all expressing their joy in meeting with the Saints in the camp. Feed was very good but the water of this slough was warm although not bad. We crossed also looking-glass creek a small stream 23 feet long wide and 3 feet deep. Towards evening the weather cooled off considerably.
Thursday, the 16th.
A light shower in the morning, which put down the dust considerably. A little after 8 o'clock a.m. the first 3 Tens consisting of Alex. Piper's Jesse Field's and David Jacobs' companies went up to the Ferry (a distance of about ½ m.) The ferry itself consists of a wooden flat boat which is 10 feet by 20, and holds one waggon and her 3 yokes of oxen with from 6-12 passengers. The waggons were ferried over one by one with 1 or 2 yokes of oxen; on landing on the other side of the river 2 more yokes were put on, so that 8 oxen had to haul up <the wagons> the heavy, sandy road of the river bank. The first and second waggon crossed the river which is here about 120 feet wide, in ¾ hour. considerable difficulty being experienced by a sandbank which had been formed since the last 30 hours by quicksand. As soon as the sand was removed from under the ferryboat by the constant working of the boat, the rest of the 3 Tens was ferried over at a shorter time, so that by 4 o'clock p.m. the whole 32 waggons of the designated 3 Tens had crossed the river and were encamped about ½ m. from the river. Josephel. [Joel] Johnson, President of the Genoa settlement, informed the writer of this, that about 100 families were living in Genoa, which is 1½ m. from Genoa <the Ferry>; that the Saints residing there were English, Americans, Welsh and Danish; that he had sent a few families to Woodriver station to build a bridge, put in a small crop and erect a few houses; that the designated Pawnee reserve was 15 m. by 30; that the question of the 14000 Indians settling near Genoa or not was not yet decided. Johnson charges 1$ for ferrying over 1 waggon, and 10 cents for a passenger.
Friday, the 17th. The rest of the wagons were being ferried over. The weather had been threatening all day long with an occasional light shower. At 4 o'clock p.m. 66 wagons, 76 yokes of cattle, 3 cows, 2 horses and 2 jacks of the Church Train; and 7 wagons, 5 of which belonged to Bro. Alexander Piper and 2 to Bro. Lyman Littlefield had been ferried over by Br. Joel Johnson for which the latter received a note by Capt. Hait to settle with Bro. H.S. Elderedge. Bro Joel Johnson delivered also 20 bush. of corn 16 <bush.> potatoes and 41 lbs. of butter <a 20 cents> and 4 lbs. <of which> are Tithing to Capt. Hait. Bishop Frederic Kessler was to settle for the potatoes and butter, and Bro. H.S. Elderedge for the corn. In the evening a prayer meeting was held as usually
Saturday, the 18th. A very heavy shower in the morning in consequence of which we did not start before 1½ o'clock p.m. During the yoking up of the cattle an ox broke his neck by getting entangled in a rope. The animal died almost instantaneously. The train travelled along some fine timber through prairies a distance of 7 m. Camped alongside of a row of gentle hills on the left side of the road. Wood had to be hauled about 1 m. from the bottom lands of a slough. In order to get water, a well had to be dug near a slough, there was also a spring of a brackish tasting water nearby. The Musquitoes were so troublesome, that large fires had to be made at to smoke the insects off. A part of the provisions were being served out in the evening.
Sunday, the 19th. Early in the morning the rest of the provisions were served out by the Clerk. In the morning Bro. Alex. Pipers horses had strayed off a distance of 3 miles towards Genoa. It took some time before the animals were found. The train started at ¼ to 10 o'clock a.m. Weather fine, although clouds were hanging at the horizon. Travelled for about 2 miles alongside some Bluffs or gentle hills, then across splendid prairies which ran along the Loup Fork. Met two wagons with some Saints from the Woodriver Station. Got in camp at 3½ o'clock p.m. Travelling distance 14 miles. Just before supper and while the camp fires were being lighted, a storm broke out which did however not last long.
Monday, the 20th June. Started at ¼ to 9 o'clock a.m. The heat was oppressive although during the storm of the preceding day, a great deal of electricity had been discharged. A considerable <ascent> has already been made since we left Florence. The road was very heavy. We had to pass 4 mudholes or sloughs which delayed the progress of the train for 1½ hour. In some of the places the teams had to be doubled. Wagon 8 of David Jacobs Ten met with a slight accident. The right arm of the hind axletree was bent. Got into camp at 4 o'clock p.m. Travelling distance 10 m.
Tuesday, the 21st June. Started at ¼ to 8 o'clock a.m. The weather was fine, with a light northwesterly breeze. Although the train generally travelled in tolerably close order, some 7 or 8 wagons were a considerable distance behind in consequence of the heavy roa sandy road. We passed the dividing ridge between the Platte and Loupfork, travelled through high bluffs. A considerable ascent was made that day. An antelope was seen. Howling of wolves had been heard for the first time the night before. While passing through the bluffs previous to camping the barking of young wolves was heard for some time. The country began to assume a barren, sandy aspect, the grass becoming shorter and thinner. We passed through 3 sloughs during the forenoon, but with little difficulty. The train was obliged to stop several times to allow the hind wagons to come up in close order. Nooned for an hour, during which the men and beasts rested. Started again at 1 o'clock p.m. passed the Wells (a pond of <brackish> water where the cattle was watered) and camped ¼ to 5 o'clock p.m. We had traveled 17 15 m. Distance from the camp in the bluffs to Prairie creek 3 m. to Woodriver 11 m. Distance from the Ferry at Genoa to Woodriver 70 m.
Wednesday, the 22nd June. Started at 5 o'clock a.m. before breakfast on account of there being no water in the camping place. The road was considerably heavy and sandy, yet the cattle worked well almost like horses. At about 9 o'clock we had travelled 5 m. Stopt near a pond and took breakfast. Light shower: Heavy dew in the morning. Met with intelligence written on a buffalo head that Bro Bevy's train had passed that place the 16th of June. At 10'oclock a.m. travelled on till prairie creek. Bad place for crossing the creek. Teams had to be doubled, and the descent close to the water's edge improved in order to make the road passable. The sisters had either to be carried over by the brethren or rode on horseback and a few rode over the creek in wagons. Bishop Frederic Kessler overtook us at about 2 o'clock. Travelling distance that day 12 m. Occasional showers. Camped on the banks of Prairie creek.
