Transcript for "Interesting From Utah," New York Times, 1 Sept. 1862, 3
Uncertainties of the overland Mail—Drowning Casualties—Fourth of July
in the Back Settlements—Emigration—A Mormon plan for and Iron-clad.
Correspondence of the New-York Times.
Half of the warm season is past, and still our Eastern mail is precarious. We are not likely to receive or forward any mail matter eastward for two or three weeks, during the movement of the Company's traps from the Sweetwater to the Bitter Creek route, which is now in operation by ox teams. After the location of the new route is fully completed, I do hope that something will happen, and continue to happen, to insure regular and efficient mail communication across the continent, and thus restore and maintain the confidence of the public in the Central Overland Route. If such be not the case, why, the next thing will be to hope that the fire-horse will soon be along on his iron track, and drive off the route every vestige of the mail stage fixings.
Such being the current circumstances, I forward the present by way of San Francisco and the Isthmus, trusting that New-York will thereby be reached in due time. . . .
The emigration to California from the States appears now to be at its height. Our dry and dusty benches, and the State road southward, are one continual cloud, or, at least, series of clouds, of fine choking particles from the constant travel of wagons, horses and cattle. In consequence of this emigration cash is more common than it usually is. The emigrants are taking with them some excellent stock, particularly horses.
The stream, however, is not entirely in one direction. A small company entered this city a few days ago, from the West, who, from their talk, evidently considered California-gold mines, fertile soil, fine climate and all-as about played out. One spokesman of the crowd had been in California several years, but he could not get along, couldn't make anything, so he had got weary and given it up, and concluded to try somewhere else, he scarcely knew where. Abundant as gold was, there was no money stirring in California, and I suppose the late floods had not materially brightened the gloomy prospects to his eyes. . . .
Mr. HOWARD EGAN has received the agency of the Overland Mail route westwardly, Mr. ROVE having resigned. Mr. EGAN is an old hand on the route.