Transcript for J. Millet on Cape Breton Island, 1927, 89-92
an Experience with mountain or large Timber wolves between Fort Bridger of Salt Lake City Sept 11. 1850.
I left Saint Joseph Missouri the fore part of May 1850 went up to the starting point oposite the mouth of the platt[e] river (Council Bluffs Iowa) on the Missouri river. There ingaged to help the Hatch brothers with their out fit going with David Evins [Evans] company of Emigrants and some gold seekers on the way to California. We left the West bank of the river early in June. The Cholery [cholera] broke out in the Companies. (That year was a big Emigration to the West for Utah, Oregon and California. That year the Emigrant trail was marked by their graves. We reburied some that the wild beasts had dug up. only 6 (six) died in our company. up on the platt river I left the Hatch brothers went into Mr. John Bairs Company to drive one of his teams relieving one of his daughters from the task. The Bufflo’s were very numerous that year on the Plains running through our trains causing many stampedes, brokin wagons and other accidents. We traviled on the South side of the Platt river up by Fort Curney [Kearny] on to the South Platt. then crost over and struck the North Platt river at ash Hollow[.] There we had much trouble with Bufflo. We – began to take in the sights, Chimney rock, Scotts Bluffs[,] Laramie Peak in the distance past fort Laramie (old Fort John.) Then our Road soon intered the black hills and some red hills. we past (crost) some nice stream coming down from the Larama [Laramie] Peaks[.] The Peaks had been in sight for several days. We recrossed the Platt to the North Platt side then to the West to the sweet Water [Sweetwater,] indepindince [Independence] rock[,] Devils gate[,] up the sweet water. We crossed through the South Pass, Pacific Springs[,] Past the two Sandys, Little Sandy & Big Sandy. Then crossed to and over the green river. Travel being slow, provisions & game being scarce.
on the 11, Sept. 1850 Samuel Hochkinson lift John Bairs Company on Hams fork of Green River in company with Joseph Millett a boy of 16 years old. Walked to Fort Bridger Stopped over night with George D. Grant and Charles Decker. They furnished us with one quilt[,] gave us supper and some breakfast and gave us each a buisket [biscuit] a peice to go on with. They said they thought we would overtake a company on Bear river. We walked on verry fast reached bear river before or about Sun set[.] Tho tired and hungry we trudged on expecting to over take the train very soon. Darkness come on. no matches to make fire. I had my gun but little amunition. Sam had one light blanket. When the night came on the big wolves set up their dismal howl. We walked the faster. Sam being right from England that same year I thought I would scare him by telling him some of the tirrible wolf stories I had <heard> the lumber men tell about the wolves and their fierce attacks on black river Wisconsin. The wolves ceased their howling for a while. (my feet had got sore I took of my shoes and carried them in my hands. We quickend our pace thinking to over take the train. We past Yellow Creek into Echo Canyon. We had heard cracking of bush at our left. all at once a loud doleful howl in the road behind us. Sam sprang forward and left me far in the rear. another loud howl ahead. Sam came back with a bound saying, what shall we do. There were some trees up at the left [“]let us run and climb them.” Just then another howl & cracking of bush. Sez he, “What shall we do.” “oh come with me” We sprang acrossed the creek at the North saw some bad rocks that had rolled down the Mountain. we made for one and got on it just in time to save our selves. So the wolves lost their meat. There was one aproach would have reached us but I shot with gun.