Thursday, the 23d June. Started at ¼ to 8 o'clock a.m. The road led across some fine prairies. Weather beautiful. Towards noon however, a heavy storm broke out. Thunder and rain. The weather cleared up about noon. Nooned from ¼ past 12 o'clock to 1½ o'clock p.m. Passed Started again 1½ o'clock p.m. Passed Emigration Springs. 14 minutes past to 5 o'clock <p.m.> arrived at Prairie creek. Travelling distance 18 m. In the afternoon an antelope was seen about ½ m. from the road. Passed some fine groves on the banks of Prairie creek.
Friday, the 24th Fine weather. Heavy dew in the morning. About sunrise <nearly> all the cattle of the company stampeded from some unknown cause, and strayed off about 5 m. towards Fort Kearney. They were however brought back at about 8 o'clock <a.m.> without losing one animal. Just before starting out at 8½ o'clock a.m. <Bro A..y> passed with two horseteams, one of 4 horses and the other of 2 horses. He had left Florence, NB. last Saturday, that is the 18th June, and reported all well. The train started in good, close order a little after 9 o'clock a.m. Prairies all along the road, the grass is becoming shorter and thinner. Desert grass is already seen. Passed 2 bad, muddy sloughs. Nooned for an hour near Woodriver. Crossed that stream at 3 o'clock <p.m.> on <a> bridge consisting of logs and branches. Carroled near the settlement. Travelling distance 10 m. Woodriver settlement was established by arrival of Elder John Taylor, middle May, 1859. Previous to that date only 2 families at a distance of 5 m from each other were living there. The present population of the place numbers 20 persons or 4 families and 7 single brethren. Woodriver settlement is situated in Buffalo Co., N.B. (Genoa is in Monroe Co.) About 100 acres of potatoes, corn, peas, beans, pumkins, squashes, and melons were put in, The settl settlement has 35 sheep. The meat supply is got by hunting buffaloes and elks which abound here. The settlers claim the land for 6 m., each settler having a claim of 160 acres. Distance to Florence by way of Genoa is 185 m., 170 m. by the military road. The military road strikes here the Pioneer Road. Distance to Fort Kearney 15 m. About 6 m. from here we leave the Military Road and take the old trail. A German settlement (called Grand Island City) is 7 m. below the mouth of Woodriver, or 25 m. from here East. 15 families are living there.
Saturday, the 25th. Morning fine, very little dew. At 6½ o'clock the weekly provisions were served out by the Clerk. In the forenoon a great deal of blacksmithing was done and everything prepared for a further start. At 3½ o'clock p.m. the train left and travelled about 5 m. to the end of the Woodriver point. Buffaloes were seen at a great distance. In the morning a train of Californians passed the camp with a large herd of cattle.
Sunday, the 26th. Started at 8 o'clock a.m. Fine weather, but windy and dusty. Road good. After about 5 miles travel left the military road and struck the old trail or Pioneer road. Nooned for about ½ hour at 12 o'clock. Travelled 18 m. Got into camp on the bank of the Platte 9 m. above Fort Kearney at 4 o'clock p.m. Saw two antelopes, 7 buffaloes and a wolf hunt. Met several Sioux Indians on horseback. The country has more and more the aspect of the Plains, the grass is thick and short, the so called Buffalo grass.
Monday, the 27th June, 1859
Started at 25 minutes past 8 o'clock a.m. No dew. Fine weather but very hot and dusty. Saw several prairie dogs and antelopes. Some poor stray, lame sheep that were left behind by a large herd going to California were met. The country assumes more and more a barren aspect. Considerable ascent was being made that day. Nooned at Elm ? creek for an hour, a distance of 12 m. from where we started in the morning. Travelled on till 6 o'clock p.m. Camped on Buffalo Creek. Travelled 19 m. Considerable lightning at the horizon. No musquitoes. Little wood in the evening, buffaloe chips
Tuesday, the 28th June. Started at to 8 o'clock a.m. Weather fine, but the heat very oppressive, very little breeze. The train worked well. Passed several springs[.] Scattered buffaloes were met. A train of 10 wagons (Californians) passed us in the morning. Nooned for an hour at Buffalo creek, water warm. Started again in the afternoon. After about 11 m. travel crossed Buffalo creek. The place was very bad and the crossing was attended with great difficulties, as a passable crossing had to be made which caused a delay of almost 1½ [hours]. Camped a mile further on. Travelling distance 12 m. In the evening Sister Caroline Harris got very ill and was almost on the point of death in consequence of an unexpected haemorroage. Late in the evening a number of brethren and sisters assembled as usually for prayer and singing.
Wednesday, the 29th June. Beautiful weather. Bro James Whitehead went out hunting antelopes at a distance of about 5 miles from the road near a range of bluffs. The camp stopt all day long on account of Sister Caroline Harris being very sick, so that she could not be removed without endangering her life. She received the administrations of Elders A[lexander]. Ott and W[illiam]. W. Reed during the day. At noon a buffalo was seen near the Creek but there was no chance for shooting any. Towards evening after the prayer meeting was over, it was ascertained that Bro. James Whitehead and another brother, had not yet returned from their hunting trip to the camp, in consequence of which a number of Brethren (10) started yet without counsel of Captain Orton D. Hunt and Bishop Frederic Kessler <in search of the missing ones>. Camp fires were kept up for the purpose of directing the attention of the missing ones and of those who were searching. At 11 o'clock p.m. one of the missing brethren returned with the news of Bro. James Whitehead having killed an antelope.
Thursday, the 30th June. Bro. James Whitehead returned with the rest of the searching brethren, early in the morning, bringing along 60 lbs. of antelope meat. The camp started at 8 o'clock a.m. leaving Sister Caroline Harris and family, Bro Lyman Littlefield and family, <Sister House> and an other brother on the camping ground to attend to Sister Harris till she was able to continue her journey. The wind was high all day long and there was much dust, yet the heat was not so oppressive. Towards noon met several <Ogallalla> Sioux Indians on horseback who were friendly and begged for different articles. Nooned for ½ hours. <The> Road was good. Grass scanty and course. Camped at 3½ o'clock p.m. near a slough and some dry wells, 3 miles from the Platte. Travelled 17 m.
Friday, the 1st of July. Weather fine, but hot and dusty. Started at ¼ to 8 o'clock a.m. The train moved all day long in excellent, close order. Nooned for ½ hour near a slough. Camped at 5½ o'clock p.m. on the banks of the Platte which is here about a mile broad, with numerous small islands in it. The water is good and fresh. Just before nooning the wagon tongue of one of [Thomas] Lenham's wagons was broken. Travelled 17 m.
