Transcript for Hyde, William, "Correspondence," Semi-Weekly Telegraph, 6 July 1868, 2
HYDE PARK, June 27, 1868.
On Monday the 15th inst., I started, in company with others, on a fishing excursion to Bear Lake. The second evening we reached Paris, the county seat of Rich County, at which place Gen. Rich resides, and also the kind hearted and much esteemed Saxey. Paris is certainly a beautiful place and the proper location for the county-seat, and I came to the conclusion while there, that it mattered but little about the altitude of the valley, so long as it is presided over by a person in possession of as large and warm a heart as is that possessed by Gen. Rich, for it must produce, and if present prospects are a proper indication, that people will reap an abundant harvest the present season.
At Paris we overtook Capt. Molen, in charge of the ox teams from Cache and Rich counties, bound for the terminus of the railroad, to assist the emigration.
On the morning of the 17th Capt. M. rolled out, having gathered up his entire train, consisting of 55 ox teams and two mule teams, one of which belongs to father Thatcher, of Logan, Aaron Thatcher being assistant to Capt. Molen. This train is composed of the best teams and wagons and general outfit that have ever left the northern counties and it has the right man in charge, and his company is composed of the right kind of boys.
Soon after the train had started, myself and company followed and, passing through Bloomington, St. Charles and two or three smaller settlements, went round the south end of the lake and down on the east side eight or ten miles, to a place called North Eden. This North Eden, with the exception of the fishery is run by one family. We found the seine at this place, belonging to Dudley Merrill, of Cache county, in successful operation.
The next day after our arrival, brother Merrill hauled on shore, and five of us dressed and salted, ready for use, about ten barrels of beautiful fish. I cannot say that this business of dressing and salting fish would be so very pleasing to an Editor, but if the sail we had on this beautiful lake, the water of which is so clear that trout, mullet, and white fish can be seen to the depth of from 20 to 30 feet, wouldn’t be a pleasurable pastime for an Editor, especially if he had the right kind of company, then I have not comprehended that class of men.
On the eighth day we arrived at our homes in Hyde Park, which place is situated, at present, in the midst of a sea of grain. Last year, when the President and company passed through this county, there was but little to be seen but sunflowers, as the grasshoppers had eat the grain and as they wont eat sunflowers, they were left in the full enjoyment of the entire strength of the soil. But with a full crop of wheat, sown in the proper season, the sunflowers (although as natural to this soil as musquitoes are to the swamps of Florida) do us no harm. Could the same company pass through this season, they would discover a very great and happy contrast.