Transcript for Hurst, Frederick William, Autobiography and diaries, vol. 3, 13 Nov. 1857-30 Jan. 1858
. . . next day Friday, Nov. 13th we arrived in San Bernardino before sundown, Clem and I staid all night at Bro James McKnights[.] they were glad to see us[.] found Bro. & Sister Johnson living with them next morning[.] We went over to Bro. [Rablis] where the L[unceford]'s were Camped. said they intended to stay till spring and Clem & I. & Bro. Barnes were at liberty to look out for another chance to go on to the Lake[.] We accordingly took our things down to and at Father Haladay's Old House. where Bro's. N Corland and Geo F. Hendry were stopping[.] the Old gentleman gave them plenty of hay, squashes &c &c. next morning I accompanied Bro. Hendry to Sister! L's! to get a pair of Harness He lent her as he had no means to haul provisions. He thought he would trade them off[,] for Harness of and [any] discription were in great demand for all true hearted Mormons are fixing up to be off and flee to the Mountains[.] however when we got there Sister. L. said that Geo had ga[v]e the Harness to her. Now I can bear witness that he did not for I myself Borroued [borrowed] them for Mother Lunceford. again Bro. Hendry had hauled upward of 400 lbs. all the way from Eldorado to Los Angeles free of Charge and then to expect He would give them the set of Harness[.] to say the best of it, I think it is a Dirty mean trick an the part of Sister L. for they have plenty of means not only to help themselves but also to help others. Time will tell how such folks will stand. Bro. Hendry was quite disgusted went off and they Kept the Harness[.] if it had been me[,] I Know I would have taken them. next day she sent $2½ to Bro. Hendry telling him she wanted to do what was right with every body and she did not want him to feel bad &c[.] that disgusted me more than ever[.] however the Lord always proviles [prevails.] Bro. Warren Church Historian in San Bernardino told Geo He wanted to send a stove to Utah and &c & [-] would give him 25 Cents the pound for hauling &c paid him in flour and items from the Store such as Butter Beans[.] Bro Hendry told me I could go through with him if I found my own provisions. accordingly I went over to Bro. Thos. Hendry and asked him for some flour as he had plenty however he said he had spent all his money. Certain he said his Wife lately[.] Alex. Rayle had plenty of money but did not want to part with it &c. however, Bro. McKnight gave me as much corn meal as I liked to take and I gave Bro Hendry an over shirt Socks etc. Clem enjoyed to drive team through for Bro. Suney & Bro. Barne so gave on with Bro [Ral...] I got my things from Bro' Bull also a letter and [i.a...] and I gave Bro. Shearman the $20 Borroued from Bro. Cannon[.] I wrote to Bro. Bull also to Bro Abbott in answer to a letter I received from him about the Horse before spoken of &c.
Friday we rolled out alone[.] (Clem expects to start on Monday next.) The road is very sandy & rocky[.] we camped near the Mouth of the narrows after dark[.] about 3 O'clock next morning a large Wolf came prawling round the wagon scared the Horses. I. drawed my revolver to fire but thought I would first wake Bro' Hendry but he got so excited and scared the animal away. We had Breakfast over and the Horses hitched by daylight[.] drove on about half a mile and found Father Crow mov[ed] 8 Wagons. We drove onto the last water fed the Horses again—by that time Father Crow train Caught up and we all drove on together[.] This certainly is the hardest road we have traveled yet[.] We arrived at the Top about 8 Oclock P.M. It took us till long after dark before we got all the wagons over it[.] seemed impossible for the horses to pull an empty wagon up it is so steep[.] however, by about 8 Oclock we reach Camp. lucky for us we found snow on the Mountain as the animals have had to go without water.
next day Monday we rolled on down to the Mohave before reaching it however one of Father Crow Mules gave out[.] found 3 wagons Camped. also met with Bro [..ela] and Owens[.] here we found plenty of wood and water[,] grass &c
Wednesday Nov 25th 1857 we have been waiting here for more strength. Br. Wandell Company camped about 300 yards above us the night before last[.] All well. 14 Wagons &c[.] last night we had a good meeting[.] I have been suffering from severe cold cough &c these last few day's.