Saturday, the 2d July.
Provisions were being served out from 4½ o'clock a.m. to 6½ o'clock a.m. The camp started at ¼ to 8 o'clock a.m. Wind high, much dust. Heat very oppressive. Country Country barren, and sandy. Travelled alongside of the Platte river. A long train of 52 wagons is seen travelling on the southside of the Platte. A small train with a large herd of cattle is ahead of us. Passed some sandhills with a very heavy road for a few miles. Nooned for an hour near the Platte. Travelled till 6½ o'clock p.m. Travelling distance 17 miles. Camped on Skunk creek, a stream of clear beautiful water, 12 m. from the sandhills on the road.
Sunday, the 3d. Started 25 minutes past 4 o'clock a.m. before breakfast. Road heavy and sandy. Great many musquitoes. Reached [illegible] the Cold Springs at 8 o'clock a.m. Travelling distance 7 m.
Monday,the 4th . Started a quarter past 7 o'clock a.m. First 3 miles very heavy, sandy road. Slow travelling at the rate of 1½ mile in an hour. Bold bluffs on the southside of the Platte. Nooned on the Platte, distance from the cold Spring 9 m. Started again at 1½ o'clock p.m. Camped on the broad, deep creek. Travilled 16 m.
Tuesday, the 5th. Started at ¼ past 7 o'clock a.m. Wind high, much dust, heat moderate. Crossed 4 creeks. Road occasionally very heavy. Saw several Ogallallah Sioux Indians, who appea appeared to be very friendly. While crossing one of the Creeks one of the brethren of Daniel Jacob's mess had his foot severely bruised by the wagon running over it. Nooned at 11½ o'clock a.m. on the Platte. Started out again at 25 minutes past 12 o'clock p.m. Road heavy, sandy. Crossed the Plattefork. Met a number of Indians. Passed a number of sandhills for several hours. Men and beasts were much exhausted and dried up for want of water. Camped at 6 o'clock p.m. near some wells and about 2 m. from the Platte. Travelling distance 16 m. A brother, Capt. Jesse Field got sick from fatigue that evening.
Wednesday, the 6th of July. Started at 8 o'clock a.m. Road very heavy and sandy at a short distance from the river. In order to avoid the too heavy regular road, Capt. Hait started the train a shorter way across the hills and valleys. Nooned at the foot of the sandhills. The cattle although much fatigued worked well. Started again at 2 o'clock p.m. road much better, more even along bluffs. Passed a good spring ¼ m. from the road. Passed a train of Californians. Camped at ¼ past 5 o'clock p.m. on the Platte. Travelled 13 m.
Thursday, the 7th of July. Started at 10 min. past 7 o'clock a.m. Weather fine. <The> Road leading through and over sandhills at a short distance from the river, was very heavy and very fatiguing for men and cattle. Many of the teamsters from missmanagement of the cattle, treated the animals badly. At 15 min. to 12 o'clock m. the camp nooned at spring creek, a beautiful little stream of clear water. On account of the heavy road only the 3 first tens arrived on the noon camping ground. The last 4 tens arrived between at 2 o'clock p.m. The wagon tongue of David Robert's wagon in W.W. Reed's Ten was broken. The first 5 Tens started again 25 min. past 3 o'clock p.m. while the last two Tens with Bro. Jessy Field as Captain remained in the Camp till 5 o'clock p.m. The road was heavy again in the afternoon, yet a little better[.] The first 5 Tens got in camp at 6 o'clock p.m. at the foot of some bluffs. Water and feed good. The last 2 Tens got into camp at 7 o'clock p.m. Travelled 10 miles.
Friday, the 8th. Weather fine. Started at 7.30 m. a.m. in good, close order, the cattle having recruited again during the night. Great heat and a very little breeze. The road was tolerably good with now and then a sandy place. At about 10 o'clock a.m. 8 wagons with oxen and belonging to a small number of apostates from the Valley were met. Among them several people from Great Salt Lake City were recognized by Bishop Kessler. At about noon met a band of twenty Indian warriors on horseback belonging to the Ogallallah Sioux Tribe. arrived Nooned at 10 minutes to 12 o'clock m. near the Platte. The country was barren only on the bank of the river covered <with> grass. Before noon 2 oxen of Bro Adam Pall's team, of Bro Jesse Field's Ten gave <out> and were replaced by fresh ones. In the afternoon crossed different creeks. Camped at ¼ past 5 o'clock p.m. Travelling distance 14 miles.
Saturday, the 9th July. <Serving out of provisions> The camp started at 7.30 a.m. Weather fine but hot. The road was tolerably good in the occasional sandy places. Camped at 12 o'clock m. near the Platte. In the afternoon a very high and sandy hill was crossed; teams had to be doubled, several had even 7 yokes of oxen to haul them up. In despite of these great difficulties men and beasts moved on in good order, so that the first teams the distance of a mile over the hill in 40 m. At 4½ o'clock the 2 first Tens travelled 3 m. further and camped near the Platte. 7 m. from <north off> Ash Hollow. At 8 o'clock p.m. the 5 last Tens arrived all safe in the camp. Water and feed good. Travelling distance 12 m.
Sunday, the 10th. Weather fine as usual. Early in the morning before sunrise, all the cattle on the range were frightened away from their grazing place by as it supposed by Musquitoes; yet the cattle were soon driven by a number of brethren in the carrol [corral], wher they soon became quiet. At about 8 o'clock the cattle were driven back on the range. The train stopt all day long in order to give rest to man and cattle. Towards evening a testimony meeting was held, where an excellent spirit manifested itself. Before closing the meeting Bro. Orton S. Hait [Horton D. Haight] gave some good instructions on the necessity of being united and faithful.
Monday, the 11th. Weather fine. The camp started at ¼ past 7 o'clock a.m. in good, close order. After an hour's travel, we passed a slough or creek with hard, sandy bottom and of brackish water. At 10 a.m. we passed Ash Hollow with the U.S. mail station house in sight. The distance from the North to the South Platte there is 18 m. Noticed 6 wagons going East on the Ash Hollow road. At about 11 o'clock a.m. passed an Indian camp of about 200 persons of both sexes and all ages. They were friendly Sioux. Nooned at Castle Creek at 12 a.m. where a number of Indians came to see us and their Chief got flower. After 2 o'clock p.m. started out again. Met a man on horseback whose horse had Bro. Brigham Youngs brand. He stated he came from Salt Lake but did not seem inclined to answer further questions. He had the appearance of a runaway and probably the horse was stolen. The road was good all day long except a few sandy places. Feed scanty. Camped at ¼ past 5 o'clock at the Castle Bluffs near a slough. Travelling distance 19 m. There is some little sickness in the camp.
