
Transcript for "Immigration of 1868," Semi-Weekly Telegraph, 28 September 1868, 3


IMMIGRATION OF 1868.—The following is a summary of this season’s immigration across the plains, with the date of arrival of each train in this city, the captain’s names, number of passengers, wagons, &c., as reported:—

August 19th, J[ohn]. R. Murdock, 600 passengers, and 50 mule teams;

August 20th, J[oseph]. H. Rollins [Rawlins], 300 passengers, and 32 horse and mule teams;

Aug. 20th, Chester Loveland 293 passengers, and 40 teams;

Aug. 24th, Horton D. Haight, 275 passengers, and 46 ox teams;

August 29th, W[illiam]. S. Seeley, 272 passengers, and 39 teams,

September 2nd, D[aniel] McArthur, 405 passengers, and 61 teams;

Sept. 2nd, S[impson]. M. Molen, 300 passengers, and 61 ox teams;

Sept. 15th, J[ohn]. Gillespie, 500 passengers, and 50 ox teams;

Sept. 24th, E[dward]. S. Mumford, 250 passengers, and 28 mule teams; and

Sept. 25th, J[ohn]. G. Holman, 606 passengers, 62 teams, and 40 independent passengers with 8 teams.