Thursday Nov. 26th 1857 spent the day very agreeably visiting round the various camps[.] bye the bye Mother Lunceford arrived[.] last night some of the Sisters practiced shooting with revolvers. Sister Menda [Minda] Crow & Whitlock proved the best shot. Met with Bro Silas Smith, Joseph Smith[,] Wm. E. Pack.[,] Edward Partridge[.] they are along with Bro' Wandell Company all in good health & I was truly glad to see them.
Bro. Silas showed me a translation of the Revelation on Polegamy [polygamy] in the Hawaiian Language by himself[.] we had quite a social chat together in Hawaiian.
Friday Nov. 27th 1857 Mohave traveled 20 Miles down the river the two Miss. Whitlocks accompanied us about two miles were we got some wild grape, there is scarcely any feed where we have camped. wood & water plenty. The wind blows very about a hurricane in fact it has done these 3 or 4 days past. there has also been severe very heavey showers of rain which makes every thing around camp &c unpleasant[.] We held meeting this evening. Bro H[enry] G[reen] Boyle who is here on business Presided over the meeting[.] He thought it best to Organize before we proceeded further altho' we only numbered 26 soul. 11 [or 14] able bodied men the rest women and children. Father 7 Wagons[,] 31 Horses & Mules &c[.] Father Crow was voted in Captain, F. W. Hurst Chaplin, Clerk &c[.] Bro' [Benjamin] Brown Crow Seargent of Guard, Bro' Boyle Counselled us to Keep United to assist each other. the Wagons to Keep close together &c &c[.] He prophisied that if we will do right nothing shall either befall our animals or ourselves. but the Lord would bless us
Saturday Nov. 28th Traveled 20 Miles, plenty of grass[,] wood & water &c
Sunday staid in Camp all day[.] quite a number of us practiced with our revolvers. I had a good bath this afternoon & Br. Boyle & Mr. John Crow rode down to the [l.i...]] crossing found Cap. B W.B. Prestons Company on the eve of starting out over the Desert. he wanted to wait for us. but Bro. Boyle Counselled them to roll out. The Salt L[ake] Mail arrived about 11 Oclock P.M. but they were so close that we got very little information except thro' the medium of the D[eseret]. News
Monday Nov. 30th 1857 traveled 20 Miles to the lower Crossing feed and wood scarce[.] we lay camp till
Wednesday Dec. 2 nd 1857, when we rolled out across the first Desert[.] we traveled about 20 Miles then camped two hours then resumed our Journey and traveled to the bitter springs[.] I walked all the way on foot 40 Miles[.] the poor animals were very much go[a]ded for most part of the road has been very heavy sand and rocks. The water here is very bad[.] we camped about two Oclock A.M. and
after Breakfast on Thursday we rolled out again till evening[.] camped till moonrise about 8 Oclock then pushed on the road dreadfull rocky.
We reached the Salt Springs Just after sunrise. We[,] animal and all were completely tired out[.] as soon as Breakfast was over most of us turned into bed. We have been Blessed with very cool & cloudy wether. I feel thankful to Our Heavenly Father for [H]is watch care us for indeed both us and our animals have been greatly blessed[.] so far this Second Desert is fifty Miles across[.] certainly as the Book of Mormon declared the face of the land is defaced. I Often think as I am traveling along of the mighty revalations that have taken place on this Continent. Oh how I long to see the Day when the earth will be renewed & glorified
well on Saturday morning. Dec. 5th [18]57, we pursued our journey[.] the road seems to get worse and worse[.] it has been so sandy it was with difficulty the animals got along. We followed the Saleratus Creek for some ten miles. Camped till midnight then pushed on but the animals were so tired that they stalled in several places[.] However after traveling 3 or four Miles we found fresh water[.] accordingly we camped until about noon on Sunday.
Dec. 6th 1857 in the evening we had a meeting. Just before we dismissed a violent storm of wind arose and blew down two Tents[.] it came so suddenly and powerful it almost blew the Wagon over. There is plenty of grass & water.
Monday we drove on to the Resting Springs[,] lay camped till
Wednesday[.] drove on till near midnight, camped at Stump Springs[.] some of the Company were very much alarmed at the sight of [fil..s] supposed to be Indians &c.