Tuesday, the 12th July. The camp started at ¼ past 7 o'clock a.m. Weather fine but dusty and hot especially in the afternoon. The train travelled travelled in fine, good order and all the wagons passed in 20 minutes the Bishop who examined them <from a certain point> just while starting out. About 9 a.m. met 3 men on horseback with 4 loose horses; They reported coming from California; they were packors and stated that the man who had passed us the day before on horseback had stolen one of their horses and that they were in pursuit of him. ½ hour later a train of 20 pack and saddlehorses and 12 men and 1 woman all reporting as coming from California, passed us. They reported Capt. Bevy's train as being 15 or 20 miles ahead. Nooned at 1 o'clock close to the Platte. Started out again at 3 o'clock p.m. Saw 2 government trains on the southside of the river. Camped at ½ past 5 o'clock p.m. <near by Creek on the Platte>. Travelling distance 16 miles. Distance from Florence 406 m.
Wednesday, the 13th July.
Thursday, the 14th July
The train started at 7 o'clock a.m. in close order. Weather fine but very hot. 4 miles from where we had started, we crossed Crab Creek, a small stream of nice, clear water with a sandy bottom. At about 9 o'clock a.m. we met 10 wagons of apostates from Salt Lake, numbering about 50 persons. At 11 o'clock a.m. nooned near the Platte ¼ m. from the Road. Started again at 10 minutes to 1 o'clock p.m. Passed soon after <two> very high hills, from one of which the top of Chimney Rock was seen first. The distance of Chimney Rock to Fort Laramie is 70 m. The Road was very heavy leading along hills of sand, quartz and granite rocks, near the river. Camped at 4 o'clock p.m. Travelling distance 16 m. That day the first gravel was discovered in the Road.
Thursday, the 14th. Started at 8 o'clock a.m. Road heavy and sandy. Camped at 11½ a.m. Started at 1½ p.m. 2 men on foot passed the camp. They were from Salt lake and had left that place on the 10th June. An Indian on horseback was seen making for the bluffs on a hunt. Light shower with thunder, yet hardly sufficient to lay the dust. Camped at 6 o'clock p.m. Travelling distance 15 m.
Friday, the 15th. Started at 7.25 a.m. <Passed Chimney Rock>. Weather hot and very fatiguing for <many> horses and cattle. The train travelled in good close order. Nooned at 5 minutes to 11 a.m. Travelled again in the afternoon till evening. Camped 6½ p.m. The weather in the evening was beautifully refreshing, several of the brethren went bathing in the Platte. On account of the late camping and the people being fatigued, no meeting was held. Travelled 15 miles.
Saturday, the 16th. Started at ¼ to 8 o'clock a.m. The weekly provisions had been served out at 4½ a.m. The weather was very hot and oppressive. The country looked very barren and sometimes quite burnt up. The grass is coarse and prickly. The train travelled well, yet was delayed for ¾ hour by the axletree of Captain Orton D. Hait's wagon in Alex. Piper's Ten being heated from friction. Saw several trains on the southside. Met a small train <8wagons> of Californians on the northside of the Platte. Camped at 1 p.m. 2 miles off from the road near the Platte. Travelled on again at about 3 p.m. Camped at 7 o'clock p.m. Storm in the evening. Some rain with thunder and lightning. Some of the brethren got sick from fatigue and drinking water. Travelled 15 m.
Sunday, the 17th. Stopt all day long. Distance from Fort Laramie 60 m., from Chimney Rock 10 m. Travelling distance of the passed week, viz from Monday, the 11 up to Saturday, the 16th July 96 miles. sta Unloaded several wagons for the purpose of making them lighter, and transferred the weight of about 5000 lbs. into some <2> empty provision wagons. Towards evening a meeting was held, in which Bro Frederic Kessler and Hait gave some instructions in relation to various things connected with camp life while crossing the Plains.
Monday, the 18th. Started at 7 a.m. Mornings and evenings begin to get cool. Much heat during the day. Road very good. The train travelled in close order. Camped at 11½ m. near the Platte, bearing and a grave which on two iron hoops had the name of Rebecca Winter, aged 50 years. Travelled on again till 6 p.m. Passed a grave at 5 p.m. bearing which the inscription: Daniel E. Park, from N.Y. aged 21, was killed by Indians, no doubt white Indians. Finding some broken bottles and cards, and a bloody shirt on and near the grave, the young <man> is supposed to have been killed in a quarrel in consequence of some gambling and drinking. Camped at 6 o'clock p.m. near Spring Creek. Lt. Harris and family arrived in the evening in the camp. Travelled 15 m
Tuesday, the 19th. Started at 7 a.m. Saw Laramie Peak. Noticed 2 men sneaking in the grass, they were either deserters or Pikes Peakers; They evidently were two suspicious persons. Towards 11 a.m. a cow calfed. Nooned at 12½ m. Travelled again from 3 p.m. till 6 p.m. Saw several Camps of Ogallallah Sioux. Camped on Spring Creek. Travelled 17 miles.
Wednesday, the 20th. Started at 7 a.m. Weather fine with a nice, refreshing breeze. Met a train of 8 packers with 6 mules and 5 horses from California via Salt Lake. Nooned at 12½ m. on the Platte river. Started again at 5 minutes to 3 p.m. The sky had become cloudy by that time, a storm seemed to be gathering. In the morning had a fine view of Laramie Peak. Road heavy and sandy in the afternoon. Passed the Wigwam of an Indian Trader. Camped at 5½ p.m. on the Platte. Travelling distance 14 m.
Thursday, the 21st July. The camp started at 7 a.m. Met a <2> trains of 14 men, 8 horses and 6 mules and 2 wagons each from California via Salt Lake. Road heavy and sandy. Nooned at 12 m. Travelled till 5 p.m. Road heavy and sandy. Passed 10 wagons of apostates from the valley, some with 4, others with 3 yokes of oxen. They were from Provo, Great Salt Lake City and Ogden. Camped at 5 p.m. 3½ miles from Fort Laramie. Commencement of the black hills. Travelled 12 miles.
