Transcript for Horne, Joseph, Reminiscences and diary 1858 Jan.- [1861] May
Brother Taylor returned from his Mission in august and By the Council of Prst Young he engaged me to go and meet the sugar company traine to asist them[.] I started about the 20
of August on horse back and was engaged with them untill about the last of November[.] I went out the first time and met them at Independance rock[.] I found that they needed more teams so I returned to the City and reported the situation of the company. Prst Young called on Br A O Smoot[.] he got up fifty yoke of the cattle belonging to the emegration fund company that he had Brought in a few weeks previous and return with me. we started about the 15th of September[.] we took out some goods for a man at Fort Bridger. I returned again to the City for more suplies of provisions[.] a short time after forwarding them, news came to the City that a few men with weak teams where still in the rear of the company with the steam Boiler[.] Brother Taylor requested me to get a few teams & provisions & go out to help them in which I did. I met the most of the company at the Big mountain[.] those with the Boilers I met near Bear river[.] we experienced much cold weather and the snow commenced falling when we where at Cash Cave and continued untill we got to the Big mountain where the snow on the east side was about three feet deep[.] we where obliged to leave our waggons[.] we got our teams through by breaking the road for them.