Thursday night we camped at Mountain Springs[.] there are quite a number of Wagons ahead[.] the wether is extreme cold morning and evening[.] I feel thankful it is no worse[.] drove on to Cottonwood Springs[,] found 14 Wagons Camped. I did not like the spirit there manifested. I tried to get up a meeting[.] they said there was no one to take the lead. I enquired have you no Chaplin. No! well! don't you hold meetings sometimes and have prayer mornings and evenings. they answered No! well said I[,] have you no Captain? Yes! Bro' [blank space] Tanner. I told them we held meetings had prayers &c and the Lord had and was still blessing us[.] I spent the evening with Bro & Sis Hyatt
next day Saturday we drove onto the Boiling an Sandy Springs[.] here we saw the first Indians they were very friendly[.] We had to feed about a dozen next morning[.] Some few of us had a bath in the Springs[,] strange to relate we could not sink[,] staid in as long as we dared then walked to las Vegas. Camped in the Fort. Threat of rain all day[.] held meeting in the afternoon[.] Bro. Hamlen [Hamblin], Indian Missionarys and I addressed the meeting followed by Bro Crisman and myself &c. They left Bro. Tanner Company and joined ours. We number 9 wagons now &c.
Monday Dec. 13 We rolled out on to the Desert and arrived on the Muddy about 3 P.M.
th> the animals most tired out here[.] We are almost starved to Death with the Indians. We have to give!! give! all the time[.] some of them danced in the evening. here we met Bro' Letoon & Collins—Missianaris, both well and rejoiced to see us[.] We spent the evening very agreeably singing &c &c.
Wednesday, Dec. 15th 1857 we lay in camp all day. Cap. Tanners' Train (12 Wagons) arrived about 4 Oclock P.M. in the evening we held meeting round the camp fire[.] quite a number of the Bro' spoke their feelings.
Next day, we pushed on to the Rio Virgin where we arrived late at night[.] one of Mother Lunceford Wagons Broke down near the Top of the Hill. Mother Crow had a fall which nearly proved fatal[.] she is not able to use her left arm[.] I Believe her collar bone is Broken.
Friday Dec 17 fixed up a new axle to Mrs Ls' Wagon. The Train started on ahead[.] we did not reach camp till after dark.
Saturday Dec. 18th traveled about 4 Miles[.] had to camp on account of Bro Hendry' Horses gave out (they got alKalied)[.] accordingly we agreed to leave the Wagon[,] Iseac (an Indian Chief) [in] charge till we could get to Santa Clara[,] get the horses recruited and then return and get the wagon probably in 3 or 4 weeks.
Next day we traveled on but the animals were weary[.] the road is very sandy and heavey however[.] meeting with Sunday adventures with the Indians and other things
we arrived on the Santa Clara on the 23rd of 1857 where we found Bro' Amasa Lyman (One of the Twelve) with about 30 Wagons[.] He had 18 Wagons to assist in the emmigration returning[.] shortly after we arrived Bro L. Called a meeting and addressed us at some length giving us some excellent instruction relative to the Indians &c
on Christmas day Father Crows' Family rolled on down to the Fort (on the Santa Clara) Mother Lunceford started for Cedar City. Sister Hyatt offered an chance to get as far as Parowan City. Bro Hendry felt real bad about it but I was counselled so I embraced the Opportunity accordingly
we started on the 26th and
arrived in Parowan Dec. 30th I drove a Buggy all the way[.] we staid at Pinto Creek[.] five miles the other side we met Bro' John Hyatt with a four Horse Team to put his Mother in.
Got to Cedar City on the 29th[.] staid at Bishop Smith'. here I saw Bro' Shearman & Barnes etc. I found Bro Paul Smith and Wife in Parowan[.] I knew them in Australia[.] they are very comfortably situated Considering they came in last Spring[.] I staid four weeks in Parowan[.] could get no employment[.] Br. [Wand..] very kindly offered to take one of us to the Vally
accordingly about on January 29th we started[,] called at Red Creek[,] held meeting staid all night next evening we arrived in Beaver City[.] Bro Heywood accompanied us as well as Bro. Mullford—Henery and his Daughter we put at Bro Rogers where we were treated very hospitably,
next day Saturday th> Bro Heywood counselled me to stay in Beaver, Consequently Bro [Wa.del] <& I> went forth with and selected a lot each (though he is going on to the City to report himself &c[.] Bro [Ha..d] offered (if I would I live with him for the time being) his team half the time offering to help me get up a Log House and fence my Lot[.] &c. I accepted the offer
started on Monday morning yoked up the Oxen. The first I ever yoked in my life[.] went to the Kanyon got a log of wood