Friday, the 22d. The camp started at about 9 a.m. Road heavy and sandy. Some delay caused by hunting up some stray cattle. Bishop Frederic Kessler had started at ¼ to 5 a.m. for Fort Laramie on business. Captain Brown's company came in sight and reached the hind train a little after 9 a.m. Capt. Brown was seen to cross the Platte on horseback ahead of his company, to get a good camping ground for his train. Camped at 20 minutes to 1 p.m. [illegible] Travelled 7 miles. Brown's Company camped about 1 mile from us. Heavy rain in the afternoon. In the evening prayer meeting. During the greatest part of the night, heavy rain and some lightning.
Saturday, the 23d. Provisions were served out early in the morning at 4½ a.m. Beautiful weather. Brown's Company passed us at about 7 a.m. and camped 1½ m. from us. In the afternoon a number of Saints belonging to Brown's company came to see us. Rain again in the evening. <In the morning, wagons were> repaired, viz, 2 iron axes straightened and 2 wagon tongues put in, likewise the cattle was properly looked after, viz, the lame and sore necked ones were closely examined and doctored. In the afternoon, a half-breed Indian came almost in a state of nudity in the camp, acting the part of a wild Indian, squatting on the ground and muttering imprecations against Capt Haits train, swearing he would stampede the cattle or hit some one, if he would not get his clothes back which he said had been stolen by one of our men. It is needless to say, that the whole was a made up story. He pretended to be the son of a rich trader, living about 100 m. with a certain Mr. Richard. In despite of the fellow's insolence, he was treated kindly but properly guarded. He remained with us all night and left us the next morning after breakfast. He was suspected to have murdered that Daniel E. Park whose grave we had passed on the 18th July. He really a despirado capable of commiting any crime. In the evening after the meeting, we had a danc and some music which was kept up till 12 p.m. in comemoration of the arrival of the Pioneers in the Great Salt lake Valley. During the night a shot was fired by one of the guards, that might have proved fatal to Bro Martin Harris owing to his not answering the challenge. [illegible] <Lemmon's> train passed. Travelling distance from the 17th up to the 23d of July 65 miles.
Sunday, the 24th. Fine weather. The trains started at 12 m. and travelled past Brown's camp, 3 miles, the road being very hilly and rocky. The camping ground being very good we stopt there till Monday morning. The camp is close to the river Platte which is here very shallow. Feed good and plenty of wood. Distance from Fort Laramie 7. m.
Monday, the 25th July 1859
Rain all night. The weather cleared up some in the morning. On account of some steers being very wild, and a good way off the camp started late a little after 8 a.m. Brown's Company was moving along, when we started. According to agreement between the Authorities of both camps, Capt. Brown's company took the lead. The cattle of Brown's company looked tolerably well and the drivers seemed to be familiar with their cattle. While travelling through the difficult and broken country of the black hills, our train was sometimes delayed and stopt by Brown's company moving on <too> slowly. A little after 12 m. we stopt for an hour without unhitching—however a really short distance from Brown's Company, where cattle was unhitched and on the hills. The scenery in the morning as well as in the forenoon was grand and beautiful beyond description, new views opening at the <every> turn of the road to be the views of the a panorama[.] the road however was difficult and heavy with little exceptions full of stones and gravel. Passed at noon two nice springs. In the afternoon we passed a big hill, almost a mountain, the teams had to be doubled and a within an hour and ½ <all> the teams had passed the hill on without any accident. Having rested on the top of the hill for a few minutes, we travelled on 4 or 5 miles, till we reached the river Platte. Travelled that day 13 miles. Arrived in camp at 6½ p.m. Brown's Company arrived 1½ hour later. Found there Lemmon's train. Met in the evening W[illiam]. Walker on the camping ground, he said he was left behind by Capt. Smith <and> was 15 days on the Plains. He did not know what to do. Said a french trader was stopping with him. Was left behind on account of cattle giving out. Much rain in the evening and the greatest part of the night.
Tuesday, the 26th July, 1859.
Fine morning. The camp started at 9 a.m. in good close order. Our road lay through a very romantic part of the black hills. Rocks on every side rising often to a great height. The road was heavy and sandy. Brown's company was a few miles ahead. Passed a solitary traveller in the afternoon, he reported coming from California. Br. William and family were taken along by Capt. Hait and Bishop Frederic Kessler and thus probably saved from starvation on the Plains. Camped at 6½ p.m. at the cold springs of Box elder grove, a small, but fine camping ground in a valley. Boxelder [Box Elder] grove is 549 miles from Florence. Travelled 9 miles.
Wednesday, the 27th July. Beautiful weather. Started 20 m. to 7 a.m. Romantic scenery. Road sometimes excellent, sometimes heavy and sandy. Travelling speed of cattle 1½ m. in an hour. Passed Lemmon's camp. Lemmon's Train came 1½ m. behind us. Got out of the black hills.
Wednesday, the 27th July, 1859.
Met a wagon of apostates from Utah. Passed Laramie Peak, a big mountain, 40 m. west of Fort Laramie. Crossed about 11 a.m. a small, swampy creek. Without nooning, we traveled on till 6½ p.m. when we camped on the Platte, about 1 m. above Brown's company. Travelling distance 15 miles.
Thursday, the 28th. Fine weather. Stopt all the forenoon, so as to give Brown's company that passed us at 8 a.m., a chance to go ahead of us a few miles. Lemmon's train passed us in the morning. The camp started at 20 minutes past 1 m. Road good. Camped at ¼ to 5 p.m. on the Platte. A cow of Bro Alexander Piper died shortly after our arrival in the camp. Travelled 5 miles.
Friday, the 29th July. Started at 7 a.m. Weather fine but hot, yet a little moderated by a nice westerly breeze. The train traveled in good, close order. Road good with a few sandy places, sometimes hilly. At 9 a.m. the train turned off from the road to water the cattle, not knowing whether they would strike the river or not. The cattle being properly watered, the train moved on again passed at 12½ the poison spring. Nooned at 1 m. for ½ hour without unhitching the cattle. Camped at 3 p.m. on the Platte. Travelling distance 13 m.
Saturday, the 30th. Started at 10 minutes past 7 a.m. Weather fine and the heat much moderated by a fine breeze. At 10 a.m. passed the last big hills of the black hills. Road heavy, partly sandy, partly rocky leading over steep hills along deep precipices. An oxteam and wagon with 5 persons (apostates) from Utah, Springville passed us. In the morning, the road being so difficult, the 3 hind tens did not come up before 1 m. A wagon tongue in Bro Williams Miles Ten was broken. At 11½ stopt for ½ hour without unhitching. Brown's Company was seen from the top of a big hill moving along at a distance of about 5 miles. Stopt for 1½ hour at 1½ p.m. on the Platte, to give the hind Tens time to come up. Road in the afternoon good, even and very little sandy. Passed a spring (Saleratus spring) at 6 p.m. Camped at ¼ to 7 p.m. on the Platte. Travelled 11 miles.
