
Transcript for "Immigration In," Deseret News, 23 November 1865, 52

IMMIGRATION IN.—Captain Orson Arnold's train returned to the city on Wednesday night 15 inst., bringing all the women and children and some of the men of [William] Willis' company. Thirty-eight men are with the ox-teams, and will most probably reach the city in a few days. This will close the present season' immigration, Captain [Miner G.] Attwood's train having arrived on Wednesday evening, 8th inst., and Captain [Henson] Walker's the next day. Bishop Hunter and his counselors, L. W. Hardy and J. C. Little, had made the necessary arrangements for ministering to the wants of the immigrants. The appearance of the people on arriving was not indicative of their having suffered from the journey, as good health and spirits were the rule and not the exception. Bishop Sheets, Elder G. Goddard and others of our citizens were busy with the new-comers, finding them homes, looking to their welfare, and otherwise having them properly cared for, and in a short time nearly all of them had found their friends. Captain Arnold made good time both out and back, of which those whom he brought in seemed to be appreciatively sensible. Their arrival in such good condition before any very cold weather has set in is highly gratifying.