Sunday, the 31st July. Started at 7½ a.m. Road good with little sand and only a few slight eminences. At about 10 a.m. passed Bro. Brown's camp near the road. Their was giving out or getting very sore. Passed a shanty or house about ¼ of 1 mile off the road. The train moved in good, close order. Camped for the day at 12 M. on the Platte. During the forenoon and while travelling past Bro. Brown's camp a box of 150 lbs. weight, belonging to a Sister Roose, and being forwarded under H. S. Elderedge's care, was removed out of Capt. Brown's Train, in to wagon 46, of Capt. Hayt's Train. William Walker was put in charge of the last wagon (a team of 6 oxen) of Capt. Daniel M. Smith, instead of Ambrose Grow, a boy of 14 years of age, who was removed to the loose herd under the direction of Bro. Josiah Combs, Captain of the loose herd. In the afternoon 4 bundles of cotton @ 85 lbs. = 340 lbs were taken out of wagon 2; 2 bundles of cotton @ 85 lbs = 170 lbs out of wagon 3; 4 bundles of cotton @ 85 lbs = 340 lbs. out of wagon 4; 4 bundles of cotton @ 85= 340 lbs. out of wagon5; 2 bags <sacks> of coffee @ 160 = 320 lbs out of wagon 5; 1 sack of coffee @ 160 lbs out of wagon 9. The above articles having a total weight of 1670 lbs. were removed in to wagon 46, which was empty, having been a provision wagon. Travelling distance 7 mi.
Sunday, the 31st July. Travelling distance of last week that is from Sunday, the 24th of inst. up to Saturday the 30th of inst. 73 m.
Monday, the 1st August. Started at 7 a.m. Nooned at 12 m. at Deer creek for 1½ hours. Road heavy, sandy and very hilly. Magnificent scenery. Capt. Brown's train came up to us within 2 miles. Saw a train of 17 wagons move on eastward on the south side of the Platte. Noticed on the southside of Deer creek 8 houses belonging to traders. Camped for night at 7 p.m. on the Platte within 2 miles from Brown's Train. Travelled 14 m.
Tuesday, the 2d. Started at 12 minutes to 8 a.m. Road heavy, sandy and hilly. Brown's train was close behind us. Nooned 12 min. to 1 m. Started again at 3 p.m. Roady a little better, yet still heavy. Camped at 17 min past 6 p.m ½ m. from the river, 1 m from Brown's Train, on the side of a hill. Travelled 11 miles.
Wednesday, the 3d August, 1859.
Weather fine. Started ¼ to 7 a.m., Brown's company being several miles behind us. Roady heavy and sandy. Passed South Bridge across the Platte where about 20 shanties are erected. Before noon passed a very big sandhill. Nooned on the Platte at 12½ p.m. Lost 4 oxen by drowning through the negligence of the teamster who drove them to a wrong, deep place. The current of the river there is 12 miles an hour. Started again at 10 m. to 3 p.m. Road sandy and heavy with now and then a tolerably good place. Came to the upper crossing of the Platte at 4½ p.m. Travelled 9 miles.
Thursday, the 4th July <August>; Started at about 8 a.m. Road very heavy and hilly. Camped at 1 m. for the day at the foot of a red sandstone mountain. Before nooning <the cattle of> wagons 25 and 28 of Br. W.W. Reed's Ten were frightened or stampeded by some mountaineers driving a stage with mules right through the train and hooting. The provision box of wagon 25 <was> broken off, a youngster of 5 2 had his leg broken and an ox of wagon 28 was slightly injured. Grazing place about 3–4 miles off. Travelled 8 miles.on the bottom or river road. The river water was very muddy. Brown's company passed early in the morning on the main road. At 6½ Bro Joseph Young arrived suddenly in camp, coming from Brown camp which was about 4 miles off, and where he had left Bro H.S. Elderedge and Coward. During the evening meeting, Bro Joseph Young addressed the Saints for some time on the prosperous journey of the emigrating Saints.
Friday, the 5th Started at ¼ to 7 a.m. The trains after 5 miles travel on the bottom road, struck the main road. Brown's company was coming on, yet more slowly than was expected, hence our train took the lead. A train of 3 mule carriages with Bro. H.S. Elderedge, Coward and Joseph Young was met. Both trains moved on in good close order. Road excellent, yet the wind high and dusty. Travelled till ¼ past 3 p.m. when we camped on the Willow Springs. Our camp was in a little valley, surrounded with high, beautiful hills. During the evening meeting, Bro. H.S. Elderedge, Joseph Young, and Coward and Frederic Kessler addressed the Saints on their duties while travelling. Travelled 15 miles.
Saturday, the 6th August. In consequence of 40 heads having strayed off, of which 2 oxen were <could> not be found, and the rest only with difficulty, the train started not before 9 a.m. High wind and dusty. Road good. Camped at ¼ to past to 4 p.m. Creek 1 mile from Brown's camp near some springy greasewood. Travelled 11 miles. Travelling distance from 31 August up to 6, August 72 miles.
Sunday, the 7th August. The camp started at 10 minutes past 7 a.m. Road heavy and sandy with an occasional good place. Weather fine as usual with hardly any wind and little dust. At starting in the morning 5 oxen were missing, 1 of which was found in the course of the morning travel and the other 4 with the 2 that had strayed off at Willow Springs were found in Brown's herd. Bro Jesse Field and Bro. Louis were still hunting at the willow springs for the cattle that was supposed to have been lost. The two brethren are expected back this afternoon. At 11½ we entered the Rocky Mountains passing a triangular shaped range of solid rocks with here and there a bunch of grass, on the right side of the Road; on the left side at a distance of 1 or 2 miles another range of mountains were seen rising. At 11½ we passed the carrol of a Government train of 27 wagons bound for Camp Floyd U.T . At 1½ we passed a Saleratus lake to the left of the road. A company of 5 Californians with 9 horses and mules passed us early in the afternoon. Capt Brown's train was several miles ahead of us. They were seen moving towards Devil's Gate. At ¼ to 4 p.m. we camped on Sweetwater 1 mile from Rock Independence, 5 miles from Devil's Gate. Travelling distance 13 miles. At 5 p.m. Br Jesse Field and his companion Br. Louis, had returned safely from their expedition. Several Arrapahoes are were seen in and near the camp. They are <were> very friendly.
Monday, the 8th. Started at 3 minutes to 7 a.m. Weather fine, but wind high and dusty. Road fine only with an occasional sandy place. Passed Devil's Gate at 9 a.m. A grave of Catherine Reed was also found close to Devil's Gate. Met several Arrapahoe Indians on horseback who were friendly. Brown's train was 4 or 5 miles ahead of us. Passed a train of Californians. Nooned on Sweetwater at 11½ a.m. 2 miles from a trading post. Travelled till 6½ p.m. Travelled 14 miles. Passed a trading post in the afternoon.
Tuesday, the 9th August. Started at 15 minutes to 7 a.m. Weather fine, but wind high and dusty. Road heavy and sandy. Nooned at Sweetwater at 12 m. Passed a herd of 475 heads of cattle bound for California. In the afternoon while travelling on, passed a train of 12 pack horses and mules, belonging to 5 Californians. The train moved on in good order. Camped at 6 p.m. on Sweetwater, about ½ mi from the road. Travelled 11 miles.
Wednesday, the 10th of inst. Started at 7 a.m. Weather fine with no dust or wind. Road good with a few sandy places. At 10 a.m. passed the three crossings of Sweetwater. Country wildly romantic, cragged rocks rising in every direction. Nooned at 11½ m. on Sweetwater, started again at 2 p.m. 1 train of 19 wagons of Californian emigrants passed us. Camped <on Sweetwater> at 6 p.m. Met 2 wagons coming from Utah. Travelled 14 miles[.] Distance from the Valley 300 miles.
Thursday, the 11th of inst. Started at 20 minutes past 6 a.m. Road good with the exception of a few sandy places. The californian train of 19 wagons travelled ahead. Passed at 11 a.m. the U.S. mail consisting of a Carriage, 6 mules and 5 persons, going East. Nooned for 2 hours from 12 m. to 2 p.m. on a hill commanding a very extensive view. Capt. Brown's train was seen about 10 miles ahead about the 5th crossing of Sweetwater. The Windriver mountains were also seen at a great distance covered in the snow. In the afternoon much wind and dust <and some rain>. A horseman belonging to a Government train was met, hunting for lost cattle. The road was good and mostly level. Camped at 6 p.m. <1 mile from the 5th crossing of Sweetwater.> The weather had cleared off towards evening. Travelled 17 miles. Distance from the Valley 283 miles.
Friday, the 12th August. The camp started at 30 minutes past 6 a.m. Weather fine, but dusty. Nice breeze from the snow covered mountains of Windriver. Met a train of 5 horsemen from the Valley, they were brethren going East on a visit. A large herd of horses and mules with 4 drivers passed us also. Crossed Sweetwater 3 times. Road good, some times however rocky and hilly. Nooned <Camped> at 11 a.m. on Sweetwater. On account of having to cross a heavy ridge of 9 miles distance with no feed, it was determined to stop all day, and travel on next morning. Travelled 7 miles. Wagon 43 of Br. W.W. Reed's Ten was upset, the goods consisting in various druggeries were lightly damaged and Sister Sutherland was while sitting in it during the accident, was considerably hurt.
On the 10th August 6 p.m. Sister Emeline M. Walker, wife of William Walker was confined 6 miles east of the three crossings of Sweetwater who of a male child who received the name of John Sweetwater Walker.
Saturday, the 13th Started at 6½ a.m. Road good. Weather fine but dusty. Nooned at Sweetwater for 2 hours. Camped at 7 p.m. at a branch of Sweetwater. Travelled 16 miles. The train moved on <as> well as usual. Provisions were served out at 3 a.m.
Sunday the 14th. Started at 6½ a.m. Road good but high wind and much dust. Met a wagon with 2 brethren from the Valley, who went to meat the Handcart company. Also a mule team belonging to Bro. H. S. Elderedge came to meet som of his relations in our train. Nooned for 2 hours at the upper crossing of Sweetwater 10 miles from the South pass, and close to a trading post. Camped at 6 p.m. on Sweetwater close to Br. Brown's company. Feed good and water excellent. Travelled 16 miles. Distance from the Valley 237 miles. During the evening meeting Bro. [blank space] Elderedge, who had arrived that with a mule team from the Valley, made some good remarks.
Monday, the 15th. Started at 6½ a.m. Bro [blank space] Elderedge with Mrs. Hogland and family left in a mule team for the Valley. Wind high and dusty. Crossed the South pass. Road good with little sand. Met and passed Bro Brown's company at the Pacific Springs. Nooned for 2 hours at the Pacific creek. Camped for night at 7¼ p.m. No water, except what had been carried along from the Pacific Creek or Springs. Road excellent. Travelled 17 miles.
Monday Tuesday, the 16th August, 1859.
Started out again at 12 midnight in order to reach little Sandy by breakfast time. Passed Capt. Brown's camp at 1 a.m. Road good, reached little Sandy at ¼ to 6 a.m. Brown's company passed us at 9 a.m. The U.S. mail passed us <at 9 a.m.> going East. Started at 11.45 a.m. Road good. Passed Browns camp 1½ mile from the river. Camped at Big Sandy at 3¼ p.m. A <government> train from camp Floyd passed us at 3 p.m.
Wednesday, the 17th August. Started at 7 a.m. Crossed Big Sandy 2 miles from the camp. There is a trading post and a U.S. mail station at the ford of the river. A certain Louis Silver from the Valley was found there as overseer of the Station. Road good. Weather fine. An ox of Bro. Cane's Ten died. Nooned for 2 hours. Camped for night close to some high bluffs of Big Sandy, near the place where a number of government wagons had been burnt 2 years ago. Travelling distance 13 miles. Passed all along the road an unusual number of dead cattle. Passed some graves.
Thursday, the 18th August. Started 6 1-4 a.m. Road good. Weather fine. Since the 17 of inst. in the 18th evening, 14 oxen had died. Several are sick and have to be doctored. Nooned for 2 hours. Camped at 7 p.m. on Greenriver. Travelling distance 15 miles. Distance from the Valley 165 miles.
Friday, the 19th. Crossed the <Green> river at 8 a.m. Ford good and convenient. Travelled 3 miles. Brown's company passed us at a short distance. Feed good. Camped for the day on Greenriver. Some oxen were shoed, others doctored. A part of the provisions was served out in the afternoon. 3 oxen had died since the 18th of inst.
Saturday, the 20th. Started at 6½ a.m. Road sandy and broken. Passed some traders. Nooned for 2½ hours <on Greenriver>. Started again at 3-10 m.p.m. 2 oxen died. Travelled slowly. Camped at 9 p.m. on Black Smith fork close to a camp of Californians. Bro. Jesse Field had been dispatched <left that day> for Salt Lake City for the purpose of bringing back supply and relief cattle for the train. Travelled 15 miles.
Sunday, the 21st August. Weather fine. Started at 7 a.m. Road <tolerably> good. Nooned on Black Smith fork for 3 hours. Passed some traders[.] Travelled till till 7½ p.m. Travelling distance 13 miles. Camped 3 miles above Ham's fork, <on Black Smith fork> over which there leads a wooden bridge. 2 brethren from the Valley arrived in camp to meet their friends. 1 ox died that day. Crossed Black Smith fork twice.
Monday, the 22d. Started at 7 a.m. Crossed Black Smith fork once. Nooned for 2½ hours. Camped at 5 p.m. on black Smith fork. Travelling distance 12 miles. Distance from Fort Bridger 18 miles. Road sandy, heavy and broken. Passed some magnificent Rocks in the afternoon. The mail going East and a number of Californians all coming from Salt lake City passed us in the morning. 3 oxen died.
Tuesday, the 23d August 1859. Started at 8 a.m. Weather fine, but dusty. 2 oxen had died and 1 was lost on the pasture in a ravine. The starting of the train was considerably delayed by the cattle being so scattered, that some could only be found with great difficulty. Passed a number of Californians, some of whom stated that rumors were afloat that our train would be stopt at Fort Bridger. Nooned for 2½ hours on Black Smith fork. […] Passed Millersville, a depot of Mrss. Majors and Russel, in the afternoon. Camped at 7 p.m. Travelled 10 miles. In consequence of suspicious characters hanging round our camp, a strong watch was kept at night, but nothing of moment occurred only some horsemen were heard and seen dashing near the camp and the cattle. <Crossed Black Smith fork 3 times.>
Wednesday, the 24th August. Started at 5 a.m. before breakfast. Road tolerably good, yet some sandy. Camped for 2 hours about 2½ miles from Fort Bridger, on Black Smith fork. Passed Fort Bridger at 2 p.m. Crossed South fork twice after passing Bridger. Road tolerably good and even. Passed a very high mountain. Camped at 6 p.m. near a good, cold spring. Travelled 14 miles. Distance from Fort Bridger 6 miles. 2 oxen died. Met some wagons from Salt lake.
Thursday, the 25th August. Started at 7 a.m. Passed a very big mountain. Crossed little and big Muddy. Distance from big Muddy to Bear river 12 m. 2 oxen died. Nooned for 2 hours near the Muddy. Thunderstorm and light shower. Passed the sulphur and soda spring. The road was tolerably good leading through some ravines. Camped at 6½ p.m. near a spring. Feed tolerably good. Water rather scarce. Bro. Joseph Young had arrived that evening in camp. Travelling distance 12 m. Rain during a part of the night.
Friday, the 26th Started at 7 a.m. Road tolerably good. Passed a number of teamsters from Mrss. Russel's and Major's train going East with mule teams. Camped at 6½ p.m. on the dividing ridge of the great basin, near the great summit. 2 oxen died. Nooned at Sulphur creek. Crossed Bear river. No water and little wood.
Saturday, the 27th.
Crossed Yellow creek previous to passing a very big mountain. Passed some astounding rocks. Bro. Jesse Field had returned from Great Salt lake City, with the intelligence that relief cattle was on the road. Got into Echo Canyon . Crossed Camped at 6½ p.m. on Echo Canyon creek. Travelling distance 14 miles.
Sunday, the 28th. Started at 7 a.m. Nooned for 2 hours. Travelled through Echo Canyon, passed the fortifications. Camped at 6 p.m. Crossed Canyon creek 4 times. 17 yokes of Church cattle sent by the Presidency met us halfway up Echo. <Travelled 14 miles.>
Monday, the 29th. Some of the cattle not having been found before before late, the camp did not start before 11½ a.m. Crossed Weber river. Got to the mouth of Echo Canyon. Passed a trading post. Met John Taylor and Franklin D. Richards. Entered East Canyon. Travelled 13 m. Tuesday 10 yokes of relief cattle from Bishop Smith of Centerville, as well as 19 yokes <sent by the Presidency> from Spring creek Valley, went met us near Weber river. Travelled 13 m.
Tuesday, the 30th
Started about 9 a.m. Road heavy and much obstructed by stones and rocks. Frederic Holland, a teamster, of Bro Jacob's Ten had a wagon wheel go over his foot. Nooned on East Canyon creek. Rain and lightning in the evening. Camped on Canyon creek. Travelling distance 11 m.
Wednesday, the 31st. Started at 9 a.m. Crossed Canyon creek 9 times. Road bad and much obstructed. Nooned on Canyon creek. Camped at 6 p.m. on Canyon creek, between the big and little mountain. Travelled 11 m. An express had arrived from the first Presidency for the train to come in on Thursday. 15 cows are missing.
Thursday, the 1st September. Started at 6½ a.m. Passed the little mountain. Got into Emigration canyon at 11½ a.m. At 3½ p.m. the train was met by Bishop Frederic Kessler near the mouth of the Canyon. At 5 a.m. [p.m.] the train had safely arrived at the Tithing office.
P.S. Memorandum
In consequence of the bloody murrain, about 60 heads of cattle were lost, independent of 15 cows which had strayed off on the 31st August and had not been recovered up to the 1st September a.c. The train had had no deaths, but one birth.
Table of distances, as given by
Bishop Frederic Kessler,
1st June 1859, 3 miles
June 6-11, 30 miles
June 12-18, 67 miles
June 19-25, 84 miles
June 26-2 July, 100 miles
July 3-9, 88 miles
July 11-16, 96 miles
July 17-23, 65 miles
July 24-30, 73 miles
July 31st-6 August, 72 miles
August 7-13, 92 miles
August 14-20, 95 miles
August 21-27, 89 miles
August 28-1 September, 60 miles
Total 1014 miles
Weekly average travelling distance, 78 miles.
Daily average traveling distance, 11 23/44 miles.
Total time of travelling, 88 days 8 hours.